Friday, July 19, 2024

A different look at the Children's Garden

 "Lynn,  you were gone long enough.  And you never evfur call me to tell me when you'll be home!"

Sorry Precious.  I just haven't been able
to find a phone for you that can be answered with
just a paw tap.

I am so lucky to have 45 miles of bike path on the
325 miles of Ohio to Erie Rail Trail.  It allows me to
see the country side in my county with just a short
drive to several starting points.
I usually start 5 miles from home and ride south west.
 I rode into our big little city and stopped for 
a lunch break at the Children's Garden built by
the vocational students years ago.
I usually concentrate on the miniature buildings and the
flowers and plants.  But this trip I realized I had
been overlooking all the statues.  Small but pretty.

The above statue was actually life size of a child reading.

All the others were only one to two feet tall.

The roses were past their prime and are the kind that have
no perfume scent at all.  Pretty when blooming but I like
the delicious scent of a rose and I miss it here.

"Are you saying I do not look like an angel?  That I do not have
the purrfect qualities to keep you home staring at me instead 
of cold concrete?"

And then there are these two very real looking concrete statues,
munching on my flowers of course.  Just adding to the herd.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Goodness me..! Lynn/Mum...You certainly get
about on that bike of yours, l was a keen
cyclist many years ago, in fact as a youngster
l used to do a bit of road racing..Loved my bike!
Never off it..!

And l must say, l do love statues, the talent and
skill involved in producing them, is amazing....
And of course they last for generations, the angel
at the bottom there is about the best..though there
'all' lovely...!

The photo of your lovely face at the bottom there
Precious, just proves that your the loveliest angel
of all, on to~days post...Bless!x

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
How wonderful to be able to ride on the Ohio to Erie Rail Trail.
That no doubt is a joy in itself!
Those statues at the Children's Garden are all precious.
Sure, Precious looks like an angel too but being outside, biking in fresh air and enjoying the many views is even more 'precious'.
The fawn munching on your flowers are quite a sight...
Mariette + Kitties

jabblog said...

The statuary in the Children's Garden is so lovely, but having your own living statues is even better, particularly the furry one indoors.

Kea said...

What a fabulous bike ride! I'm glad you're getting out to enjoy the trails, summer is zipping by as usual. I love that spot you stopped at for lunch, what a pleasure to explore it.

Precious, I'm sure your human's jaunts just make her appreciate coming home to you all the more!

Have a lovely weekend!

Katie Isabella said...

I will say that THGAT was a ride I wish I had had as well. I loved where you stopped for lunch and all the pictures you took! Made me wish I was right there with you. Precious does have a valid point though. More effort toward finding her a phone, more effort to let her know when you are returning. I know! Buy an answering machine and do what my boys used to do! They would call Robin and talk to her on the nemessage part and Robin could hear their voices while they were gone! (They loved her bunches!)

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, that is some long ride with lots of nice sights to see. You look mighty sweet to me Precious!

Zoolatry said...

Beautiful flowers, beautiful little garden statues ... amazing you, biking like that. And of course ... beautiful Precious!

My Mind's Eye said...

First Lynn OMCs what a wonderful bike ride with such beautiful things to see. I hope the weather was decent (heat) for the ride.
Precious that photo of you at the end was PURRFECTLY captioned. I giggled
"Are you saying I do not look like an angel? That I do not have the purrfect qualities to keep you home staring at me instead of cold concrete?"
Hugs Cecilia

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious yur mom owez ewe big time for stayin a way for 325 dayz..
yea…like a new eggs tension two yur paddy oh, ore sum thin. grilled
fizh fora yeer even….tho de gardin iz awesum awesum πŸ¦šπŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŸπŸ’šπŸ’™
happee week end N stay gorgeouz ‼️‼️πŸ’–

Eastside Cats said...

Precious, of course you are as beautiful and engaging as any garden art, wildlife, etc!

CCL Wendy said...

Poor Precious, left behind at home. It could be worse. I don't imagine you would want to travel around the countryside on a bike with your Mom. But then you could ride, all strapped in, in the basket. Still very bumpy, though.

All of the statues, petite as they come, are so very charming. I enjoyed looking at all the pictures. I was shocked when I read that those dear little ones were statues, too!

And the fragrant flowers to stimulate your sense of smell on top of all else! I think Precious staring at you disapprovingly is a hoot!
What a look!

Anyway, thanks for visiting us. I just wanted to realign your idea of the Hairball Contest. It's my fault, so I have amended the caveat as follows:
Why doncha tell us who you think should win Best Hairball when you leave a comment?
Dani's is The Glitterati
June's Mom's is Hairy
Mousey's is Heartified
We'll announce the winner next Friday when we return.

Wendy & DaniπŸ₯°πŸ˜»

John Bellen said...

There is something about moss and lichen covered statues that appeals to me; perhaps the timelessness of them. What a pleasant retreat it looks like.

Julie said...

I love the children's garden Lynn - I am very partial to statues, especially ones that look as though they have been there for a very long time. Yes indeed you are lucky to have those biking trails near you. And good on you for utilising them. Sorry Mum was gone so long dear Precious - you always look "not best pleased" in your photos. Hope Mum gave you extra leg time. x0x

Julie said...

Ps ... forgot to say ... when you find a phone that can be answered with just the tap of a paw, please let me know so I can then ring Miss Pip & let her know I am not too far away when I go out πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

pilch92 said...

Great photos. I am in awe of you for all the biking you do, especially in this heat. Brody sends his love to beautiful Precious. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're always the most beautiful, Precious! Kitties do need their own cell phones.

The J-Cats said...

That Children's Garden is beautiful - very Victorian-looking of course.
But nothing can be compared to looking at YOU, Precious - We are sure Lynn knows that!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Ahh, to appreciate more what we have at home we sometimes have to stray further afield. Maybe one day you can take Precious with you?
How lovely to find something new to investigate in those gardens,; if not in the changes of the seasons and blooms, then the statues both big and small.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Rumor has it you used to be able to find our Dada outside reading a book when he was a kid, just like that statue."
Java Bean: "Ayyy, what I want to know is, how many of them are Weeping Angels?"

messymimi said...

I'm glad you have such nice places to ride.

The statues are beautiful, and so are the deer even though we'd prefer they eat from places other than our own flower beds.

Precious, you are beautiful but your mama has to exercise and you should be glad she does.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

CCL Wendy said...

I hope Precious is in a better mood today. Thank you for visiting Dani, and for your lovely comment.

My Mind's Eye said...

Thank you for your kind comments on Harper. She (and her older sibllinlgs)were all adopted from Island Rescue. Harper was adopted in Oct 2023, she was estimated to be 4-6 months old. She is sweet and loving too
Hugs Cecilia

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...