Friday, September 24, 2021

Caged or Not, that's the question

 "Lynn, I'm so glad you have this back up for me. I really

haven't understood a puppy spent the night in here."

When the French Poodle, Mora was here for a very brief
12 hours, we put the cat condo in the spare room for the
puppy to sleep in.  This saved them dragging the dog cage
in out of the van at 1 in the morning while Precious and I
were sleeping.  The shelves meant for cats were removed
as Mora only needed to bed down on the bottom.

This cage was bought decades ago and the shelves
made much bigger than what it came with.  Seney lived
in this non-stop.  It was hers to sleep in and sit in and
ponder life in.

Then along comes Precious, and her interest is not the

It has been folded down and in the basement for the past
couple years.  Precious had stopped climbing into it no
matter what window I had rolled it to for her to see outside.
You know how cats are, never doing what you think they might.

"Really, Lynn, I do what I want, not what you expect."

So now the condo has been up and in front of the spare
room window for a few months.  And Precious sometimes 
sleeps in it during the night. And she likes the window to 
be open to smell and hear the outside.  Who knows when
she'll finally tire of it again.

Above is a Bald Eagle eating a fish it caught out of the river. There are
2 active nests I bike by, and they are only about 3 miles apart. Our
rural county has 17 active nests. In 1972, after we just about killed them 
off, we had 2 nesting pair.  Now our state has more than 700 pair.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! My goodness Precious..
Who on earth would want to set up a 'prison'
in a house, that the dog is already in....
French poodle..HeHe! That's those funny
looking dogs all shaved in a funny way!
Can you understand them..they bark in
French, don't they..! :O).

So tell Mum, to get rid of that cage thing,
l think it's quite horrible,
there ya Friday morning moan...! :O(

Lynn and Precious said...

Hard to believe another week is flown by. Fall came in with a bang as we had lots of rain on our first day of fall and then it dropped 20 degrees from the normal. I'm not ready for summer to end.

Kea said...

Precious, that cage is actually a great idea. You're right though: cats do as they want, not as their humans expect. :-D

How amazing and wonderful to have all the bald eagles; we're glad they were saved from extinction in your state and now are thriving.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

NO! neither am l...
Our fall..(Autumn)..was on the 22nd..
Day after my Burfday..The sun is still
shining, and still quite rain
in sight for another few days..!

Meant to say..Nice seeing the Bald Eagle..
What a lovely bird that is..! :).

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Precious (Marv waves wildly!) What a cool setup! Your Peep should put it on the other side of the window and then you would have a catio! But even inside it looks intriguing! I should stop by and observe your view with you! I am so glad that your Peep had the poodle put "inside" the cage while sleeping at your house. There is NOTING worse than having a strange dog roam around your house (I KNOW from purrsonal experience). I hope that you and your Peep have a most marvellous of weekends and the weather is purrfect!

R's Rue said...

Happy weekend my friend.

Julie said...

I think Precious probably likes being up high enough to see all the goings on out the window. I think perhaps Miss Pip would like something like this too ... best I don't show her what Precious has got - she will get jealous. Happy Weekend to you both xxx

John Bellen said...

Yes, a cat will decided abruptly that what was evil is actually quite enjoyable - and vice versa. Precious knows what she wants when she wants it.

Smudge said...

"I do what I want, not what you expect"- amen sister! If that doesn't say cat I don't know what does. Oh, and dad says that's a very cool shot of the bald eagle chowing on some fresh-caught fish. What a sight!!

Katie Isabella said... run the house very well. I like how you direct its operations. And I will be curious when you tell your mom you are finished with the rolling catio. Oh and mom can see where the eagle is, she wishes she could biggify to see him having supper. How fortunate to see the areas they nest. My mom is a Raptor fan!

Klaudia Zuberska said...

This cage is a good idea. Honestly, cats always do what we least expect :) I have two cats. i love these animals. Mine love to look out the window :)
Greetings from Poland!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...