Friday, October 6, 2023

Has anyone used this?

  I found this cat relaxant at a big box store. I plan to use it

when Precious has her next doctor appointment.

I usually go to one of the large cities only once
or twice a year.  All are 50 miles or more away
from our big little city.

I found this in the pet department and decided to
buy it.  It has a shelf date of 2024 and I have not
opened it.

I don't even know if Precious will like the smell
or taste of it anyway.  But if she will eat it that morning
in question, maybe she will be less stressed by the 
trip and the exam.  2 years ago I let them do a thorough
health exam and then 2 weeks later she had her teeth
cleaned.  She was one miserable cat for 3 weeks.

"Lynn, are you talking about taking me out again this
year to see the doctor who thinks I am obese?  And pokes
and prods and pinches and stabs me?  I'll need more
than just a bag of magic treats."

I plan to have her blood tested this year as she
approaches 12.  I skipped last year as it traumatized
her something awful 2 years ago.  The person answering
the phone thought Precious should come in for her
8 AM appointment on an empty stomach.  I did not
do that last time nor did they say.
Any opinions on if I should keep her off her

"I'll tell y'all a cee-curt if you purr-omise not
to tell Dr. Sawbones.  Lynn RODE her bike this past
week.  She said she simply could not miss the last great
weather of the year.  I was in my bed tent after an
exhausting few hours moth catching and I did not even
listen to her tell me until it was too late fur me to stop her."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

I don't know about Precious taking those....
Think l might get some for myself..wonder
if l can get them over here in the UK...
I've suffered stress and anxiety all my life,
not life threatening, and l've had all sorts of
treatment and medication..nothing works,...
HeHe! And I'm still running around on the ceiling!

Oh! And breakfast is the most important meal of the
day..l never start it without mine...!
Dr Sawbones..That's an unfortunate name for a doctor! :).
πŸ’› 🌱 🌸 🌱 πŸ’œ 🌱 🌸 🌱 πŸ’œ πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œ 🌱🌸🌱

Kea said...

I have never seen those calming treats, though have seen other brands. Not hemp, though. I hope Precious likes them. 🀞

I don't know about fasting. Some bloodwork needs it, but I never had to with my cats unless they were having dentals and going to be under anesthetic. I would say that if fasting Precious will stress her more, don't bother, but let the vet/techs know she's eaten. You're her human mom, you know her better than anyone else.

Oh, I can only imagine how amazing it was to be on your bike again! Just please be extra careful! πŸ™‚

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Lynn and Precious said...

3 days I rode just fine. Bike is up for the winter for sure. I am a fair weather rider and fair weather is ending today. Got rain thank goodness and expect light frost this weekend.

ZOOLATRY said...

Hi, we can't advise on this product. But do admit that June is close to impossible for vet appointments, "hating" to be put in her carrier, the car ride, the whole of it. Always a stress test for both of us. I must give her gabapentin meds beforehand, and even with those it is hard. And her vet is but 15-minutes away. I do wish you well ...

jabblog said...

I don't know if any of these things really work. I think it's more to do with making the owners feel they're doing their best for their pets!
It's good to read that you're cycling again - it must have felt so freeing.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious….we iz on limited data time sew we hafta type quik lee
and hope we due knot haz any spellin errorz….😺‼️
we due knot bee leeve ewe hafta skipz a meel fora roo teen vizit and pleez ta tell lynn that if her playz harp mewsic ( google harp music for cats on you tube ) on her cell ewe lar dee vize durin de trip two de ewe noe wear place, it will help ( no joke about the music πŸ˜ΊπŸ˜ΊπŸ€πŸ’™πŸŸ

Brian's Home Blog said...

We've not used those calming treats either but we do usually fast for blood work, no kitty likes that. All the best for the best possible visit possible.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are not familiar with these. However, we are familiar with the standard practice around these parts of no food after 7 or 8pm if there is a blood test in the morning.

The Chans

The Florida Furkids said...

We have never seen those. We agree that blood work is often fasting.

Katie Isabella said...

Like Kim above there the only time she has had fasting to be done was for dental surgery. Her blood work just gets done, regardless. Haven't heard of those chews. I wonder how much salt is in there. Let me go look at that table again. I see they have it listed under inactive ingredients which is not so . Salt isn't a medicine I guess I see why they listed it there after all . I feel for you and for Precious. All my cats until Katie were like that. Katie thank heaven doesn't say anything but she sure puts up a fight at the Vets .

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I don't know about those chews. Maybe you could send a full photo of the packet to your vet and ask their advice. A lot would quite likely depend on where they are manufactured too as some countries use inferior ingredients. The last line looks like it says they could cause diarrhea so that would make me cautious. It depends on what the blood test is for whether they need to be fasted or not. If it is just routine it shouldn't be necessary.

Julie said...

I'll bet you really enjoyed the bike ride Lynn ... after so long it would've been wonderful. I hope the calming treats work for Precious - anything natural like that can be helpful I think. The chamomile & the valerian in them will be very calming - may be I need some for myself!!! πŸ˜‰ I did smile at the Vet saying you are obese dear Precious. Goodness me ... if I had to take Blackie I would get such an "ear full" about his size & his weight. He climbed a branch this morning & it promptly broke off!! Did you feel the mini earthquake all the way over there???? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope they work! I wonder if they suggested an empty stomach for the blood work or to perhaps avoid stomach upset from the stress?

pilch92 said...

I never have to fast my cats before their appointments. I used to years ago, but they never ask me to now. If she gets that upset, you may want to get some meds from the vet to calm her. I have to do that for Brody. XO

John Bellen said...

I've never fasted my cats except prior to a surgery when they will receive sedation. But if the veterinary hospital advises it, it is probably best to do so.

messymimi said...

They may want her fasting so they can check blood sugar, rule out diabetes. Our diabetic cat has to fast before he can go in for them to draw blood, or they don't get a good reading.

I've never tried the treats, but anything is worth a shot once.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Adorapurr said...

My momma has tried so many things to calm us down when we have to go to see Doktor Feelgood. Mostly she's using Feliway in the Bad Box and maybe a splash of one of Jackson Galaxy's calming flower essences. I hope Pwecious gets a good check up. Love, Dori

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

We've never seen those before, but do let us know if they work. We tried some once with similar ingredients, 3 out of 6 B Team memfurs really enjoyed them, although we can't attest to whether they calmed anypawdy down.

Juno said...

Hi gorgeous Precious and family! Mom says she's not very familiar with these but paws cross for good news! :). Juno

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...