Friday, November 19, 2021


 "I never want to go outside. It's not safe for kitties."

Just the other day, going into the big little city to grocery
shop, I spied a poor cat on the road. Of course, it had been
struck by a vehicle very recently. I was not in a good place
to stop and move it off the road from my lane.
A twisty hilly country lane. But on the way back just a
short time later, I was able to park off the road on the other
side and walk about 50 feet to pick the beautiful tabby up.
What really saddened and angered me is this 6 month or
so young kitten was wearing a too tight flea collar. I imagine
the owner must have thought they were doing the right thing 
to keep parasites off a kitten. But then to turn it out when
the kitten must not have yet realized where "home" was
simply meant it would do the natural cat thing and wander off.
It did not have an id tag of any kind. And I doubt it had
been spayed or neutered.
I think it would have had no chance to survive outside,
one way or the other.  We live in the country, not in town
with fenced yards where a cat may not stray far from 
home. Out this way, it must
be too enticing to go farther and farther.
I know Blackie is an outside cat, but he has managed
to stay close to the hand that feeds him and not yet 
get struck. Too many cats lose out against the odds
of living wild.

" I'm glad I'm an
inside girl."

These fellows are on the move now.  I have see at least 7 different
bucks, all distinquished by their different shape antlers.

Same corner of the yard one day later. Our first
snow of the year.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Smudge said...

I'm with you, dear girl, on the outside thing. As much as I've enjoyed lounging out on the heated stone steps, basking in the glorious sun, I'm much happier in here 24/7. Yuck on the first snow thing! Right now here at 5:20 a.m. the wind is howling up the mountain outside our door, making the 32 degrees probably feel more like 22. Have yourselves a safe and warm weekend, Precious and Lynn. Oh, and dad says he's spotted a doe or two or three just up the hill from us over the past couple of days.

Kea said...

We are so, so sorry about that sweet little baby. :-(

Precious, we're glad you prefer to be indoors too.

The first snowfall always is so pretty. We hope it's gone now, though! Too early!

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Lynn! We are sorry about that poor fellow who was hit! Kozmo, me and Jo Jo are inside cats who get to go outside. We have strict hours when we can go out, we are not allowed out when there are no People at home, and NEVER EVER at night. We are spayed and neutered. We are lucky we live in a small community where everyone knows everyone else and their pets. When new cats show up, the humans quickly find out if they are lost or strays (there are 1.5 cats for every house on our block) and makes sure that they are taken care of (Merle and Linddy were abandoned by their owners) Linddy is now an inside/outside cat like us and Merle has a heated cat house at Ms M's as he does not want to go inside. Mom would rather have us inside and when we lived in the city, we were inside (Kozmo hated it). We love to chase the mice, and roll in the grass. Now that it is winter, we will hardly go out at all! We got 6 inches of snow yesterday! Precious and Mom, we send you kitty kisses and head bonks and hope you have a marvellously happy week.

R's Rue said...


Julie said...

Oh it is always so sad to see them hit by vehicles Lynn - they sure do come off second best. I well remember having to scrape my last ginger girl off the road - I needed a brush & shovel & it broke my heart in pieces. That is a beautiful photo of Precious - one for a frame maybe. Its wonderful to see your winter wonderland pics as we sit here in a summer dress feeling hot! Wishing you & Precious a lovely weekend Lynn xx

Henny Penny said...

I feel so bad about that young kitty being hit and killed by a car. Breaks my heart. Smokey loves being outside and spends a lot of time there, but we live half a mild down a dirt path. He stays close to home and comes inside when I call. Glad you stay inside and close to your mommy, Precious.

Lynn and Precious said...

Julie, that is so sad about your kitty when that happened. I'm not so sure about liking this snow I can tell you that. Glad it melted when it did.

John Bellen said...

I keep an eye on our local Facebook 'pages' that advertise lost and found pets because I also answer the telephone calls for our rescue-group, some of which report missing cats. The Facebook entries are usually from people who have lost their outdoor cats. Most say the same thing: 'He's always come back before.' If a cat is an outside-cat, there will be a day when he won't come back.

catladymac said...

We have some indoor cats, some indoor-outdoor, and some that insist on being outside (not feral but not quite tame yet either.) We do the best we can to keep them all safe but sometimes if a cat is detrermined to slip out, you can't always stop them. We do know how you feel and appreciate all you do for Precious and anyy other cats you can help !

Katie Isabella said...

Sweetheart, I am so sorry your mommy had to see that and I am grateful she did the right thing, XXX and hugs to her I share the same thoughts about those stupid useless flea collars. TIGHT-- and people never seem to do the right thing with kittens and cats and those things.

Bernideen said...

Beautiful deer and snow! Cute kitty too!

Jean | said...

So sad. Reminds me of my very precious cat I had many years ago. He was one of those cats who could not be made an inside cat. He simply could not be restrained. He enjoyed his time indoors, but when he wanted out, he would GET out! Finally, I had to give up. He ended up being hit by a car a year or so later. Still makes me sad. I'm so glad Precious is an inside girl!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...