Friday, July 12, 2024

Just one neighborhood kitty

 "Lynn, does this kitty have a name fur me it call it?"

It is lying on the padded glidder above.  A bit hard to spot

I don't know what the kitty's name is, Precious.
It is a very pale ginger cat with lots of white tummy and legs.
So it is not easy to photograph while respecting it's
private yard.

I just see it on it's front porch on occasion when I walk in
our community.  It isn't always outside and I hope that
means it goes into the house for love and food.

"I live to go out on my catio now that I've become
accustomed to it.  But I do not want to roam away
fur-om you and my home.  And since I'm
in the back yard, no hoomans can spy on me."

My rose of Sharon early in the morning.
An hour later and it was probably 1/2 gone,
Japanese Beetles are horrible about eating these
flowers.  Thankfully my 5 bushes are large and
bloom into Sept.  The beetles are not out that long.

Above are two different wild honey bees on the same
bird bath.  There is a hive near by and on the very hot and
very sunny days,  the bees swarm the bird baths.  They
take their full bellies of water home and then spend their
time fanning their wings to help cool the hive.  When it
has been cloudy and rainy, they do not come at all.
The birds have learned to go to the other baths I have
throughout the yard that are in the shade.  No bees in
the shade.  I am so glad to see them.  I had them
like this 2 summers ago and none last year.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! And could this be a new friend Precious...
At least from a distance...You'll have to ask
Mum to go and ask what it's name is..! :).

The 'pink' flowers look lovely to, no wonder the
bees like them...They'd make nice buttonholes to.
Nice seeing bees swarming around flowers, it all
looks lovely in the sunshine...mind you..we have'nt
had to much of that this year, wettest June on
record, and July is much the same so far..! :(.
🐱 😸 😻 🐱 😸 😺 😻 😼 😸 😻 🐱

jabblog said...

Pretty cat on the porch.
Pretty flowers in the garden and it's encouraging to see honey bees.
Best of all, though, is pretty Precious, safe at home.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Indeed one hopes that the kitty goes into the house for love and food!
Did hand deliver some missent mail to a neighbor, two houses down the road and their kitty hangs around on our property a lot. Crying for his friends that are cozy indoors most of the time.
Always wondered if it even is allowed to go into the house. Now I know: NOT. She said it was feral and when she stands in front of her side door to put food out, he runs.
Does not sound very 'loving'... and how come it would be feral if you had him since kitten?!
Sadly not all humans are equal in loving and caring for their kitties.
Your Rose of Sharon is just a tad darker than the one we brought home from Italy as a starter:
Bees are fascinating and Pieter was a bee keeper as a teen till he lost all his beehives that he's brought to the heath field. Bombs had shattered them... a very sad day for Pieter.
Mariette + Kitties

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your neighbor kitty looks pretty cute and those flowers sure are pretty! Keep plenty cool sweet Precious!

My Mind's Eye said...

Top 'O the morning Precious and Lynn,
Thank you for sharing the photo of the neigbhor cat.
It really does have a white tummy and I 10000% agree I hope it was just out for a bit of fresh air.
Lynn the Rose of Sharon was a beauty. I am certainly glad you took the photo. Dang Japanese Beetles...feasting on it.
I didn't know the fact about honey bees taking water to the hive. That sure explains why they are all around my bird bath. I have one standing and two closer to the ground for the smaller birds and other thirsty critters.
Hugs and Happy Nature and Feline Friday

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Just sitting on the glider watching the world go by ... Life is good!"

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe naybor kitteh up ther on yur swing
hope yur dayz grate 😺😺and precious, heerz hopin yur
day and week end iz awsum pawsum az well‼️ πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸN
joy sum catio time for me pleez and thanx …and tell lynn
her can buy a bag that setz out ona “garden flag” type
pole, and it attractz thoz beetlez ….inn side. N her
can dizz poze oh de bag and bugZ all in one shot. chek
out amazon N de local hard ware store. they reel lee due
werk ‼️‼️πŸ™€πŸ˜Ί

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, maybe Lynn will see the mama of the ginger kitty out one day when she's walking and ask her about her baby.
LOVED seeing the Rose of Sharon! I sure didn't know the beetles loved eating them so much.

Kea said...

Precious, your fur neighbour looks very comfy out there, and well fed from the second pic. At least I hope so!

The rose of Sharon is stunning. I'm sorry it got eaten so quickly.

Stay cool and have a terrific weekend!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're very lucky to have a catio, Precious! Your neighbor kitty is adorable.

pilch92 said...

I hope that pretty kitty has a good home. Beautiful blooms. Brody sends his love. XO

John Bellen said...

I too hope that orange and white fellow gets to go inside. Precious is smart not to try to leave the catio. Home is best and safest. And what a beautiful bloom that rose is, er, was. Well, it's still beautiful. Maybe the thirsty bees pollinated it while it was still available.

Julie said...

Your Rose of Sharon looks so beautiful Lynn. Such a pretty colour & I love the "ruffles". Poor Ginger kitty - I do hope it gets to go in for food & love too - as we know this is not always the case. Pleased you are enjoying your Catio dear Precious. Miss Pip is currently asleep in a drawer in my sewing room - serve me right for not closing it at the time. Wishing you both a wonderful weekend ... if its any consolation (& I know it will not be) it is freezing here so enjoy the sun while you can. x0x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Neighbour kitty is very pretty. The Rose of Sharon is beautiful.

messymimi said...

Your neighbor kitty is good looking, but not so good looking as you, Precious.

The flowers are a delight, I'm sorry about the beetles.

Hooray for the bees! We need them.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

Chris said...

Our rose of Sharon is yellow, your pink one is beautiful with its frilly edged petals.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, you should ask this peach and white kitty what his/her name is. A kitty needs to be with other kitties effurry now and then, don't you think?

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Precious... Tell Lynn that my mom and she, Lynn, are both watching Gunsmoke at the same time.

CCL Wendy said...

Precious, you have a friend. One who is porchified! Very sweet looking kitty.

Your garden is also most beautiful, as you are, yourself.

CCL Wendy said...

Thanks for coming by to visit again so soon. Any updates on your adorable feline neighbour?

Smudge said...

I don't get to go outside, but I guess I'm not complaining. Those bees are nice, but dad says he's not looking forward to mowing where there are lots of yellow jackets 'round here.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...