Friday, November 5, 2021

Recovering bit by bit

 "My mouth hurts, I can't talk today but I'll gladly show off."

Thursday about 11 AM, I was thinking on going the 
20 mile round trip to buy some canned food for Precious.
I'd have gone at the drop of a hat, but I opened the cupboard,
and found a packet of salmon, the small individual helping size
of 2.5 oz. I keep a couple on hand for fast food or when the power
is off.  
Precious has never ever asked for it when I eat some, so I was
not sure how she'd act. But as you can see, she dove into about
1 ounce very quickly. Then hid under the bed again. I gave her
another once or so at 2 PM and she devoured it, too. But back
she went to hide.
She came out into the living area at 4 PM on the lure of her 
hair brush.  We had maybe 5 minutes instead of the usual 15 or 20.
But I felt better about her.
She even started eating some of her dry food, so no more salmon.
I really don't need for her to get diarrhea on top of everything else.

Instead of leg time, I simply enjoyed the view in the
evening of Precious in her bed. I actually got to spend a
couple hours reading in my recliner using both hands. Usually
I read one handed and it is a painful trick sometimes.

This photo above, was taken today at noon when I returned
from going into the big little city for my acupuncture and
a couple errands. Precious came out to ask for lunch and
to check out the items I brought home.

I never used the Buprenorphine on my previous cats.
It is true that it's been 15 years or so since Seney had 4 
molars pulled at one time and I wonder if the meds then
were something different. Seney only had antibiotics that
I remember, not pain meds. 
I knew she'd recover OK, I just feel guilty that I put her through
something painful and scary, but for her own good.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Kea said...

We're very glad to read that Precious is slowly returning to her normal self. Hugs to you and nose taps to Precious.

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you, I hope Derry is doing well.

Julie said...

Oh I am so pleased to read this Lynn. Its good that you thought to try her with the salmon. She is looking quite bright & will soon be back to her old self. I have been gardening & dear Precious has been on my mind & I was wondering how she was doing so I was pleased to see your post pop up. xx

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yoo jus needz to rest an re-koo-purr-8

Klaudia Zuberska said...

It's great to read such news! She will recover quickly and soon will be back to normal, to her self :) Everything will be fine Beloved! Must be! I keep my fingers crossed for you and I wish you all the best and a lot of health :)
Greetings from Poland!

Henny Penny said...

I just read both posts. So glad to hear that Precious ate the salmon and is feeling better. Bet she will be back to normal very soon. Smokey and Dumperoo send the love and get well soon wishes.

catladymac said...

We are glad to read that Precious is recivering her appetite and acting more like herself. If only we could explain to them why these things have to be done. Purrs.

John Bellen said...

Precious was hungry and was glad of the soft food. But her mouth will heal soon enough and she will be back to normal. If some things change in her habits, don't worry about it. Surgery seems to be a dividing line between certain actions.

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

Me alegro mucho de que el medicamento le haya sentado bien y ahora esté mejor. bss

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious darling! We are so glad that you are feeling normal. We were all a little worried that you had a reaction to the anaesthetic. Jo Jo was getting apprehensive about her visit to the vet next Monday (she is going for her regular shots) but she says she is as brave as you and she is happy that you are getting back to normal. Mom says she would love to have an evening without animals on her lap. We disagree. We think all humans should have a cat when they sit.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...