Friday, May 19, 2023

"Don't Fence Me In"

 "Lynn, this is purrfect fur me.  How did you get the man who

rubs my belly to agree and do all the fence work?  And could

you stop singing Gene Autry's song!"

Well, Precious is took a bit of convincing, however he wanted
you to join us safely outside too.

But this is just when I am right there with you even
though I don't think you can escape, I have to know you
will not jump over the fence.

"Lynn, tell 'em how it is made."

Precious, it is made with 2x2's and 25 feet of chicken
wire.  The wire was meant for keeping the deer off
the young sapplings I have planted.  But they are
now protected with black drainage pipe.

It has a small "gate" on one side so I can easily go
out and in for bird bath fill-ups and getting into the
back yard.  But it sits right against the house so you can not
squeeze out.

"Maybe the deers won't come and eat the patio
flowers in pots this way, too? But how will chippie
make it onto the patio so now I can snag him?"

There is plenty of tiny space for a fat chipmunk to 
slink under and will he be in for a surprise when he
sees you sitting there fat and sassy waiting with
baited breath!

Of, course I'll be making sure Precious is not too
curious about the plants as they grow.  So far this has
only been in place a week and she is very bashful
about stepping out.  If I move or even try to talk to 
her, she dashes right back into the house.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

The fence looks very nice Precious..
And very posh to..looks like a very good
job was done all round..well done...Keeps
you safe and the plants safe, safety all
round then....!
And when the flowers are in full bloom, it
will look very lovely...! :0).
Oh! Have we ever seen the Chippie...
Perhaps Mum can take a picture of him
sometime...see what he/she thinks of the

I was gonna put a link to the song "Don't
Fence Me In" sung by Bing Crosby...But,
it sounds so depressing, thought l would'nt
bother..HeHe! :).

Well..I'm off to Poole in an hour, bigger town
than the one l live in, got my new phone, have
to get a Sim, and everything transferred across
to it..had the old one for eight years, just lost the
internet on it, and l need to take better pictures..!
πŸ’›πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ± πŸ’›πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œπŸ’›

jabblog said...

Precious, you will love the fresh air and sights and sounds. It will be lovely for you.

Kea said...

Precious, you have a pawsome catio! I hope you soon learn how enjoyable it is to be outside with your human, enjoying the fresh air. :-)

pilch92 said...

You are a lucky girl Precious. That is a fine catio. Brody sends his love. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely enclosure so you can safely go outside. Of course it is all new to you, but once you get more used to it you will be able to relax.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh MY! MY mom will never have someone come and do this for me! She's mean! 'Course, our deck is about ten feet off the ground. Love your new play area and as your mom said, don't try jumping over that railing. The deer'll gitcha.

Julie said...

What a wonderful idea Lynn & just perfect for Precious to venture out but not too far. I can see by her body language she is still not too sure but thats great. I think this is just the best thing ever!!!
Oh & by the way .... Precious did you tell your Mum that you are fluffy NoT fat!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Just Like my Blackie is fluffy not fat πŸ˜‘

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a cool space you've got sweet Precious. I think you'll come to like it and won't want to come back inside when it is time!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's pawsome, Precious! And there's absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious :)

messymimi said...

Precious, it's a wonderful catio and I hope you get used to it soon.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Very nice! I can't see Precious leaping to freedom, but it's good that she won't be alone out there. This will give her world a new dimension, and I'm sure she will enjoy it.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

How nice that you can enjoy being outside together!

The Chans

Smudge said...

How wonderful! That's a great fence, and it'll probably only be a matter of time before you're comfortable to stay out there, Precious. My dad had made a much smaller version to block Angel Cleo from wandering off our front porch, but I'm still spry enough to jump so it wouldn't work with me.

Mickey's Musings said...

What a pawsome catio :)
Now you need some comfy items there so you can lounge in comfort and enjoy that pawsome view!
Purrs, Julie

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Precious, that is absolutely EPIC!!!! We love it!!! ❤

The J-Cats said...

You have a new Catio! How wonderful!

Adorapurr said...

What a beautiful catio! Indeed the wurld is a scary place. Good to be safe. Love, Dori

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you made me laugh about "don't fence me in", only us "old folk" remember that song! lol. I think that looks like a brilliant idea! It is actually good that Precious is a tiny bit leery about it so she doesn't try to climb the fence (but as you said, you are always with her to watch and that is a GOOD thing!)

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....