Friday, November 3, 2023

The Rest of HER story

 I'll tell the tale this time.  First I thank each and every person who sent helpful information on what to try to help Precious be less nervous.  I am not sure if the Calm Cat helped or not, but Precious soon decided they did not taste bad, so I am still giving her 2 a day.  That is all a 15 pound cat is to have.

  I even swallowed a few of the stinking things, but being 85 pounds heavier, I am sure I felt no benefit or unpleasantness.  

  The doctor is quite caring for his patients.  I trust him even though I do not like Precious to have extra needles thrust into her, as in drawing out urine.  They did offer to give me some kind of cat litter to bring home that would have captured the urine for testing.  I declined as she is healthy.

  The doctor also told me that cats do not have to fast for the blood work.  That cats do not get pre-diabetes that would show up in the test.  They either have diabetes or they do not.  He apologized for the advice of the dog groomer.  I made it clear to him, that she seemed just very interested in helping.

You may wonder why I did not have the blood results yet.  We live in Po'Dunk, and if you don't know what kind of city that is, it is one 100 miles from any really large city that may have the test labs needed.  If Precious were sick I am confident the results would be over night delivery.  I received the results Tuesday and she has no real issues yet.  Her thyroid is fine but the number has changed slightly from last year. I am not worried.

Thankfully,  Precious got home in just an hours' time.
She did calm down as she found all her bedroom doors open
and could explore to be sure it was safe.
She did give me legs that eve and fell fast asleep.
Tuesday was the day she decided that things might
repeat themselves, so she got under the bed very soon
after a bit of breakfast and fresh air.  Probably thinking
I'd close off the house again.
But that eve she was back to hair brushing, and
5:30 leg time.

Unfortunately, it has been a bad weather week for
her to get outside as long and as often as she enjoys now.
We had 3 days of rain this past weekend, and she would
sit on the top step under the eave. Then the temps dropped
in the 20's in the morns so her ears were like popsicles when
she ran in every 2 1/2 minutes as my ankle froze with
the door open and shut 30 times.

I'm probably the one who needs tranquilizing every year.
She may need her teeth cleaned next year and that'll put
me over the edge, I know.

"psst, ev-furry one, I woke up enough to tell you to
do the googlie thing fur yer ornament."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is very much appreciated.


jabblog said...

I'm pleased to learn that all is well with Precious and that she hasn't completely cut off all contact with you;-) I hope the ankles have recovered from the icy blasts.
The bauble is pretty.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Now we've got the umpteenth medical report over,
let's hope life gets back normal...and settles down..!
You get used to your own ways, don't you Precious,
then you get dragged off to the doctors...still, it's
only once in a while, and you've got to make sure
you keep well...we humans have to do the same...!
God bless..!x And take care now...! :)x

Kea said...

I'm sure you would have heard right away if anything had been amiss with Precious' blood work results. It sounds like she's aging well and is healthy, so that's great! Having spent, literally, multiple tens of thousands of dollars on vet bills through the years, I've come to the conclusion that less interference in the natural process is better, if the cat/dog is healthy and happy. And no amount of testing, meds, supplements, etc. ever will change the inevitable for us all. Better to have good quality of life, IMO, over mere quantity.

BTW, I often would take one or two Valerian capsules before I had to take any of the cats to the vet because *I* would get so stressed, particularly with having to call a taxi and wonder if they'd show up in time, or at all. That was the worst part, the cabbing. I will not do it again.

Oh, how I understand about opening the door a bazillion times a day! LOL. I used to think that if I just had a toonie (Canadian two dollar coin) for every time I did it, I'd have had a retirement fund. Ha!

Take care and I hope you all have a terrific week.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm really glad to hear that the test results were nothing to cause worry or stress, that is always a really good thing. Yes, taking our sweet ones to the Vet is very stressful for us too, very stressful.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad the results were good. I couldn't understand why you were told to fast Precious, but I am sure the groomer was just trying to be helpful. It would have been better if she had gone and asked someone though.

pilch92 said...

I am glad Precious' blood work came back good. There is a litter that turns colors when it detects problems. If you are ever worried about that, you could get some of that. Brody sends his love. XO

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious, we iz glad noe nooze iz good nooze and it soundz like yur noe nooze iz good nooze which iz act shoo a lee grate nooze!💙🐟‼️😺
pea ezz….we had snowz heer on munday ….we iz knot reddy for chill
weatherz 🙀

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
Glad that ordeal with Precious is over with for now!
Tuesday at 4:30 PM our Vet Amanda will come and give Spooky boy his 3 year Rabies shot in our laundry room (where their food bowls get prepared on the little counter...). Always glad when that is done and he is the most nervous one of all. We don't want to lose his trust so this works well.

