Friday, December 29, 2023

Precious, creature of habit

"I have my routine you know.  I must do what I must do."

"First I git my brushin's at 5 PM.
I'm a furry punctual girl."

"Then I git my supper at 5:15 PM."

"Then I git my 3 hours of leg time at 5:30 PM."

"Then I git down at 8:30 PM and wait in my
bag every evening until 9 PM.  That's when
I GIT my bedtime snack!"

"So no matter how you look at it or me, 
I'm in the bag."

Precious and I wish every one a very 
Happy New Year.  May all be well in your
new year.
Here's our 2023 Fancy Feast ornament. 
It got here before Christmas. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Merry Christmas

 "Lynn and I want to wish each and every one of you a very 

Merry Happy Christmas."

"I'm a bit busy at the moment scratching my
fur-ever itchy ears. I need to be able to hear
8 tiny reindeer on the roof."

"Then it might be the herd that runs through here
ev-furry day. No so tiny."

"What ever comes your way on the night of Christmas Eve,
we wish you a very Merry Christmas indeed.
I'm hoping this big bag has lots of cat food fur me. Why
should Santa git all the cookies and I git nothing extra."

Precious and I hope all of you have a great season and enjoy 
however you spend the time.  I know a few of you are now
without benefit of fur, which is sad.  And also a few of
you have lost family members.  It makes life different
for holiday time.

Decorations for sale in a tin ceiling very old store.

First prize winning cat Christmas tree at a junior fair.

"Lookie Lynn!  My very first whiff of the most handsome
Brody.  He sent me Christmas gifts!  And you got a new
library bag with kitties all over it.!

Yes, Precious, the sweet family over at 15 and Meowing
made you crochet catnip toys and sent a bit of
silvervine.  We will put it in your tired 'naner toy.
We can not thank Miss Ellen enough.

Miss Ellen's family.

Handsome Brody.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 15, 2023

My water glass is back

"Lynn,  I am tired of the glass glass-bicycle glass fur my water. I want my old tried and true plastic glass."

You know I love my water any time of the day.

And I like it cold out of the 'fridge-a-day-tor.

And you are not quick enough to git my tongue in
the glass, mol.

No Precious you are too quick for the camera.
But I enjoyed seeing the blurry color lights behind
you and decided it was purrfect picture for me.

We are enjoying having the lights day and night as
it is always dark and cloudy around here even
on dry days.

We have special thank you for Mrs. H. and ERin the
Literary Cat.  They sent me this wonderful book that will
be so fun to read this winter.

"Of course, Lynn will read this to me in the evenings
when I have leg time fur hours on end.  Thank you."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, December 8, 2023

'Puter Printer Box

"Lynn went 'puter printer shopping a couple weeks ago.  I do not know what it's fur 'cept to make noise when I'm napping. But I did get a box out of the deal."

"She left me fur over 1/2 a day to go to someplace
she says is out of town."

"Lynn says our big little city with only the W-box store
has Diddly Squat.  I think that was the brand maybe."

"So she found a better brand out of town and brought it home.
Then she had to read instructions on line to figger out how to
make it make noise and print.  I had already grown tired of
the box by the time she did all that.  Shows you how slow Lynn
is fur teckie stuff."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Time for lights and decorations

 "Lynn, let's git this here holiday season going.  It is much too

dark fur the winter and I need colored lights and tree!"

"And you know I will never knock over the tree.
The sound of it falling and breaking ornaments
would put me UTB fur a month."

We are now in Christmas spirit.  I like to celebrate
Thanksgiving and then let that settle until Dec. 1.
I'll have the tree up until January 6 or 7.  We need the
extra colorful light at this time of year.
It was 17 F when I put it up and snowing lightly.

"And I need a nap in my blue bag.  Tree trimmin'
is tiring work fur a kitty.  And we thank ye fur
the luv-ly well wishes fur-om last week.
And furry purry thanks to Miss Ann and June
fur my Christmas header."

Precious is inside for the winter.  We had to take
down the catio fence before Thanksgiving due
to the extreme change in weather this early.
She misses outside and sits in the kitchen looking
out into the dark at 5:30 AM.  And has her fresh air fix
looking out the bathroom window at 6 AM before ducking
under the bed for a long snooze.

And Willie, this pink tree if for you.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...