Friday, July 26, 2024

This and That and brushies.

 "Lynn, what have you been up to?  I woke up furom my morning nap and was so lonely (and wanting food) without you.  You leave so early and I have to wait so long fur you to show up."

I know Precious.  I have to ride my bike early before the
heat wave knocks me off my feet.  And I did get some
fun photos to show you.

Hooded Merganser family.  The first time I saw
them. the babies were tiny and now bigger but less
of them.  You know, turtle and fish and racoon food.

These two spotted fawn were on the path I was riding.  One I have to
drive 15 miles to get onto and not connected to mine at home.

And here, I was aiming to take the photo of the old and now
paint peeling barn, when I realized the fawns' mom was in the 
corn field, in the top right on the photo.  Actually, she was still
in the corn but closer to a woods when I returned and hour later.

Now I'm all yours Precious.  

"Let's get on 
with my hair brushing."

"A little more to the right, Lynn.  No, no,
the other right.  No, no, more to the chest please.
A bit more on the chin and please get my back some
more.  There's lots to make up fur now."

Full disclosure, these photos were taken days before
covid walked into our house on my husband's coattail.
Now the wind is outa my sails and hoping it'll be over soon,

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Oh my, biking early has its rewards I can see here.
So sweet to see 'some' of the ducklings growing up!
Yep, I've patrolled at our pond around 6:00 AM for letting the Mama duck with babies cross over from the creek to our pond. Each day there was one less. Killed a big Florida cooter that morning and woke up my Pieter...
Those fawn are such a sight! We have seen them in our garden a few times but not that often.
Sure, cornfields will attract them!
Precious looks so sweet and her eyes tell lots of stories.
Sure, they love their brushing time, ours do at least!
Big hugs,
Mariette + Kitties

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Ah! I think we know who the boss is in
your home Precious....
HeHe! At least you get your own way in
the end...Hope you've been a bit patient,
as Mum and Dad have been poorly, hopefully
they are 'all' better now...!

The two spotted fawns look nice to, though
a bit dangerous in the middle of the road,
hopefully there's very little traffic.....!

You all have a great weekend now..Goodness!
All that hair brushing...Who's a lucky,
lovely little lady...oooooO! oooooopS!
Did l say 'little'...HeHe! Sorry! Bless!x
😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

jabblog said...

Lovely photographs. It's a pity ducklings fall prey to turtles and raccoons, but that's Nature's way.
Fawns make such a pretty picture and it's good they were not far from mum.
I hope you're feeling better now - there's a lot of Covid around - so take it easy .

Eastside Cats said...

Oh noes, here's hoping you feel better soon!
We too have been doing our 'hood walks early...then avoid the worst of the heat and sun.
The humidity is the absolute pits.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such nice sights to see out on the ride. Precious, you sure look happy with those brushies. We hope that Evil Covid gets out of your house super soon. .

Kea said...

Oh, what a lovely area you live in for biking, so much to see!

Precious, it's not right that you have to wait for your food, though! My angels are horrified at the thought!

Lynn, I hope you recover quickly. We don't talk about COVID anymore, but it's still around and definitely can take the wind out of one's sails. Get the rest you need and take care. ❤️

My Mind's Eye said...

First of All LYNN I'm so sorry that nasty sneaky parasite covid found its way into your home. I hope your husband is better and you are well on the way to mending too. Seems cases have picked up here to I expect due to vacations etc.

What a lovely bike ride you had...That looks like wonderful trail with lots of critters too. Today I took my first walk in 12 days. It has been raining off and on for 8 days. Before the rain it was too hot and humid
Yesterday we had 1.5" in about 1 1/2 hours. Supposedly it is over.
Hugs Cecilia

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh we r so sorry that your mum iz sick. hope she feelz better soon.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

preciouz…..that covid izza bazz turd with a cap it tull B and hopin it
makez like elviz and leevez de buildin….lynnz fotozR grate tho…and mite
eye suggest sew that EWE-get yur brek fezt at YUR normal time, yur mom
ridez her bike two hourz earl lee ur πŸŸπŸŸπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ˜Ί‼️

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope you both soon feel better from the evil Covid. You see lots of interesting sights on your bike ride. You sound like me when you are having your brushies, Precious. With me it is when I get an itch on my back I can't reach and get Ivor to scratch it.

Julie said...

How sweet the fawns look - Yes I can see Mumma fawn in the cornfield! I shall show The Mr your photos Lynn. I have been thinking of you & hope you are both beginning to feel a bit better as each day passes. My personal experience of Covid is that it takes a good month to feel the energy levels start to return. I hope Precious is taking good care of you (!!!) & not demanding too many brushies πŸ˜‰ xx

catladymac said...

Hope you're better soon !

pilch92 said...

Nice photos. I am praying you are recovered from COVID soon. And Precious, you are too cute. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Oh no! I hope you're both feeling better soon. Precious, she will always come back home to you.

messymimi said...

I get what you mean about wanting to be done with exercise before the heat bowls you over.

These are delightful photos, thank you for sharing them.

You and your husband are in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

John Bellen said...

I'm glad you were able to go for a ride before illness took over your plans. I hope your covid bout is swiftly over, and without lasting effects.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry about the Covid. It seems to be resurgeing everywhere. Lots of nice pics, though! Glad you did get your brushies, Precious!

The Chans

CCL Wendy said...

So sorry you had to wait so long for your brushies, but in the end you got to boss your Mom around, and I'm sure it felt all the better for the anticipation. Your Mom deserves a break to take in all these marvelous sights on her bike ride. I'm sure it replenishes her spirit.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, what lovely photos Lynn took of you - and of the things she saw on her bike ride!
So sorry to hear the beastly COVID is back!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Precious I love the photos your mom took of beautiful you enjoying your brushies. Mine were late too. Not till 2 PM!!! That was terrible. I love the pictures of the bike ride. I always do. I saw a turtle this very morning. ..I showed Mom...walking in a hurry (he was...really) across our yard! I watched every step he took. I look forward to your Mom's rides. She takes some super pictures. XX, Precious. Come on over...

Admiral Hestorb said...

WHOOPS/ Sorry. This is Katoe Isabella. Forgot to log in.

CCL Wendy said...

Your brushing may have been late, but at least it wasn't dangerous like Dani's. Count your blessing Precious one. 😻

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Our Mama brushes me sometimes! She gets huge amounts of furs off me, and I'm not even the long-haired cat around here."
Oona: "If you're not the long-haired cat, then who is? You have much longer fur than Oona does."
Charlee: *whistles and sneaks away*
Lulu: "We hope your Mama and Dada are feeling better after their bout with COVID, Precious!"

Katie Isabella said...

Oh and tell Lynn that outside of you, Precious, my mom LOVED that farmhouse and peeling barn oic.

Chris said...

What cuties those fawn are and sad about the ducklings but thats nature.

We interrupt with breaking skwierl news

  "Lynn, come quick!  We got furs outside and I need to git out there to help." "This one breached the catio fence and clumb ...