Friday, June 28, 2024

Snakes are not sticks

 "Lynn, you must warn folks that this is a sneaky snaky post. Some hoomans do not like 'em.  Me, I don't know what you are tryin' to show off.  They look like sticks."

"I know you just have to show off these crazy things furom yer
bike rides but I just don't see the point.  After all you got 
me to show off!"

I know Precious but I really do get excited about these 
critters and all the rest I see of fur and feather too.

Look close and you will see I got a twofer in this top photo. 

These top two photos are close ups of the 5 foot long
black snake.  From one direction it looked as if she was 
a white spotted zigzag. And from the other angle
she just looks black.

The small snake above is about a 20 inch long brown
garter snake, which is pretty big for it.
They were both sunning on a rather chilly morn on the
section of Amish shared path.  As usual I am afraid of the
snakes getting killed by traffic on the bike path so I always
move them along.  The large black snake was so cold still
I had to pet it a bit to wake it up.  I'm good with them coiling
and striking as I am always ready to jump back.  Non poisonous and
not too toothy.  The garter was warmer and by the time I
bent over it, she said "adios and good bye".

Now this tree stump is actually a 200 year old
headstone in a Catholic cemetery.

I come across some unusual things as I enjoy my
rides. The paths go through small villages and
I try to tool around the streets if there are no hills.

The Virgin Mary alcove was built in 1932 but the
church was built in 1830 out of local quarried

Unfortunately for the congregation, the church closed in October
2023 due to lack of priests.  Nearly 200 years of Masses.

"Well, you've bored me out of my gourd.  I bet most hoomans have
nodded off if not run off screaming to their graves.  First killer snakes and then
cemeteries.  Java Bean, I am furry sorry fur this post. I hope
you do not have to go back into therapy fur this."

Java Bean at The Oceanside Animals was bitten by a 
rattler earlier this year.  

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! No! Precious...This far from a boring
post...I~Love~Snakes..any type of snake,
especially the 'BIG' ones...I could watch
them for hours..Yes! hours..!
They are amazing creatures, and have a
wonderful lifestyle..There lovely...!

And, l do love the statue of the Virgin
Mary, l love statues to, amazing skill
those sculptures have, amazing...
And..l am a Catholic..well.. a lapsed
Catholic really, if the truth be known,
but, then l choose to believe in, what l
choose to believe in...
And 200yrs of masses..Yes! I've done a
few in my time..! Bless!
🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your human sees so many interesting things on her rides. We only have three types of snakes here, the grass snake which is the biggest, the viper or adder which is venomous and the slow worm which in spite of it's name is a harmless snake. Flynn once found an adder's nest and kept bringing me back baby adders. I am glad their mom didn't follow him back!
You do look rather bored, Precious.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Indeed, biking is so wonderful as it brings you so close to nature in all its forms.
We have encountered lots of snakes and other critters.
They certainly don't scare me.
The Virgin Mary alcove is a pretty one and how sad that the Church is closed after 200 years of soul service.
There is something wrong with this world and people seem to put high morals and Faith off the table—our most precious gifts. Our ancestors did pass it along for so long and this generation is signaling that it was of no value?
One day they will have to stand before their final Judge and explain things.
Mariette + Kitties

Kea said...

Precious, I wasn't bored either. I'm not afraid of snakes, but I wouldn't be keen on picking one up or petting it, unless it was accustomed to being handled. I once had an eastern milksnake in the garden, back when Annie and the boys were all out there. I freaked because I had never seen one and didn't know what kind it was until I managed to remove it and then Google. I used to see lots of snakes in Lemoine Point too, when I would go for a ramble.

I also like strolling through old cemeteries. The one near me, where our first Prime Minister is buried, used to be more enjoyable, but it's much busier now since three highrise apartment buildings were constructed adjacent to it. Now the cemetery is a popular walking spot, so it's rare to have the same peace and quiet.

Have a terrific day and weekend!

Eastside Cats said...