Katie Isabella said...

What a dear photo of Precious all asleep and beautiful in her onesie. I love it. And I loved reading that her results were so good. I had to about be tranquilized too when Katie had her teefs cleaned. It was awful for me. And Katie knows that it's like to think there will be a repeat! I partially closed (within 3 inches maybe) the hall door so she could patrol out the front storm door in 28 degree cold. I turned the furnace thermostat down, & the door helped, I hoped, to keep the air off the thermostat down the hall for a few minutes. Katie saw it and had that awful groan sound. I opened it but closed the front door. She cheered up. I think I just wrote a blog here :-)

Lynn and Precious said...

I liked it much better when we had the 3 year rabies shot. But 2 years ago, in Ohio, they made it yearly. Precious is young enough I would not have been taking her in every 12 months if it were not for that.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious you take a most beautiful sleepy photo. Too funny about Mom needed a tranquilizer to help her get you to the vet. Milky-Way our first cat was a champion at hiding...when he heard me open the PTU. Once he ever climbed inside the recliner. That appt had to be postponed. Madi never hid but but she did everything she could to spread her back paws as far apart as she could to make getting her in nearly impossible. At the vet the PTU had to be disassembled to get her out. However she was quite eager to get back in.
Hugs and thanks for the 'rest of the story'.

messymimi said...

I'm glad the blood work came back with all clear. It's hard on us and them, these yearly treks to the medical places. Good work getting it done, it's over for the time being and you can both relax.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Wonderful news about the blood work. I ordered my FF ornament this afternoon!

John Bellen said...

Cats are such sensitive creatures; some are knocked for a loop by a vet visit. It sounds like Precious may be in the middle ground with her reaction. In any case, it was worth knowing that she is doing well, and good that she has forgiven her favourite human for any disruption in her life.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

The J-Cats said...

Poor Precious. Well, at least that's over for another year, hopefully.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious and Lynn just saw your very kind comment on my planters.
We are in North Carolina. Those are our fall/winter planters. The pansies thrive in our winter but our horrid summer heat wilts them.
Hugs Cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

Precious is a lot like me, Katie.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Uh oh! I can't let Roary see this. He is having bloodwork done tomorrow at 7:30 am and he has to fast from midnight til after the bloodwork. He doesn't mind going to the Vet so I might bring his food with me. Not sure. I have to get up around 6:30 and probably skip my coffee and then grab him while he is following me for breakfast. (I always feel sooo mean when I do that but I have no choice.). My husband is coming too which makes it much easier for me. I hate having to fast them. Hoping your bloodwork results come out fine! xoxo

Julie said...

Sorry I am late to comment this week Lynn & sweet Precious ... I have been away briefly. I am pleased you made the decision Not to have her urine tested - I would have done the same I am sure. You look so sweet dear Precious & you are such a creature of habit - I could just imagine you checking all the doors were open. Look at you there enjoying your brushing.
Yes Lynn - I think I am often the one that needs jolly well tranquilising regarding my pets too. I have been on a brief trip but I text messaged The Mr this morning & told him to tell the 3 furry ones "that Mum is coming home today". He replied that they will be delighted the Food Truck is returning!!!! 😉

Adorapurr said...

Dear Pwecious and Momma, did yoo know us fur kids pick up on our hoomon's stress? When polyticks and bad wurld nooz is overwhelming, and house stuff needs fixing, and bills are due, and money is tight, hoomon stwess fills the air we kittehs breathe. Momma has recently purrchased a TheraPetMD plug in. It looks like a white duck sucking on the electrical plug. It addresses a lot of issues we kittehs keep sekret from our hoomons. Also, Jackson Galaxy makes flower essences to addwess yoonique issues going on with us, like bullying, safe places, traveling, etc. So I hope with yoo feeling okay but other behaving stwessed, something will help yoo calm the hekk down. Cuz Santa Claws is coming and I want yoo to enjoy a Wonderpurr Christmas. Love, Dori

CCL Wendy said...

My Dani is very sensitive and picks up on both her Dad and Mom's stressfulness. In one way kitties are little empaths, but on the other paw they take the feelings on as their own. It sounds like Precious is doing pretty well. Rides in the car to the vet should be minimized methinks, and they should cut down on all that needling when you get there. Best of efurrything, Precious.

Smudge said...

Dad says he can't get enough of the sleeping Precious photograph, and we're glad you're doing well, dear Precious. Here's hoping all stays well.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...