Friday, November 12, 2021


 "Lynn, this thing has no wacky weed smell.  Just what

am I supposed to do with it?"

I know Precious.  I just thought you might like
to help me show her off.
Actually, I'm a bit like Shirley Temple's mother.
I am forcing my girl to work in front of the camera.

I bought the plain white stuffed body back in March at the
volunteer sewing/craft store for just $1.

I had bits and pieces of left over cloth and finally decided 
to make her a Fall girl.  

My craft projects are generally simple and only
one thing going on at a time.

I don't put out a lot of seasonal decorations, even
though I enjoy seeing others. Therefore, just one
doll for this year during the Fall season, my simple
pumpkin wreath on the door inside and a bowl of

"I'm just not feeling it, Lynn.  Why don't
you just show off me?  I am a ready to 
play girl, not a Fall girl."

Actually, I'm not ready for this cold weather.
It means staying in the neighborhood and walking
the seriously steep hill here every day for exercise.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

It was'nt till l got to the end of the
post..l realised what a 'Fall' girl was!
AND..Not what l was thinking in the first
place..! :).
Of course over here in the UK..we don't
call it Fall..but Autumn..!
But..just now were into Winter..mild and
wet at the moment..! :(.

HeHe! No! I don't bother with decorations
either, not since my daughter went off to
University a hundred years ago..26yrs ago
actually..! :).
But! I do have an 18inch 'Pink' tree that
has sat on the coffee table under the standard
light for 4yrs now..never been put away, it
sits there with it's little silver baubles...

Anyway Precious..You and Mum stay indoors
and keep warm..! :O).
🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎄 🎅 🎅 🎄 🎅

Smudge said...

Oh Precious, you're all the decoration anyone could ever need! And Lynn, your talents are most wonderful and dad says this reminds him of his dear departed mom, who could make just about anything when it came to sewing, crafts, knitting, crocheting, drawing, and on and on and on. Have a fabulous weekend, and we hope it'll be warm-ish where you are!

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, some decorations do deserve to stay up all year. When you really enjoy something and just keep looking at it.

Kea said...

That Fall girl is adorable! I have no craft/diy talents, so I'm always impressed by those who do.

As for decorating, I used to go all out for Christmas, but I've been on my own now for many years and it's not quite the same. So between that and just getting older and lazier, I've pared back quite a bit. I have holiday/winter floral arrangements (mostly end-of-season clearance from Michael's) and I do have a little two-foot tabletop tree with warm white LED lights. That, plus the warm white light strings I put up, lend the dark evenings a cosy, cheerful glow. :-)

Lynn and Precious said...

Winter darkness puts me over the edge some days. I keep a string of tiny blue Christmas lights over and around the front window and some days they stay on from breakfast til bedtime.

Julie said...

I just love your sweet Fall Girl Lynn - even if Precious is not amused. Maybe you could make her an orange coloured pumpkin filled with catnip to play with. Your little bowl of gourds are beautiful - I just love them - they are always one of my favourite things. Have a lovely weekend both of you. xx

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Princess Precious (Jo Jo and Marv wave wildly). We are so furry happy to see you! What an amazing fall grrl that your human made. She is beautiful! If she were at our house, she might get bunny kicked by is cats. We like the gourds. We can't wait for Mom to put up the Christmas Cat Toys!
Princess Jo Jo is not worried about going to the vet. It is for her shots (and being told she is too fat). She probably won't have anything else happen. Kozmo is going and he will get his blood stolen. He has lost a lot of weight and Mom is worried.

Rajani Rehana said...

Super blog

Katie Isabella said...

That spammer remark maker just above me is sure busy. I get one remark from them a day, it seems. I just finally marked it now as spam and poof ! Gone. Anyway, It gets hard with the gloom these days, for sure. Mom just keeps busy and tries not to focus on it.

John Bellen said...

What a cute little autumn girl. I don't put out a lot of decorations, either, but, like you, enjoy seeing them. Is the autumn girl going to go inb your front window?

R's Rue said...

So cute.

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

Te ha quedadado una muñeca adorable y tu gato no juega con ella?

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...