Friday, September 24, 2021

Caged or Not, that's the question

 "Lynn, I'm so glad you have this back up for me. I really

haven't understood a puppy spent the night in here."

When the French Poodle, Mora was here for a very brief
12 hours, we put the cat condo in the spare room for the
puppy to sleep in.  This saved them dragging the dog cage
in out of the van at 1 in the morning while Precious and I
were sleeping.  The shelves meant for cats were removed
as Mora only needed to bed down on the bottom.

This cage was bought decades ago and the shelves
made much bigger than what it came with.  Seney lived
in this non-stop.  It was hers to sleep in and sit in and
ponder life in.

Then along comes Precious, and her interest is not the

It has been folded down and in the basement for the past
couple years.  Precious had stopped climbing into it no
matter what window I had rolled it to for her to see outside.
You know how cats are, never doing what you think they might.

"Really, Lynn, I do what I want, not what you expect."

So now the condo has been up and in front of the spare
room window for a few months.  And Precious sometimes 
sleeps in it during the night. And she likes the window to 
be open to smell and hear the outside.  Who knows when
she'll finally tire of it again.

Above is a Bald Eagle eating a fish it caught out of the river. There are
2 active nests I bike by, and they are only about 3 miles apart. Our
rural county has 17 active nests. In 1972, after we just about killed them 
off, we had 2 nesting pair.  Now our state has more than 700 pair.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Wild Flowers

                                       "Lynn, I betcha ya got swarmed by skeeters

                            taking these pictures."


Virgins Bower with Monarch

Native Sunflower

Wild Sweet Potato Vine

Joe Pye Weed

Iron Weed

Bee Balm

                                                                            Jewel weed

And my most prized jewel, Precious.

"Thanks, Lynn."

And a Happy Birthday to one of my readers, Willie,
September 21, I have seen.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

What a Party

 "Lynn, look who's here for a visit. Jo Jo of the Great Pacific North

West!  Her mom made all the plans for us."

You can not imagine my surprise to walk into the living room and 
find that Jo Jo of  here for
a party.  Evidently the girls had arranged for a catnip tea party
with tuna cake frosted in cream for lunch.

"I used my best Goldfish China for this."

The girls ducked into the play house and I heard lots of laughing
and meowing.  I turned my back for just a minute and then I guess
that is when they ducked out the back door of the play house and
flew off to Jo Jo's.  I didn't know Precious had a passport. 
I don't even have one!

"Oh Lynn, I'm having so much fun. Jo Jo showed me her
mom's wonderful bed for a nap. Then Kozmo shared his
butterfly collection.  Cinnamon gave me a sweet lick and
then Marv had me in stitches with his crazy jokes."

The next thing I knew, Precious was in her bed-tent, tuckered
out and sleeping off jet lag.
I can't thank Jo Jo's family enough for inviting her, unbeknownst to me,
to visit and have a great time in the Great Pacific Northwest.

Thank you for stopping in for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Share the Trail

"What are you saying, Lynn! You visit with cats besides me?" 

I thought I'd share some photos of a few cats I have
shared the Rail Trail with this year.
The one above was on a path I accessed by driving about
40 miles to get to the parking area.  A trail that only goes
from one village to another one, no interconnecting with
long paths.  I did 35 miles round trip that day.

I thought this fellow had quite lovely grey markings and he
or she, was very friendly.  I don't think a feral cat, as I
was at a tiny village in the middle  of the trail and close
to a Christmas tree farm.

This ginger boy is still gainfully employed at the grain elevator.
I met him one time only last year and once again this year.
I believe he gets very little time off work to visit with
bikers. But is he ever a talker!  I think he was complaining
about lack of pay and an overload of work.

This young cat was acting as crossing guard for me
to bike through the intersection.. Once again, close
to a farm and I stopped to recommend it find a more
suitable job.

And this kitty lives at a hobby farm. Not exclusive kind, just ordinary folks
with full size horse, mini horse, llama, 3 or 4 cows, goofy looking geese
and ducks, a couple dogs and a few cats.  I only ever see this one sitting at
the door waiting for someone or something to happen.  It reminds me
totally of Precious, you know you see it too.  Pudgy and all grey.

"Lynn, we grey kitties have a reputation to maintain.  And a body
to go with the rep!"

And the tree destruction is underway.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment. 
It is much appreciated.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Fountain of Dog Youth

 "Lynn, I thought we were all done with puppies by now."

I did take a picture last summer of the dog fountain in my
big little city.  But I also wanted to share an artists' painting
of the same on the local small town pet store.

Who ever their artist painter is, I do believe them to be very
talented.  I have seen other art on the store windows, but
this one is special as it is modeled after downtown fountain.

Of course, it is not complete as they left off the cat and the
blue birds at the top.  So I guess the artist is canine breed.

"A picture of me ought to fix that problem, Lynn.
Don't just show off my ear."

And here's Precious' ear as she watches a 
yellow Tiger Swallowtail on a spindly
zinnia on the patio. The butterfly is just below
the orange flower on the right of the photo.

Sadly Hurricane Ida was devastating.  I live 1200 miles north of
Gulf of Mexico, and the storm was so huge we received 1 1/2 inches
of rain from it up here.
For me, it has brought in a cool spell, for the deep South, it
has ruined lives and homes. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...