Friday, December 31, 2021

Watering Hole

 "Now, Lynn, when did I ever knock anything over? I'm a cat, we just don't do that."

You may remember I posted about Precious and need
for water during popcorn time.  Well, I found a heavy
glass that is just her size to take the place of my
small light weight plastic glass.

It didn't hurt the look for me with blue bicycle on it, either.
But the real reason for the glass is that I was worried that
one of us would tip the plastic glass over onto the multiple
bingbat cable TV and DVD controls. 

And my cell phone that lies on the small table all day
long when I'm home.  I really didn't have much fear
of Precious being to one to spill water onto everything
that is too expensive to replace.  Just me when I did
anything.  And now we keep the glass in the fridge during
the hot days while Precious takes her long naps. I pull
it out for her when she gets up or she reminds me it
is missing from the table.

Precious and I wish you all a Happy New Year with
only good things to come.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Her Christmas Gift

"I like it when you change things just for me, Lynn."

I only moved a pillow out of Precious' way from on the top shelf
to under it.  It had started falling over every time she leaped
up to her high shelf and I got tired of picking it up off the floor.
 I placed it on the unused fleece thermal blanket. It appeared to
me that it would be too tight of a place for her to climb into
and lay down.  But she found it a challenge and took to it.

"You can't fool me, Lynn, I know you did this just
for my sleeping pleasure.  Thanks."

A warm place to be during the cold of winter.
I'll think of it as her Christmas gift.

"I wish you all a furry merry Christmas."

I think this 6 month old female fawn says Merry Christmas, too.
Her twin sister was just a couple feet away lying down also.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, December 17, 2021

Victorian Christmas

 "Holy cow, gee whiz, oh my gosh, gol dern. How soon do

we move in?"

We aren't moving here, Precious. This is a 28 room
Victorian farm house built in 1880's by a rich man.
He imported the 4 tile fire places and rich wood mantels
directly made in England. He also imported the craftsmen
to assemble all. 

The photo of the house outside was taken in October about
4 years ago.  But I went for the Christmas decorations just
a week ago while the roads were clear and dry. This time
of year on twisty hilly country roads are iffy.

If you would like better look into this museum, just look up
Victorian Museum Millersburg Ohio USA and they have
professional photos to enjoy.
 This was my Christmas treat to myself this year.

The above is one of the maids rooms on the 3rd floor.
The house had hot and cold running water, two half baths and
one full with claw foot tub. Therefore they plumbed the maids
rooms and the nursery with marble sinks, too.

And this is just one example of the exquisite painting on the 
curved ceilings.  I forgot to take photos of the chandeliers, but they
were both electric and gas. General Electric provided electricity only
3 hours a day, so they had gas plumbed into the same fixtures. 

"Really Lynn, 28 rooms to explore and hide in.
 I couldn't go wrong hiding in here."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Combs and Hair brushing

 "What happened to my brush and comb? I didn't mean to wear

them out!"

Here is the brush I have used for Precious for years.  It is a very
old men's head massage brush.  It never got used on man nor
beast until Precious.  She did not like the metal comb that
long furred Peepers loved.  And then the child size hair brush
that was needed and liked by Seney also did not impress my
grey girl.
After using this daily for at least the past 6 years, the thin plastic
started cracking all over the brush.  So of course, good old
duck tape applied to the back has put it back into temporary use.

I knew I was going to have to replace the red one sooner or
later.  So every store I went in that had hair products, I searched
for the head massage brush.  No luck, only on the internet could 
I find one.  Then I started looking into every pet department of
stores for a brush.  It was really aggravating to know what I wanted
and not find anything.  But then I found this $2 pet brush at 
Walmart! I thought that was cheap enough to try and wow,
Precious loves it and it definitely does as good a job on  getting
the shedding furs.

However, the red brush was not the only one starting to fall apart.
Here is a corner comb that was Seney's  so it may be 25 years old.
Precious loves to do her own cheeks while I do the rest of her.
And the plastic teeth are breaking off daily.  So I did find a 
completely different shape one at Chewy and took a chance on
it also.  And she loves it too. 

"Hey, be careful there, don't yank on the snaggles too hard."

And I decided to try my hand at the art of painting again,
so here's Precious.

"I look better in grey onesie Lynn, instead of colors."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Trying to get in the spirit

 "Lynn, you did all this while I was snoozing under the bed."

I am trying to get into the Christmas Spirit.
I put up the tree Dec. 1.  
Angel Peepers has had the top billing since 1994.

I also received my first Christmas card on
Dec. 1.  I have not even gotten out my very
short list and box of cards to think on addressing
anything yet. 
I love the religious reason for Christmas. It was
how I was raised and believe in my heart today.
But I have lost the spark for celebrating the 
holiday season. Don't know if it is an age thing,
or just me.

"Lynn, tell them you visited the orphans."

Precious is right there, I did get 3 more cat beds
crocheted and delivered along with food and donation.
I could have brought any number of them home with me
if there was a way.

And some of you may have seen that Precious had
a delicious birthday party with Jo Jo. I do believe
Marv and Kozmo made great waiters.  And Cinnamon
was maitre'd.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciate. 

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...