"Lynn, I am glad these kitties have grey onesies like me. But how come they gotta wear clothes?"
Friday, November 29, 2024
Pilgrim Cats
Friday, November 22, 2024
How'd they git my picture?
"Lynn, did you see the November calendar girl? It is my kittenhood photo! Even you never saw me as a kitten."
Friday, November 15, 2024
A Long Day Out
"Lynn took off early one morn this Fall fur to see museums. They were not close to home at all but she said worth the 180 round mile trip. She did git home in time fur my late late brunch and then supper."
Friday, November 8, 2024
Time 'er achangin'
"I am sorry to purr that my time on the catio is coming to an end. The horrible trip to Dr. Feelbad left me is such bad shape that I have little interest in goin' out. Lynn spent 3 days UTB with me, on her belly, to hold my noggin in one hand and brush me non-stop with the other. The man who rubs my belly ran to the store at 5:30 AM the second morn to git me lots of lickable treats. Nevfur evfur had 'em afore. Lynn tried enticing me to eat one drop of lickable at a time on her fingers. 3 days later I finally felt like a short and quick trip to the rest of the house. Now I'm eating my favorite crunchies but spending most of the day and night UTB.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Orange Glow
"Lynn, who heard of an orange Christmas tree? What were you thinking?"
My Little Valentine
"Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends." "I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday! That...

"Lynn, I hope Brody likes full figgered gals like me." Before at 5 pounds and 15 months old. Now 15 pounds and 12 years old. For...
"I look at these prairie doggies ev-furry time I am in the bed room. Lynn says they are now so old, they break the world record fur l...
"Lynn, how many times do I ask you not to go anywhere? When will you listen to me!" I know Precious. We were having 7 whole days...