Friday, July 5, 2024

Mary Mary Quite Contrary

                                  How does your garden grow?

                                 With silver bells and cockleshells.

  "Lynn, are you calling me contrary?  Honestly I have never evfur

caused you a moment to think that."

"I'm not sure how this garden is growin', but I'm ready
to keep a steady paw on the pulse of the plants fur you."

"Just make sure my soft pink rug is out here 
fur when I need to take a bit of a snooze when the
birds quite hootin' and hollerin'"

We have extended the catio fence by 4 feet and the
flower pots are a bit more spread out than last year.
It gives Precious more to wriggle past and hide behind
when she is keeping an eye on wildlife.

The above photo shows how little room there was
last year.  This year I can easily sit out with Precious
and she still has room to roam.

For me, the seedlings I started inside in March, they are
just now getting some size and flowers.  I have waited so long and
I do not like looking at the calendar and seeing we are into
July.  It seems to fly by so fast.

Marigold and matching Zinnia

"And what about all that horrible fireworks noise!
What's with you people!  Have you nevfur evfur heard of
peace and quiet at night!  I am sure the people who
fought the brave battles would like to never hear the
loud booms of anything!"

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Well...l was sat up in bed most of the
night/early morning....
We had our elections over here...and it
all changed around..lot of BIG politicians
lost their seats..and everything else....! :(.
All good fun, lots of laughs, so we have
a new government..!

Precious, l do love your plant pots and
plants, there lovely, and that's where l
love to see plants, in the fields, hedgerows,
or in pots...Not! Not! Cut..and put in silly
vases, on a window~sill...! :(.

“Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”......
This rhyme is actually about Queen Mary I, who
was also known as “Bloody Mary.”
In her religious zeal, Mary executed hundreds
of Protestants during her reign.
As a matter of fact, the “silver bells and cockle
shells” in the poem are actually names for
medieval torture....!

ZOOLATRY said...

... and pretty maids all in a row ...
Mmm, the prettiest of all right in the center!

Kea said...

Precious, my first thought was that your catio is a lot larger than I remembered! Now I know why. 😁

The flowers look great, their blooming surely must be down to your care and attention, Precious. 🙃

Have a lovely day and weekend!

Smudge said...

You're so right- this summer is zooming by like crazy. We're glad you've got more room this year, Precious. Looks like you're surrounded by beautiful flowers and all, and we applaud your green thumbs, Lynn.

Eastside Cats said...

How excellent that you territory was expanded, Precious!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Hard to believe that Precious does not jump the fence... Our kitties sure would get over it in no time!
Love her pink rug for snoozing on, while enjoying wild life.
Mariette + Kitties

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your garden is sure looking good sweet Precious. Hey, the fireworks were horrible here last night too.

jabblog said...

Precious, those blue pots emphasise your pretty colouring. I'm so pleased for you that you have more room to roam and that Lynn can sit out with you.
The marigolds are very pretty.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Precious, mew are looking meautiful in your gorgeous garden!!!! Happy Friyay sweetie!❤🐾🐾❤

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious yur gardin iz soooper awesum ‼️‼️💚😺it bee lookin reel lee grate …due ewe
ever try ta jump de fence? de gurl wood knot trust me, coz eye wood a tempt it‼️‼️hope yur
weekz end iz awesum and dee fire werkz iz a done deel 💙😺🐟‼️

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL go girl friend!! Love that you have requirements that are met to be sure your lounging area is purfect fora happy Gray Lady. Lynn you have a green thumb. Love all the colors and variety.
PS I bet with all the rain last night none of the garden needs watering today.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

Oppps my comment is not here. Maybe Lynn aprroves it first
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

Well pooh bear my first comment went into a black hole.
Let me see if I can recreate it
Precious WTG making sure requirements are met for your to enjoy the great out of doors. You are such a pretty gray lady.
Lynn all your blooms are beautiful and I expect all the rain last night was appreciated.
Hugs cecilia

Gidget Blue Sky said...

precious, yoo iz blooming berry well, your furz look gorgeous!!!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Oona: "Precious, you have got lots of places out there to stalk wildlife from. LIKE A NINJA!!! Oona approves."

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your catio and the flowers are looking lovely, Precious. It is good that you have more room to move between the pots.

messymimi said...

What a nice catio! It does look like a great place to hang out and watch the cat TV.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

pilch92 said...

You are lucky to have a catio Precious. Nice plants, you must have a green paw. I wish there was no such thing as fireworks. XO

The Florida Furkids said...

Your garden is pawsome!

Julie said...

Oh I think its wonderful how you have extended it Lynn. Precious will just love weaving in & out of those pots & hiding in places. Plus she will love having you sit out there with her. Please tell her Madam Pip has a pink rug just like hers!!
I am sitting here wondering what all the fireworks would've been about & of course - 4th July celebrations. We hear them here on November 5th Guy Fawkes Day & we all in this house - hate it!!!! Very close to us & very loud & I often feel like hiding under the bed with the furry ones x0x0

John Bellen said...

That's a fine catio you have, Precious, and even more of it than before, now.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You have such a pawsome spot to hang out, Precious!

The J-Cats said...

Precious, what a HUGE garden you have, beyond the catio! The catio fence looks easy enough to jump over. Have you effur tried?

Erin the Cat Princess said...

What a lovely catio you have. I love you have centre stage, a mat and plenty of plant and wildlife interest. perchance, any catnip in those pots to help while away the hours in studious napping?
Stay well and safe, Precious and mum.

Katie Isabella said...

PRECIOUS! You have the best Mommy and Daddy! Look at how they made the catio so much better for you. And your mom can sit out there with you sometimes! Not for legs though. She has too much to do all day. I relly like your catio, I wish I had one too!

Marvelous Marv said...

Terrific catio Precious! I be you even get some wildlife! (Birds and Bees and maybe a rodent or 2) Our summer went from cool to HOT! We have been over 100 degrees everyday this week and probably next week too - so us cats has been hanging out down by the river. Keep being awesome guys!
Purrs Jo Jo (and Marv and Kozmo and Cinnamon and Nutmeg).

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Precious - you are doing a marvelous job taking care of the garden! It looks amazing! Your sisters here in Idaho agree with you about the fireworks too! Blessings to you both!

Apple Hog, Whistle Pig, Ground Hog, you name it

  "Lynn has been frustrated with her lack of eatin' apples this year. Oh the 2 trees were loaded early on but the critters outside ...