Friday, June 23, 2023

Up to the highest height

 "Lynn, neoooow, pulleeze go fly a kite, no you do not sound like Mary Poppins. Stop with the singing. I have had a furry traumatic evening."

"I'm up here 'cause yesterday at leg time,
exactly 5:30 PM, some hooman sales person
pounded on the front door with both hooman fists.
And she was selling pest control.  She was the pest.

That scared me off legs fur an hour of valuable time.
Then at midnight a thunder boomer struck out of the
dark night sky and sent me out of our chair to under
the bed. I always sleep in our chair and Lynn checks
on me at midnight.

So I gets up here fur the morning wind down and stay
as high away from hoomans, after my belly rub and
breakfast of course.  And what happens?!?

The mowers come!"

"I tell you, I am not under any circumstances
comin' out from under the bed.
Until time to eat."

It was not good for me either, Precious.
This woman rode up to the front porch on
a segway and rapped quite loudly on the
glass storm door.  The inside solid door stood wide open,
and who would not be home with the door open?
She yelled at me thru the glass she had not seen 
me, at the very moment when Precious growled and
launched off my lap with all claws unsheathed!

Some of my astilbe blooming. More pink.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

How on earth did you get up there Precious...
Or is that a secret...HeHe! :).

We've had over thirty days of intense heat and
sunshine, though the heavens opened up in the
early hours last Tuesday, l nearly threw off my
nightshirt, and went out in the garden, for an
early 'shower'...never heard the like...! ;(.

We've seen little bits of you this time Precious,
your ears, your paw..very lovely paw at that...
and your nose...
And..a good way to stop people pounding at the
door..? Take the door away...HeHe! Job done..! :O).

And yes...Plenty more pink please...! =(^..^)=

jabblog said...

I hate persistent sales people! Poor Precious and your poor legs.

Katie Isabella said...

That was RUDE of that woman, Precious. Too lazy to walk so she had lots of energy to pound on the door! My mom unfortunately knows how to be rude back, and she would have slammed the house door in that rude woman's face! Oh and Mom said to tell you that once (thank goodness only one) Admiral launched herself off mom's chest at night in fright at some sound, and her back claws cut mom's cheek. Hurt like fire too.

Kea said...

Yikes, that wasn't a fun time for you, Precious, or for your human. I usually keep my inside solid door closed during the heat of summer and ignore the occasional sales people, but I would not expect one to be so rude anyway. Gees...!

Karen and Gerard said...

That is a great hide-a-way up there. Sorry you had such a scary day!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a very bad day, Precious. I hope today has been much better. That salesperson was very rude. I am afraid I would have told her exactly what I thought of her!

John Bellen said...

Geez, I can't see that saleswoman having much success with her technique. I feel rather sorry for her. And sorry for you, too, Precious. You need all the rest you can get today after yesterday...

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Wow you sure got some noisiness goings on there! I don't like noises either and run and hide when any of the service men (and yes they are always men so far) come to the house. The top of the closet is my favorite spot too. ~Tommy

Kathe W. said...

Oh my goodness- how rude of that person-! Precious was smart to take cover! Cheers!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my Precious!! What a time you (and Lynn) had! What an annoying woman and those boomers, etc!!! Those flowers are beautiful!

pilch92 said...

You poor kitty. Brody wishes he was there to hide with you. XO

Julie said...

I loathe it when salespeople do that!! They can be so rude. Poor Precious. My two hate trades-people too ... so very little ever gets fixed around here unless I can do it!!! I hope you come out soon dear Precious. xx

Julie said...

Forgot to say ... the astilbe are stunning πŸ’—πŸ’—

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, Simon totally understands how you feel, no door knocking, that's worse than doorbells!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You poor baby! Some people are SO rude.

messymimi said...

We don't like the door knockers, either. I hope they stay way now.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Smudge said...

Oh my goodness, Precious- sounds like that sales lady is the pest that needed to be controlled! Mom and dad are learning real quick that I, too, am scared of thunderstorms. Even loud rain pounding on the roof sends me scurrying into one of my few hiding places. I'm showing them that high-pitched screeching sounds like alarms, screams and the like get me riled up.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

i ranned away when the amazon guy camed yesserday win dee frunt door wuz open

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Dear! That sounds like a series of unfortunate events, Precious! We feel for you and hope the weekend will be a peaceful one.

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Door-to-door salespeople aren't really a thing here in Israel - at least not in Jerusalem. Although We can't be 100% sure about that, as Mummy usually ignores the doorbell unless she is actually expecting someone (mol).

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....