Friday, August 2, 2024

Not a Jumper

 "Lynn wanted me to let any of you interested parties know that I am no longer a high jumper.  I love my catio sometimes and really have never shown the slightest interest in jumping over the fence."

"I do jump up on the high chair in the kitchen to git on top of 
the island. I love to sit there with Lynn and have a tea party
and some of her scrambled eggs."

"I also jump up onto the bed at night (only rarely)
and also onto the dressing stool in the closet so I
can climb my way up to the tip top of the clothes
shelves and sleep."

"And I am an expurrt at jumpin' down. And then
there's the matter of Lynn keepin' her eyes on me.
She has forward eyes, back of her head eyes,
crossed eyes and best of all her wall eyes.
I guess I am just that pretty."

Precious, you are a bit calmer in your tween year. 
Soon you will be a teenager.  I do keep an eye on you
as I certainly could not catch you if you went running.
You might not jump high but your speed is far
greater than mine. 

Thank you for all the kind good wishes on this covid I have
managed to finally get after 4 years of avoidance.  It has been
a bad experience and the simple thing I miss is taste and smell.
They are gone for now.  The fever lasts on and on. It's been
16 days now.
My husband brought this home, but he was over the whole
mess in just 5 days.  

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

It's not the jumping that counts Precious,
it's the running...and..l don't think Mum
could catch you, not even on her bike...! :). least you know the places you like
to settle and sleep..away from everything..!
I like the tip, top of the cloths shelves, at
least it's nice and quiet there...! :).
And..l do like Mum's flowers at the bottom
there...all in full bloom..Nice..!

Must get on...l've my daughter, son~in~law
doggie Nala, down later for a long weekend,
bit of a do on Sunday...must get out in the
kitchen, and make a start..!
Have a great weekend...! :O).
😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

Kea said...

Precious, you jump just enough to serve your purposes and that's what counts. I'm glad you're not an escape artist when you're out on your catio!

Lynn, I'm sorry you're still dealing with COVID. I imagined you would be well over it by now! I'm sending lots of healing energy and hope you'll be back to normal soon. ❤️πŸ€žπŸ™

Eastside Cats said...

You are the bestest Precious that could ever be, and every day brings something new.
Sorry to read that your meowmy is still feeling sick, and hope it ends soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You do have lots of nice places to jump when you're in the mood sweet Precious. Dang Lynn, I sure hope the evil Covid moves out soon and leaves your taste and smell for you.

jabblog said...

Just rest as much as you can.
I was pleased to read that Precious doesn't attempt to jump over the fence. I did wonder.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Well, all kitties are different and we have had quite some high jumpers in our kitty family! But no doubt could Precious out run you and/or suddenly hide somewhere.
Wishing you good luck for fully recovering from your nasty cold!
Mariette + Kitties

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious...what a fun giggle I had from reading about your antics....and Mom's many sets of attentive eyes.

Lynn I am so so sorry this horrid covid won't let go of you.
I cannot imagine no taste or smell sensation. And there is the question of how long you have endured it and how quickly your husband got over it.

Sending healing hugs and purrs

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We're glad to hear you do your jumping inside and not over the fence, Precious! Highest cat wins in the house, not necessarily on the balcony!"
Lulu: "We continue to send tail wags for your mom to feel better!"
Chaplin: "And we cats keep up the purrs!"

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious ewe due knot wanna jump de fenze any way…out side de pa rim a turr iz vizshuz deer N squirrel
and ewe noe whatz in everee bush, tree and shrubz fora bazillion milez round. hope yur week endz
pawsum awesum and ya cauZ trubull bee coz ya can ‼️πŸ’™πŸ˜ΊπŸŸ

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pea..ezz…tell lynn…. tho her prob a blee all reddy noez ta ask bout paxlovid…de gurlz sisturr
took it and it got rid oh de nastee bass turd covid

Gidget Blue Sky said...

precious, i go no higher than dee sof or dee bed

pilch92 said...

Glad you don't want to leave your catio. Brody is a jumper. He loves to jump from a chair to the top of the grandfather clock. I hope your mom is fully recovered soon. XO

Julie said...

Oh I'll bet its nice & quiet & cosy up there in the top of the clothes shelf dear Precious - you look most happy tucked up there. The perfect place for a little nap I think.
Lynn I am sorry to read its taking so long for you to recover from the dreaded Covid but that has been my experience of it also. The smell & taste will return but may take awhile. I hope you feel better as each day passes - I think you need to take it easy for quite awhile & give your body a chance to recover. Precious I hope you are being a good nurse maid for your Mum.
Happy Weekend to you both - we have sunshine here today but Oh My it is chilly & my firewood pile is looking rather "slim". x0x

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm sorry COVID is hitting you so hard :( We all need extra eyes to look at our beautiful kitties :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm sorry COVID is hitting you so hard :( We all need extra eyes to look at our beautiful kitties :)

John Bellen said...

It's remarkable how varied the reactions are to covid. I had it, but just felt kind of fluish. I hope your taste and smell return soon. Sixteen days is a long time for any illness.

And I'm pleased that Precioius is not a jumper. She seems content to relax in her catio and not explore farther.

Smudge said...

Oh Good Gosh, Precious, the things we miss. Me and dad hope you get better soon, Lynn. Sounds like you got it good. Trying to catch up here. Me, I'm not much of a jumper other than onto the living room chairs and the bed, though I hear dad did discover a tumbleweed of me up on the kitchen counter when he got up at crazy o'clock the other day. I'm not confirming or denying anything...

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We have noticed that Mummy also seems to have eyes in the strangest places (mol).
Lynn, hang in there. The COVID will pass (eventually) - and the sense of taste and smell will, eventually, return.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Jumping is at times over rated. Me thinks like you, Precious. If I can outrun the critters and hunt down the treats, be they on high shelves or bed, I really have things made and sorted. You are looking very much a princess in your pictures, always on the best throws and sat at the best seat in the restaurent.
Have a lovely climbing week.

Katie Isabella said...

Pracius, my mom and your mm are kinda sorta twins. My mom also has many eyes! She sees me no matter what! She knows my hidey places too and checks those Usually if she hasn't seen me for an hour or so, here she comes looking!

messymimi said...

Precious, I'm glad you don't try to jump over fences and go exploring. It's not safe.

What misery, you are in my prayers to get over this awful illness very soon.

midorilinea said...

Precious, you seem like you're living your best life this summer! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer!

xoxo, MidoriLInea

CCL Wendy said...

I'm so sorry to hear you had COVID. I think there's a resurgence. Hope you feel better having shed this latest version. It sounds like Precious entertained you, though. She is an excellent jumper and would do well at the Paris Olympics.

Now take it easy and regain your strength.

Juno said...

Hello Lynn, we're very sorry to hear that you got Covid after all these years. Fingers and paws crossed for your speedy recovery. Precious, as a doggie like me, you're super high jumper!! Paws up! Juno & mom

My Mind's Eye said...

Good Sunday morning
Precious and Lynn
Just thought I'd pop in to say our total amount of rain from Debby was 8". The sun is bright today and the weather geeks are talking about 2 days next week of very low humidity. Oh Joy
Hugs Cecilia

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...