Friday, September 29, 2023


 "Lynn, that does not look like our Christmas tree."

No Precious, it does not. This is a Fall Tree that my
friend saw at her Visitor Center of a State park.
I must say, I do not want to even think of fall color and
least of all Christmas yet.
I prefer the color green on trees indefinitely and of
course the rainbow of color on flowers and shrubs.
But if a person were to decorate for Fall this is
decidedly a great way to do so.
I do like seeing all the Fall decorations come out
after October first,  but mid September is just too soon
for me.

"I am thinking about what kind of tree ornament
that Fancy Feast will do this year.  They never do
one that has a grey onesie, they just do that floofy
white cat!"

"Lynn and I had a furbulous week at home alone
last week. And she did not break anything! 
She did treat herself to this tiny blue lapis kitty and
I am not jealous as it is just stone still.
I spent extra hours outside in the dark of morn
until maybe 8 AM, and upon waking from my
siesta at 2, I went back outside until brush time."

Yes, Precious we had a great girls week this time
starting with cast removal.  And lots of brushes
and leg time in the evening.
Now the mornings are colder in the 40's and
Precious has a thick rug to sit on.  I go out to
look up and star gaze.  The bats are gone onto
warmer climes.

Other bits,  my last last 3 Monarchs raised indoors
flew away Sept. 26, 27 and 29.  Long wait 'til next year.
And condolences to our blog friend in NZ of
My Threadbare Life.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


jabblog said...

It must feel strange to be without your cast now, but so liberating, I imagine.
I can't think about Christmas until the clocks go back at the end of October.

Kea said...

I'm glad your girls week was so enjoyable! I like the autumn tree, and don't mind seeing fall decor in mid-September. One of the units on another street in our complex has their outdoor Halloween decor up already, which is a bit much. I do NOT like seeing the Christmas stuff already out in stores (Costco, etc.).

Precious, it seems like you're really loving your catio time, which is pawsome! That lapis blue kitty is lovely, and of course doesn't compete for your human's attention or steal your food and treats. :-)

Have a wonderful weekend and take care.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! What's happened at Julie's...No post as
such, as yet...! :(.

I must say, l do love that tree, does'nt really matter
what time of the year it is...something like a decorated
or man made tree is lovely...colours and all..
I have an 18inch pink Christmas tree on my coffee
table in the front room..this Christmas will be it's
seventh Christmas, it sits there ALL the year round,
never put l said, it's pink..(what else)..with
little white baubles...! And, l love it..! :O).
I hope that tree above had a fairy at the top of it...
A Christmas tree without a fairy, is 'not' a Christmas
tree...! :O).

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, I saw your post on Henny Penny the other day so I got worried about Julie. Her mum has passed.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! Dear! Thankyou Lynn..Thankyou..!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two have been busy and hooray for that cast removal!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh the wonderful feeling, albeit strange for a little while, when the cast is removed. YEA! And Precious, no gray once, and no Tuxie's either. I didn't even know Fancy Feast was still making ornaments.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious….think oh how total lee awesum it wood be…two get IN
that tree πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜ΊπŸ™€ happee weekz end two ewe and yur momπŸŸπŸ€πŸ’š

pilch92 said...

That is a pretty tree. I have a small tree I painted purple for Halloween with a black cat topper. I am glad you were able to get your cast off. There should be an ornament of you Precious. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Together time is the best! We look forward to the FF ornament each year too. Mudpie thinks they need a new model, a tortie :) Very pretty tree. We're all about fall and Christmas decorations!

messymimi said...

A fall tree, I'd not seen one. Now the children are grown we don't even do a Christmas tree, but it's nice to see others do them.

I'm glad you had a good week together, and thank you for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

That looks like a Christmas tree to me, no matter how it's decorated. And yes, it's far too early for anything Christmas-y, as much as I like the Season. It's good to read that the arm is healing; it must feel slow to you, Lynn, but it seems like good progress to me. (Precious, maybe Lynn could write to Fancy Feast about including a grey cat in their products...)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad the cast is off at last and you both had a good week. I have never heard of a Fall tree before, but a Christmas tree is a Christmas tree no matter how it is dressed.

CCL Wendy said...

The autumn tree is very pretty, but I hear you about Christmas. And, of course, there's Thanksgiving coming up, too. Your week alone with Precious sounds very lovely. No hustle and bustle, just enjoying each other. It's great that you can get around much better now. Just be extra careful when the snow starts to fly.

Julie said...

You are so very kind Lynn (& of course you too Precious!) - thank you so much. I am so pleased to read you now have your cast off ... that is wonderful news. That tree is rather spectacular! I love the new blue kitty - so sweet, but of course not as sweet as You dear Precious!
I have just noticed my swan plant shrub has not survived the winter so I shall have to buy some new ones next time I visit the garden centre. Thank you both again for all your kindness & your friendship. x0x0 πŸ’™

The J-Cats said...

We are glad your cast has come off, Lynn. Precious, you take good care of Lynn now and don't let her go and get any more limbs broken.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...