Have visited many a cemetery, Precious.
They are like big parks, with interesting monuments to look at.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I wasn't bored sweet Precious and it's always good to see you. That was an interesting cemetery! I don't mind snakes but I keep my distance, we do have some of those nasty ones here.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious…ewe will all wayz bee de star oh thiz blog, even if yur mom
doez share sum awesum fotoz oh her bike ride add venturez. de tree
marker iz like de awesum pawsum est and sew iz Mary’s al cove….

de gurl wood knot haz gone within a hundred milez oh thoz snakes
and wooda terned de bike round N sped a way fast as de wind πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pea ezz…her wood rather see lionz sunnin on de path ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ’šπŸ’™

My Mind's Eye said...

Lynn and Precious.

First of all Precious you are such a funny Girl. As with Angel Madi, I'm sure you believe the entire post should be about Y O U. After all it is named Precious. I loved the photo of you lounging in the chair.

Lynn thankful the snakes were not the mean variety. The color of the black snake was interesting.
Here in the south it is D R Y and H O T...and all critters are out looking for water. Way too many copperhead bites this year. Started in Early June.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS Precious I was not bored at all

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Not a fan of snakes, but not a hater of them either. We don't have too many venomous snakes in our area. I think copperheads are our most common venomous snake and fortunately, I've never seen one. I've seen plenty of black and garter snakes.

pilch92 said...

Your mom is very kind to move them out of the street. I just scream when I see them and they wiggle away while I am running the opposite way. Brody sends his love. XO

jabblog said...

It's very kind of you to move the snakes out of harm's way. Many people just wouldn't bother.
Precious, you've got a good human there, but you knew that anyway.

Julie said...

A fascinating post - sorry Precious! We don't have snakes here in New Zealand but I had a couple of "encounters" when I lived in Australia for awhile. You would surely have to know the different varieties to know which are venomous & which are harmless Lynn?? And I am thinking there must be SO many to learn?? You are very brave. I love the cemetaries & the old headstones etc ... I would rather love to uproot some of those & have in my garden - I've long had a fascination for them. Wishing a lovely weekend to you both x0x

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are too funny, Precious! Snakes...shudder!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean (inspecting snake closely): "That's not the one that got me either."

John Bellen said...

I like snakes, too. They do their bit for the environment - probably quite a bit. I'm glad you moved them along, even if they had to find a new warm spot. And the tree stump tombstone was very interesting.

My Mind's Eye said...

What a brave Milkman you had..determined to get the milk delivered even in dire situations.
Good for him.
Hugs Cecilia

messymimi said...

Those snakes are great! They're the kind you save and take care of, and they take care of making sure no pests get into your house. We've had pet snakes, they are amazing.

Old cemeteries can be fascinating, there's so much history in there.

Katie Isabella said...

I loved your Mom's part of the post, Precious. I enjoy her bike ride photos very much..always have. I don;t get all squealy about snakes. But I leave them alone of course. They have snake stuffs to do.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We do not think We would like to meet a snake. We don't know enough about them to know which ones are venomous and which not, so We think it's best not to take chances.
Mummy thinks they are fascinating, and She would not mind petting one if She knew for certain it was not venomous, and it was in a "controlled environment".

Marvelous Marv said...

How exciting! Have any snakes made it into your yard and onto your deck? We have a few different snakes around here-including garter snakes, bull snakes and Racer Snakes (they are fast and they climb trees!) and the the dread rattle snakes. Queen Nellie was the snake catcher, but I, Marv am the only one now and I have brought home Mom a couple. We love the grave yards. Ours is quite boring. Mom goes to the Greenwood cemetery a couple times a year to clean up her Grant Aunt Helen and Grant Grand Mother's graves. She says she enjoys the solitude. Our Anglican Church (in Greenwood 7 miles away) was built in 1901 and it was still having Sunday services once a month when a fire burned it down last month. It was quite the excitement for our sleepy little area! We LOVE the picture of you Precious! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy Marvelous Marv

Henny Penny said...

Oh Precious, I can't believe that Lynn is so brave around those snakes. I don't like to see them killed, especially when folks try to run over them with their cars...I hate that! But! I run when I see a snake...I do not stop and mess with them. Your Lynn is very brave. Lynn, your pictures are great. You take care. :)

CCL Wendy said...

Thanks for leaving the Canada Day wishes. Wow, this a really scary post! Snakes give me the willies, and I don't enjoy hanging around in cemetaries either. I'm glad you survived all that and are back at home all comfy and cozy.

Chris said...

You picked up the snake to warm it up?? That is not something I could ever do.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...