Friday, May 26, 2023

Baby 'coons caused Lynn to be late!

 "I just want to tell the whole furry world that Lynn left

me fur an entire whole long lonely day."

"I'm still shaking my head over this fact of being
neglected, under fed, late brushing, and late legs.
No kitty should have to endure such goings on."

I know, Precious. It was so bad of me to abandon you safely
at home in your hiding spot under the bed, with full tummy
and no interest in getting up for hours.

However, my childhood girlfriend drove 300 miles to
spend the day with me before she drove on north to
see Lake Erie. I drove 60 miles south to the big city
we decided to meet up in.

We had a good visit and lunch and walk about the 
metro park botanical garden in the area.

As we were going to the parking lot, I spied theses two
tiny baby raccoons.  Still nursing they were so tiny.
And no sight of mom or other babies.

I did a shuffle walk to get them back to the grassy
area away from the park road.  Oh, how they cried,
and squeaked and rattled and hissed.  I wanted to
pick them up by the scruff of their neck and make
this ordeal for them go faster, but I would never pick
up an animal. Fear of bites and scratches is a good fear.

Eventually with the help of my girlfriend we got
them onto the park path.  Then they actually started
following me!  They had sniffed and rubbed my shoes so
much I guess they now thought they were with mom.
I stopped dead in the path and they did too.  After a minute
I started walking and they went into the rough grass area.

"Well, that is all good Lynn, but I did not get my supper
until after 5 PM and my brushing at 5:30!  So legs were
1/2 hour late!"

Yes, snookems, but we got in a few hours of rest
and relaxation, didn't we?  Just hope mom raccoon
found her way to those babies.

"Psst ev-furbody, did you see silly Lynn with the
skinny legs?  Makes it uncomfortable fur me to sleep."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! You two do make me giggle...! :).
Sometimes you go at it like two old married
couples...! Bless..! :).

One thing you should be grateful for Precious,
Mum did'nt bring the racoons home with her...!
But then there would'nt be enough room on Mum's
lap..! :(.
😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

jabblog said...

I hope the babies were reunited with their mother. It's sad to see abandoned young, but perhaps she was hiding somewhere close by.
Poor Precious - you must learn to share your human.

Lynn and Precious said...

I don't need to bring any home, we have plenty in our backyard already. And for a couple nights in a row one of them must have been making himself sick by eating an entire cake of suet meant for the birds.

Kea said...

Precious, your mom was a whole half-hour late, my goodness! What an ordeal for you!

I, too, hope those baby raccoons were reunited with their mom. Poor little ones, I'd hate to think they were orphaned. I wonder if that city has a wildlife rescue. Our city doesn't, but there's one about 40 - 50 km away. I'm sure they're bursting at the seams, especially at this time of year.

Take care, have a lovely weekend, all of you.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We also hope that the Mama Raccoon found her babies! We think that's a pretty good excuse although she obviously owed you compensation!

The Chans

Katie Isabella said...

Oh make me happy to see you always. I love your complaints. Seriously. I get to hear some here too! Especially when I got to go over the Mountains to see Katie's brother. There is so much construction going on, on the two major interstates I must use of 4 altogether- that it's a 5 hour trip turned into 8 hours. One day maybe it will be over. Been going on for four years so far. Closing the rest areas was the pits. They have finally reopened those but rain drops. Millions.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those baby raccoons are so sweet. I hope they found their way back to their mom.

Julie said...

Oh my goodness me Precious - the trauma of it all!!! You are not exactly neglected my dear little furry one! Its wonderful that Mum got to meet up with an old girlfriend - I have one coming to visit me today - for lunch. Best I go heat up the soup - its cold here. Enjoy the weekend both of you xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was quite the ordeal you had sweet Precious but those wee ones did look a little cute!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those precious babies! Your mom was wonderful to help them. Hope they're safely back with their mom.

pilch92 said...

Cute babies. I hope their mom is Ok. Sorry you were neglected Precious. XO

messymimi said...

Precious, some things, like visits, can't be helped. Be patient, your human will always come back, sometimes with a grand adventure like this one.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Geez, that worries me. I hope the mother came back for them. Maybe she was scared by a car. Thank goodness you were able to scoot them on to the grass. Raccoons are useful creatures and the world can use more useful creatures. Forgive your mum, Precious, she was enjoying herself and doing good work with wildlife.

Smudge said...

Oh Precious, I'm sure you'll be just fine, girl. And those babies are just the cutest. We hope their mom got back with them so that they're safe and sound.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We know it's terrible being ABANDONED like that for a whole day/ Mummy does it to Us at least once a month when She goes on her Bible tours. But She tells Us about all the interesting things She sees, maybe Lynn will do the same for you. At any rate, she told you about the baby racoons, didn't she? We hope their Mama came back for them.

Marvelous Marv said...

We are glad that you let Lynn know how awful it is to have your routine disrupted! We hate it when ours is! And we ALL let Mom know when it is bed time (that's when we get our treats)! Except me (Marv). I don't like coming in at night and some nights I keep Mom up until 10:30! We love your new enclosure on the deck! Its wonderful to get outside in the great outdoors! Your Man who Rubs Your Belly is wonderful! Baby racoons! There are 2 in the culvert by Mr F's. The Mom won't let me or Kozmo (or any of the other neighbor cats) anywhere near the culvert. We did not know they were so cute! Thanks for visiting us! Keep being AWESOME! Marvelous Marv

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Oh Precious! I am sure you are none the worse for wear and Lynn did a wonderful thing by getting those babies out of the road and into the grass! Hopefully their Mama did make her way back to them. Sending (((hugs)))

Henny Penny said...

Goodness precious! I'm sorry you had such a long lonely day. Once Smokey has eaten his morning food and crawled under the sewing room bed, I can be gone most of the day and he never knows I'm gone. :) Those baby racoons are adorable. Sure hope their mother came for them. Been meaning to stop in and visit with you and Lynn. Benn missing you both.

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....