Friday, June 2, 2023

Ask Madame Lisa

 "Do you really think this person can see into my future?

Maybe she'll know if I live to be 50 and will get lots of


I hope you live to be 50, Precious. However, it may not pan out
for either of us to last that much longer.  I'd be 120 and too old
to scoop your litter box.  And at 50, you'd be more crotchety
than you are now.

"Well, I wouldn't ask much of you, Lynn. Except
to flip my frog, throw my paper wad, feed me,
brush me, buy my food fur me, clean my potty,
buy my litter, open windows fur me and give
me my wacky weed.  Let me in and out the
back door fur the patio.
Surely you'll be able to
do all that!"

I'm not sure, Precious.  I already feel tired just
hearing your request.

I found this by accident and bought it immediately.  
I am hoping it is insurance that I never get stung by a
bee, wasp, or hornet again.  But if I do, even if it
is on my lip or face, I'll suction out the poison and 
hope for less pain for less time.  I will be able to try
it on misquito bites as they chew me up and spit me
out in the yard when I am cleaning bird baths.
It works by one-handed suction and if the strong
suction I feel just trying it means anything, it will work.

Maybe Madame Lisa saw this tool in my future!

These are my iris and I thought a reader I know, 
who loves the color pink, might enjoy a peek at them.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Bless! You you know...when it comes to age,
l've always said, and l also believe.."Your age is
between your ears"'s a mental thing...Goodness!
Look at and friends say "Willie, your 106
with the mental age of a 20yr old"..HeHe! No! No!
I'm 75 actually...with a very acute mental memory still,
and physically, still fit, a little neurological problem
in my neck/back, but not life threatening...
Onwards and Upwards l say...! :).
So remember...
"Add life to your days..not days to your life".

And as for bugs etc...Never been bitten or stung, had
lot of bees/wasps pitch on me, l never panic, let them
have a little wander up and down my arm say, then off
they go...God's creatures are 'NOT' to be harmed....!

I can certainly predict my future..In an hour l'll be on
bus to Poole, next large town from me, it's market day,
so plenty to see and shop for...l might even spend money..! :).

Love the 'pink' Iris..but then l love anything pink, my most
favourite flower is the Pansy, followed by the Orchid, the
Iris is certainly up there too, especially if it's pink..! :O).
🐱 😸 😻 🐱 😸 😺 😻 😼 🐱 😸 😻 🐱 😸

jabblog said...

The irises are beautiful and so unusual. I don't think I'd like to be told my fortune - I'd rather wait and see!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those irises are almost as lovely as you, Precious!

Please make sure to let us know if the bug bite thingy works. Our #1 also gets eaten alive in the summer.

The Chans

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looks a very handy gadget. I also get plagued by mosquitos and horseflies. I use a dabber pen called After Bite and it works well on reducing the swelling and itch.
Poor Lynn with all the things you still hope she can do in 50 years time!
The irises are lovely.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You'll both be hanging around for a long while sweet Precious, at least that's how we see it.

Julie said...

Ah yes we know who the Pink lover is don't we?? !! Your iris's are beautiful Lynn. And yes Precious that is rather a long list - I felt exhausted just reading it. I hope the bug thingy works Lynn. Have you ever tried dotting tea tree oil on yourself when you go outside ? It can often deter mozzys & things from biting you. Doesn't smell great but not yucky either. Enjoy the weekend both of you xx

pilch92 said...

The iris is beautiful. My Penny can you read your fortune with playing cards. I bet she is more accurate than Madame Lisa. :) I have never seen that tool before; I hope it works. Brody sends his love to Precious. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

At 120 I can't imagine why she wouldn't be able to do all that! MOL

messymimi said...

Your iris is beautiful and i'm going to look for the Bug Bite Thing.

Precious, i think living to 50 would be overrated for you, you might get to where you can't even go outside and enjoy yourself. Be thankful day by day is the best way.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Smudge said...

Say, my mom just turned 50 and gets lots of treats in the form of me and my dad! That buggy tool looks pretty cool, and we'll be curious to learn if it works. Dad says it'd be useless when he encounters one of the many yellow jacket nests in the ground around here when he's out mowing.

John Bellen said...

I don't know if you'd like to live to be fifty, Precious. As Lynn said, she might be too old to help you out, and you probably wouldn't want anyone else to. And few of your readers would be around to enjoy your antics, anyway...

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, I don't think you would really enjoy being carried about on your throne all day and evening by your, pardon the expression, litter bearer. Being carried about may seem glamorous but I think it would fade in attraction quickly. I said that because I don't think your slender legs would want to prance you around any longer if they were 50. And Lynn would need one too...a litter bearer, Both figuratively and actually. XO

The J-Cats said...

We don't know if you'll live to be 50, Precious - but We can see many, many treats in your future (mol).

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Did Lynn go and see a Psychic????????? I LOVE visiting psychics!!! That bug thingy sounds really cool!

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! 50! Wowzers! That is a whole lot of years! You sure made a good list of what our Peeps do, I, Marv asked Mom and she said the worst was having 3 cats there is hairball cleanup almost every day...who knew! And she gets a little miffed letting us in and out...Precious YOU ROCK! (and so does your Peep!) Thanks for stopping by and visiting us. Purrs Marvelous Marv

Kea said...

Of course your demands are quite reasonable, though I, too, find it exhausting to think about, as an aging human. 😁

You human will have to let us know if that bug bite thing works, I have never seen one.

The irises are gorgeous, thanks for sharing the pics!

Tell your mom that I was in Stanley Park, Vancouver, yesterday, oohing and awwing over the heron colony in the trees, all the ducklings, etc. It was great kitty TV!

Katie Isabella said...

I meant to say those pink iris are just what I have always wished to have and never found any.

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....