Friday, July 21, 2023

Nippy Video

"Lynn, I love rolling around out here on the patio."

Precious, I am just glad I caught caught you on film.
Of course, your head is out of sight.
But when ever you see me with the camera,
you stop what ever you are doing and I don't
get the pictures I want.

"I know, Lynn, we kitties are smarter than humans.
We know how we can get your goat."

I'll do orange flowers this week.  I have 1/2 dozen of
these butterfly weed plants and on the day I took this
photo, I saw my first Monarch for the year. And she
was laying eggs every where!  Add a few more butterflies
and I don't know the plants will feed them all. These
plants are in a different flower bed and I have a mix
of plants there.

So I brought in just one of the baby caterpillars one day
after it hatched.  I'll have to pick milkweed leaves from
ditch areas to feed it as it grows.  
The flowering plants I have will
have to support all the others.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Although l can't see yer head Precious..
I knew it was you by the extra large, biggish,
wide load at the rear of your body...
Oh! Dear! I seem to be digging a big hole for
myself...Perhaps l should say.."Dainty bottom"...?

Being serious..The Monarch butterfly is a lovely
butterfly..nearly a lovely as the Swallowtail...!
And the caterpillars certainly demolish flowers
at a very fast rate....! :).

jabblog said...

Cats know how to enjoy themselves.
It seems as if you might have a wonderful crop of Monarchs - such beautiful butterflies.

Kea said...

Precious, I loved your video! Was there really nip involved? If so, I think it must have been great stuff! :-)

The Monarch and your flowers are lovely. I've hardly seen any Monarchs this year, though admittedly haven't been walking that much, to see any. Good luck with the caterpillar!

Katie Isabella said...

I SO wish I had some butterfly weed! Seriously I do. Love the growing up of the caterpillars you show us!!! And Precious...roll on, girl...roll on. Let the good times roll!

The Florida Furkids said...

Rolling around on the patio looks lilke fun. Pretty butterfly.

Julie said...

How wonderful you are Precious. Keeping your face just off camera - just like the movie stars!!! I can hear wonderful birdsong in the background Lynn - how great it sounds. I love the monarch butterflies - we have them here too - they are apparently endangered here so I always grow many swan plants which they love to feed on but Yes - they strip the plants too & you have to bring in something else for them to eat. We have paper wasps here that are eating the monarch butterfly crysalis's & that is why they are endangered. Enjoy the weekend - the sun is trying to remind me that it can still exist here but Oh My it is chilly. x0x0

pilch92 said...

Cute video. Watching a monarch emerge from the cocoon is fascinating. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Love seeing video of you!

John Bellen said...

Precious is having some semi-incoherent fun there... And butterflies... Maybe they don't need much to fill their stomachs. You wouldn't think so...

messymimi said...

What fun to roll around, right? And even more fun, frustrate the human.

I hope you get to see the whole life cycle of the butterfly.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

The J-Cats said...

So nice to have a patio on which to roll around, Precious! What pretty flowers you have there.
And such a pretty flutterby!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was fun to see you rolling around in your video, Precious. That caterpillar is tiny!

Sasha said...

What an elegant black cat. You are beautiful. From.Sasha.

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh! My Cod! I see ME in your side bar!!! How exciting! And I want to thank you for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Birthday! And Precious, when I first saw the picture of you rolling, I thought you were Jo Jo! You two could be twins - except she has stripes. And your butterflies are gorgeous. We have not seen any Monarchs but we do have a ton of Swallow Tails floating around. Precious, you are one lucky cat to have a pet caterpillar! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marvelous Marv

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....