Friday, November 26, 2021

3 Birthdays

 "Me first, me first, please Lynn."

I'll let folks know what we are celebrating, but you
are the youngest, so your story goes last. Sorry.

November is time for me to celebrate birthdays for my sweet
Seney, and Precious. And my own, not that there is ever any
celebrating on that one anymore.
Seney was born almost 40 years to the day after me. I always
enjoyed knowing we were such an even number of years apart.
I was born in 1952, so I am now 69. Don't even know how that
happened. Lets just skip me and get on to the good stuff.

Seney was born 1992, and she lived a little past her 20th
birthday.  I've never had a cat live so long. I still am amazed
by this. She was 11 weeks old when I picked her up. 
She came home with me in the dead of winter and
slept on my pillow that night. She continued that for the rest
of her life.  I fell asleep (or not) to the pull of her toes in my
hair and the sound of her loud purr.

Precious was born in the fall of 2011, and the orphanage
really doesn't know just when, so I figured why not just
make her birth month celebration November!  She is now
10 years old one way or another. Close enough in cat years.

"So, Lynn,  I still have another 10 years to go, right?
But I only sleep at the foot of the bed or anywhere else
in the house I like. Your pillow is not big enough for the 
two of us."

So another year just escapes me and I cannot
figure out where time goes.  Or does it actually
not go anywhere?

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 19, 2021


 "I never want to go outside. It's not safe for kitties."

Just the other day, going into the big little city to grocery
shop, I spied a poor cat on the road. Of course, it had been
struck by a vehicle very recently. I was not in a good place
to stop and move it off the road from my lane.
A twisty hilly country lane. But on the way back just a
short time later, I was able to park off the road on the other
side and walk about 50 feet to pick the beautiful tabby up.
What really saddened and angered me is this 6 month or
so young kitten was wearing a too tight flea collar. I imagine
the owner must have thought they were doing the right thing 
to keep parasites off a kitten. But then to turn it out when
the kitten must not have yet realized where "home" was
simply meant it would do the natural cat thing and wander off.
It did not have an id tag of any kind. And I doubt it had
been spayed or neutered.
I think it would have had no chance to survive outside,
one way or the other.  We live in the country, not in town
with fenced yards where a cat may not stray far from 
home. Out this way, it must
be too enticing to go farther and farther.
I know Blackie is an outside cat, but he has managed
to stay close to the hand that feeds him and not yet 
get struck. Too many cats lose out against the odds
of living wild.

" I'm glad I'm an
inside girl."

These fellows are on the move now.  I have see at least 7 different
bucks, all distinquished by their different shape antlers.

Same corner of the yard one day later. Our first
snow of the year.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 12, 2021


 "Lynn, this thing has no wacky weed smell.  Just what

am I supposed to do with it?"

I know Precious.  I just thought you might like
to help me show her off.
Actually, I'm a bit like Shirley Temple's mother.
I am forcing my girl to work in front of the camera.

I bought the plain white stuffed body back in March at the
volunteer sewing/craft store for just $1.

I had bits and pieces of left over cloth and finally decided 
to make her a Fall girl.  

My craft projects are generally simple and only
one thing going on at a time.

I don't put out a lot of seasonal decorations, even
though I enjoy seeing others. Therefore, just one
doll for this year during the Fall season, my simple
pumpkin wreath on the door inside and a bowl of

"I'm just not feeling it, Lynn.  Why don't
you just show off me?  I am a ready to 
play girl, not a Fall girl."

Actually, I'm not ready for this cold weather.
It means staying in the neighborhood and walking
the seriously steep hill here every day for exercise.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Recovering bit by bit

 "My mouth hurts, I can't talk today but I'll gladly show off."

Thursday about 11 AM, I was thinking on going the 
20 mile round trip to buy some canned food for Precious.
I'd have gone at the drop of a hat, but I opened the cupboard,
and found a packet of salmon, the small individual helping size
of 2.5 oz. I keep a couple on hand for fast food or when the power
is off.  
Precious has never ever asked for it when I eat some, so I was
not sure how she'd act. But as you can see, she dove into about
1 ounce very quickly. Then hid under the bed again. I gave her
another once or so at 2 PM and she devoured it, too. But back
she went to hide.
She came out into the living area at 4 PM on the lure of her 
hair brush.  We had maybe 5 minutes instead of the usual 15 or 20.
But I felt better about her.
She even started eating some of her dry food, so no more salmon.
I really don't need for her to get diarrhea on top of everything else.

Instead of leg time, I simply enjoyed the view in the
evening of Precious in her bed. I actually got to spend a
couple hours reading in my recliner using both hands. Usually
I read one handed and it is a painful trick sometimes.

This photo above, was taken today at noon when I returned
from going into the big little city for my acupuncture and
a couple errands. Precious came out to ask for lunch and
to check out the items I brought home.

I never used the Buprenorphine on my previous cats.
It is true that it's been 15 years or so since Seney had 4 
molars pulled at one time and I wonder if the meds then
were something different. Seney only had antibiotics that
I remember, not pain meds. 
I knew she'd recover OK, I just feel guilty that I put her through
something painful and scary, but for her own good.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Teeth Cleaning

               Precious had her teeth cleaned on Wednesday Nov. 3.  Things are

                not going well yet today,  Thursday.  She is not eating or drinking.

                And she is hiding under the bed constantly since she came home

               5 PM.   Thankfully, she had good teeth for nearly 10 years old and

               there were no extractions.


               No leg time for us last night.  And no combing.  It really makes

               me anxious, but I know she'll be OK.  

              The doctor sent home liquid pain meds.  She is supposed to have

              2 of the doses today and one tomorrow.  I gave her one last night and

              since she can't be dragged out, and she's not eating, I am not going

              to even try to give her more.

Why do good things for pets end up seemingly so bad?
I guess one good thing was her weight had gone down from
16.6 to 16.1.  And, alright, you've got me on this one.
I did decrease the amount of her dry food by about 20
dry crunchies a day.  I have always rounded up her 1/2 cup
by a slight amount. Now I am strictly keeping the amount
absolutely even steven with the rim of the cup.  I guess
it has helped there. And she has not begged for the missing
food before this.
The other thing about the doctor.  When her blood work
came back,  the thyroid number was 2.6 "in the gray area",
and her urine had a teeny tiny amount of protein in it.
So I asked if this was indicative to a 10 year old.  And the
answer was, the thyroid is just fine at that number and
the protein is probably because they stabbed her bladder with
a gigantic (Precious' description) hypodermic needle and the
protein could just be body material.  
So I can quit worrying about all those numbers and concentrate 
on how to get her back to her normal.
  One thing we do have going for us, her and I have 5 days home
alone.  That should help her be more calm. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

From quiet to purrs and meows

  "I was afraid to talk when I came to live with you, Lynn. It wasn't until we started playing chase the ball and frog-ona-stick di...