Friday, November 29, 2024

Pilgrim Cats

 "Lynn, I am glad these kitties have grey onesies like me.  But how come they gotta wear clothes?"

It isn't often I get cat help when I decide to mess around
with some kind of craft project.  But earlier in the warm 
weather,  Precious and I had a few quiet days at home alone.

When I was not biking or outside, I decided to make
these cats.  I have had the pattern for years.  It was 
supposed to be easy making the clothes out of felt
and simply glue them together.  Well, let me say,
my fabric glue did nothing but make a mess.  I had
to hand stitch every thing.  Drove me nuts.  I do
not do well with "fiddlely" things as Julie at
My Threadbare Life.

"I'm totally bored with these cats.  They do nothing by stare out
of their green eyes.  I'm goin' to go to sleep now."

A few more museum photos.
This was definitely NOT a bike ride trip, lol.

What ever happened to Puss 'n Boots food?

Precious and I thank you for all the birthday wishes.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 22, 2024

How'd they git my picture?

 "Lynn, did you see the November calendar girl?  It is my kittenhood photo!  Even you never saw me as a kitten."

"And they knew we celebrate our birthdays in
November!  There must be some magic in our
birthdays this year.  I'm now a teenager! 

"I don't look a day over 12, do I?"

No Precious, you still look young and lovely.
We do celebrate getting older every November
and it was a treat to see you on the calendar.
I'm just sorry I did not know you when you were this

Precious 15 months.

And as for me,  I'll be 72 in a couple days.
Not getting any younger, lol.

Precious is back to her usual self. I am thankful for that.
She still spends too much time hiding during the mornings.
But that is the time of day I make her appointments.
She's getting on my legs for TV time in the eve.

Our first snow yesterday.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 15, 2024

A Long Day Out

"Lynn took off early one morn this Fall fur to see museums.  They were not close to home at all but she said worth the 180 round mile trip.  She did git home in time fur my late late brunch and then supper."

I went to Alliance, Ohio and saw the 
Cat Fanciers Museum.  Cheap fee of $3.
So many statues and dressed cat dolls.
I thank Miss Vicky at Eastside Cats for the heads up
on this place.

"Willie, here's pink fur you."

Luck Cats that are coin banks and tea pots too.

And who did not ever eat Jell-O!

"Not us kitties, Lynn."

Even the restroom was decorated.

And this was teeny tiny.

"Lynn and I hope we have not bored anyone into a nap.
She had such fun looking at all the kitty statues.  And there
is a library with lots of cat books she has read!"

And some important cat show history and photos of 
blue ribbon winners from years ago.

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It is much appreciated.


Friday, November 8, 2024

Time 'er achangin'

 "I am sorry to purr that my time on the catio is coming to an end. The horrible trip to Dr. Feelbad left me is such bad shape that I have little interest in goin' out.  Lynn spent 3 days UTB with me, on her belly, to hold my noggin in one hand and brush me non-stop with the other.  The man who rubs my belly ran to the store at 5:30 AM the second morn to git me lots of lickable treats.  Nevfur evfur had 'em afore.  Lynn tried enticing me to eat one drop of lickable at a time on her fingers.  3 days later I finally felt like a short and quick trip to the rest of the house.  Now I'm eating my favorite crunchies but spending most of the day and night UTB.

"From  now on I will be gittin' my fresh air out the window
while Lynn is feeding the winter birdies and filling the 
water baths fur them."

"I miss my moths and having Chippie dare to
dart across the catio in furont of me. Now he
sits outside eatin' acorns and sticking his tongue out at me."

"He just doesn't understand I am inside plotting my 
strategy fur next Spring.  I just know he'll be thinking he's 
safe then."

"He'll be as safe as this 18 month old doe.
She doesn't know it yet, but a boy will be looking fur
her soon and furry soon.  Then she'll have babies
fur the furst time next Spring.
Lynn has had to give up the bike fur walking the
hills at home.  She's gone less time and gits lotsa
company furom the deers and skwierlls."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Orange Glow

 "Lynn, who heard of an orange Christmas tree?  What were you thinking?"

"Folks, Lynn had me working hard on this tiny
orange lit tree.  I had to rearrange the lights and
put out the Autumn dolly and gourds.
She 'bout wore out my sharp claws and I got
lotsa needle pricks."

"Lynn said we were trying for a Fall kinda
light fest or some such thing.  Mostly it keeps
me awake during leg time at night.  This thing
has been lit since late September.  Fur Halloween 
and such."

"She went a bought a brand new 5 foot 
pre-lit Christmas tree.  I will not have to do
the lightin' on it.  Just help hang ornaments. So I'm
just pawsitive my soft tender toes will not 
git prickled."

"Of course, silly Lynn wanted to show off her furiend
who lives at the water spigot outside.  She uses this tap
fur most of her bird bath filling and carrying buckets and
buckets of water during the drought.  She says this guy
never gives her any trouble and she LIKES him!  Yikes."

"I got home furom the v-e-t dental appointment with all
my pearly whites.  But they nipped my claws!
I am less itchy now at 2 weeks later, and not barking yet."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

My Little Valentine

  "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends."  "I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday! That...