Friday, October 27, 2023

It's MY Story, so I'm Telling It.

 My Monday started out horrible at 5:30 AM, because when I went outside, it was dark and starry and 28. Lynn said the bird bath were froze. So I did not stay out long. When I came in I found all doors were closed to my rooms! I knew instantly what was apaw. 

  I even started caterwauling. I've never done that before. Those Calm Cat treats were OK, but I was not calm. Here's me hiding under the footrest of Lynn's chair listening to the sound of the garage door going up and the Travel Vehicle warming up.

I did scream a bit in the TV but not as much as usual.  And before,
when I git to Dr. Feelbad's office, they gave me a private room
immediately as my singing seems to make the wolfies howl.
Not this time, so I did hide in my PTU and only cry instead of
I got my bloods sucked out, but not my pee. And then
Dr. F squeezed around on my belly reminding Lynn I have
a tubby tummy and he could not feel my kidneys easily.
Who cares! They're my kidneys.
He did say I lost weight. I went fur-om 15.6 to only 15.1.
Dr. Feelbad wants me to weigh 13 pounds, does he have any
idea how much it would run me to git a new grey fur onesie
if I loose 2 dress sizes!
I then got my rabies shot and a steroid shot 'cause he thinks
I am showing signs of allergies. Fur-om outside time, maybe.

Lynn says he has not told her yet about my blood
test.  I may have hot red blood or I may have ice
water in my veins.

Lynn is still giving me Calm Cat treats mostly 'cause
I deserve extra treats.  I felt furry bad on Tuesday and only
went out in the AM dark for a few minutes.  Only ate 1/2 of
my breakfast. Then I stayed under the bed until supper time.
I did eventually give Lynn legs late, 6:30.
On Wednesday morn, I was back to usual.  I even had a 
long visit with a young opossum outside my fence!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! Poor you Precious...And l expect the opossum was
the first to hear of your telling story...! :(.
And Yes! HeHe! They are your kidneys, and you hang onto
Never mind...It's all over and done with now, you can go
back to being your own lovely, beautiful pussy~cat...! :).
😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

jabblog said...

Oh, poor Precious! It's so rude to talk about a lady's weight, isn't it? I'm sorry your visit upset you so much and I hope you're feeling much more yourself now.

Kea said...

Precious, that was a terrible ordeal, but it seems that just maybe those calming treats helped you a bit...even more than a bit! I'm glad you didn't hide away too long and were back to normal the next day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Goodness Precious, I'll bet you are glad that ordeal is over! Humans sure do get obsessed with how much kitties weigh!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh precious, dat iz so scaree!! we r gladz dat yoo survived! do not lissen to wat dr.feelzbad sez, yoo iz purrfect the way yoo r

da tabbies o trout towne said...

feer knot precious…we can give ewe de hot line number two call, ore text, two haz dee livery oh canned goodz, sent strait a way two yur houz, under cover oh darknezz and lynn will never noe ewe got em. ‼️πŸŸπŸ’™πŸ€ ther iz NOE such werd az diet in cat speech πŸ™€πŸ˜Ό

catladymac said...

Oh Precious, we are glad you survived your visit to Dr. Stabby . You definitely do not want to lose weight too quickly, that's as bad as being too weighty. And we hope the calming treats are tasty, as well as calming.

Julie said...

Oh dear me sweet Precious - what a stressful week for you (& for your Mum too!!). Tell the Vet that it is rude to comment on a ladies weight! And tell him I can't feel my own kidneys either .... through all the "outer layers" around them πŸ˜‰ I am pleased the ordeal is behind you now & hopefully the blood tests will all come back okay & you can reassure us that you are "normal" dear Precious. Wishing you & Mum a good weekend - its turned cold here again & I am typing this with a hottie in my lap!!! x0x

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
How sad for Precious for having to go through this...
Our Spooky is due for his rabies shot and we will let Amanda the vet come to our home at kitty–supper time and keep him inside the laundry room...
Never easy!

pilch92 said...

Brody and I are sorry you went through that. We think you are the perfect weight. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm so glad you survived that ordeal, sweetie. I've thought about you this week and wondered how it went. Vets certainly are obsessed with weight.

messymimi said...

As awful as it can be, better to go to the vet every year and keep healthy than wait until you lose your health. I think if you lose those two sizes slowly and carefully, you won't need a new onesie.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Cats are too smart for visits to the vet; they always know. And those injections usually make one fell poorly, don't they? I'm glad you are back to normal, Precious. You deserve those extra treats.

Lynn and Precious said...

Hi there, so nice to hear from you again. Hope everything's going well for you and thanks for the good thoughts.

Lynn and Precious said...

That's a good thing that you have someone that will come to the house. Hope all goes well with that.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Honey, I so hoped you would be feeling less apprehensive. I hope your mom left the PTU put anyway even if the next trip is a year from now You need to not fear it. I know what you mean. Mom told me the Admiral knew (and so do I!!) when the doors closed to all the rooms mean. I always know what's coming. Precious, mommy called me Precious this morning asking me to come to the kitchen. So occasionally you and I share the same name. I lost from 15.6 to 14 something or other, myself. Over the space of two years I lost a pound and a fifth, another kitty told me. I share my labs and stuffs with him. He's smart. You know, I stay out of sorts and unwell for the best part of a week when I get those shots. OH! Me and Dai$y will send you ads and coupons for gray onesies when we go to Milan and Paris next week.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That all sounds very stressful, Precious. We hope that life will be quieter now.

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Precious, Mummy wishes She knew how to make Shimshi lose some weight. But he is a mancat. When it comes to ladycats, it's furry rude to make purrsonal remarks about their weight, isn't it?

Smudge said...

Sorry for all you've gone through, dear Precious. Say, you and I weigh about the same! You know, that picture of you hiding is just like me whenever I hear high-pitched noises or, especially, rain hitting the roof. Have a good week!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh sweet Precious!!! The Vet can be such an ordeal! Praying your bloodwork comes back really good!! Roary had to lose weight told him months ago he was too fat! The nerve!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi are a lovey Grey Lady
I hear you sweetie. Monday was my annual Senior Wellness.
My blood was stolen too and lots of poking too
Hugs Cecilia


That sounded so stressful Glad its over.
Thanks for sharing.
Wishing you a happy new month.

CCL Wendy said...

Poor Precious! What a scary time you had, even though you almost OD'd on those calming treats. Concats on your weight loss. I know it's just the start, but you'll appreciats being healthier when you reach your target.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...