Friday, August 27, 2021

The starting point of the ride

 "Is that train just my size?  I could go AmTrack, you know."

I like to ride a few Rail-Trails that are not part of the
larger Ohio to Erie 320 miles.  These trails only go from
one village to another, maybe 20 to 40 miles with no
connection to others.  I only ride the ones in Ohio that
are within 1 hour car drive. Can't waste ride time with
drive time, you know.

This one starts in a college town and goes 13 miles north to
a farming town. Or it used to be farming. Now is it is turning
into overflow for Columbus, Ohio, 40 miles south west.

But the rail trail is scenic and seldom used by any others than
the locals.  I like this as traffic is light to non-existent.  I see lots 
of wild life and trees in a deeply shadowed area. Some farm land
and Christmas tree farm along the way.

"Let me know when you are coming home.  I'll get in a good nap
and be ready for my snack and early dinner.  I think I'll pass
on the train ride after all." 

I did this ride a few weeks ago.  Currently it is extremely hot
and humid and I've been doing early morning rides and getting
home by 9:30 am, bushed and over heated. Going to be like
this another week at least.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Bits and Pieces, Bits and Pieces

 "Eee gads, Lynn, stop caterwalling. You can't carry a tune

and you don't know all the words."

I just wanted to share a few things about life around here,
Precious. Nothing earth shattering like my singing.

About our very own Eastern Blue bird family. Boy, did they
have a hard summer.  Mom ended up with 4 clutches of eggs.
In total, she laid 17 eggs in the 2 bird houses we have up.
And she unfortunately only raised one clutch of 4.
Marauding immature blue bird interfered with one,
European House Sparrow destroyed a nest, and last
a four legged animal managed to breech the hard plastic
tree covering we had in place to stop climbing critters.

Here's Precious doing what she enjoys, butterfly watching.

Yellow Swallowtail on my deer resistant zinnias. And I do
believe it has been a great butterfly year.  I've had lots of kinds
here, with an army of Monarch caterpillars consuming my milkweed.
I did not get a lot of blacks to hand raise, which I missed, but 
plenty flying about.

Now on to the Gold Miner Camp.

Above is one of the gold miners 40 foot long  class A motorhome.
They dig in the river for wet "dust".  They 
haven't had a lot of dry weather this year 
so the river has been to high to pan for gold. 

And the above is new installment of art work at mile post zero
on our wonderful Rail Trail.  We are so proud the Kokosing
Gap Trail was paved 25 years ago for the first 14 miles. It was
a leading instrument for the rest of the state to begin building
on the 320 mile long Ohio to Erie trail.  We only have about 
20 miles in the state that is off  trail and on the road.
And there is some progress every year for more paved trail.

"I'm sorry that Lynn has been so long winded. 
If I had let her keep singing, she wouldn't have 
had time to bore you all. "

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.  It is much appreciated. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

learning curve

"Sorry about this post, but Lynn is trying to learn how to put pictures of me in a bloggy using her phone. I'm not sure what all that means because I'm a cat with no thumbs and she's a human with thumbs and no brain."

" I think she figured out how to put a picture of me off of her Google group. Once again who knows what that means, except I'm waiting to be fed. I know what that means. "

Actually Precious,  sometimes I'd rather go back to the days of when my parents had a four party telephone line with the phone tethered to the wall.

 Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment. It is much appreciated.

Friday, August 6, 2021

I'm in a Fog

 "Lynn, I can't see you. What happened? Like old timey

TV when the snow came on?"

I like to ride my bike about 7:30 am.  I try to do at least
20 miles.  At this time of day, I have the Rail-Trail
to myself for the most part.  Just me and the wildlife.
And please, try not to ride over the untold number of crazy

I do see a few regulars on the path. More dog walkers and
runners than bikers.  I enjoy seeing the same folks out there,
but we do not do any talking. Just smile and wave. Nice.

But I am often in fog that early on humid mornings. These
2 photos show how I can be in and out at any time.  I do get
wet and then my glasses are so fogged over, I can be out
of the fog and not even know it, as I can't see.

"If you had cat eyes, this would not be a problem. You don't
see me wearing glasses."

Precious, don't make fun of tv snow. I grew up with black and
white tv that my father had to keep going with tubes for the set
from Sears and Roebuck. And at 11 pm, the announcement was
"It is 11 pm, do YOU know where your children are?". And on that
note, tv went off the air and lots of snow!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


My Little Valentine

  "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends."  "I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday! That...