"I have my very own catnip plants. Lynn keeps some growing
all the time."
"I have my very own catnip plants. Lynn keeps some growing
all the time."
"Lynn, neoooow, pulleeze go fly a kite, no you do not sound like Mary Poppins. Stop with the singing. I have had a furry traumatic evening."
"Lynn lets me go out onto the patio as much as I want. Except
for the following conditions: too hot, too noisy outside, too wet, too cold or if she is too busy."
We did get 2 1/2 inches of much needed rain.
"Lynn, he's here, he's here! Let me at 'im."
"Do you really think this person can see into my future?
Maybe she'll know if I live to be 50 and will get lots of
"Lynn and I are reading a good mystery book together." "She tells me this is number 16 of one of her furavorite writers. I ...