Friday, July 14, 2023

Childrens' Garden with Bee Sting

 "Lynn, a giant must sit in that chair. Maybe from Jack and the 

Bean Stalk."

I think it probably does belong to him, Precious.

When I start my ride from closest to home and go
15 miles down to the big little city, I am within a mile
of the Children's Garden.  The above mural represents
Johnny Appleseed.

And this one is for The Secret Garden.

The plantings and the miniature buildings were
all done by students of the local vocational school. 
The garden is on the school's property.

The tiny log cabin can be entered by an adult
from the side door.  The front door is meant for
little tykes.

The rose bed and the perennials and the annuals 
the students plant and tend are just beautiful.
Complete with a tiny waterfall for a frog pond.

I usually pack my lunch and stay a while.
Sitting at a table in the gazebo. 

"Hurry home Lynn, I am most concerned you
will go up the bean stalk and fe-fi-fo-fum,
you'll be done.  That'll mean my dinner will
not be served on time."

I'll post a pink flower photo from a walk around
my home area.  It is milk week with a 
Great Spangled Fritilary Butterfly.

And for those that may remember my fat lip when I kissed
the wrong end of a bee while biking. And Precious
would have nothing to do with me and my funny face.

I had another bike incident with a bee this week.
I was wearing my wrap around glasses and helmet,
and I saw I was riding right into a black and yellow
bumble bee or maybe even the larger wood borer.
He hit my glasses and then slipped in between the
helmet and goggles and got me good! Or bad.
So, the Bug Bite Thing really really does work.
If conditions are right.  I was 100 yards from a  restroom
that has a mirror.  As being stung on the left temple could
only be seen this way.  I sucked out the stinger and the
venom fairly quickly.  and thank goodness for that
as he must have stung me in a nerve, as I got an 
immediate major headache across my forehead and
into the right temple.  Within minutes of sucking out
what I could, the pain lessened as did the headache.
Once again, I was 10 miles from my vehicle and then
the drive home!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment
It is much appreciated.


jabblog said...

What an unpleasant experience - vicious bees in your part of the world! x

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Yes! I think l could get my 'bottom' into that
chair Precious...lovely is'nt it..! :).
And the murals look lovely to...quite unique..
Does the train actually move..on rails...!

And l do love the 'pink' tree house type
building...that is really nice, l'd love that in my
garden...nice during the summer months...!

And look at your face Precious...Mum is so
bothered in taking your photo..has she forgotten
to feed you..Ah! Bless!x

Bees on bikes...never heard the they make
bikes that small...if they get to close...just tell them
to 'BUZZ OFF'...! :O).

I must get on, it's lunch time, l've been to a friends
memorial this morning..he's up at the cemetery now
being put into a hole...
Oh! Well..."Onwards and Upwards"....

Kea said...

What a lovely garden, the perfect spot to rest and have lunch. Thank you for sharing that!

Acckk! to another bee sting! I'm glad you were able to stop and deal with it, but even so, I'm sure it was very unpleasant to still have 10 miles to bike to your car, then drive home.

BTW, that Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly is gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen one. Actually, I haven't seen many butterflies around at all so far (not walking by gardens enough, I guess).

Take care and may your biking adventures be bee-free now!

Katie Isabella said...

Lynn, thats awful. I can practically feel it. I can't think who did that. Surely not a Bumble bee...maybe someone else. I was in a similar situation and for one wearing a sleeveless top, and a hornet came from all the way across the street..I heard him..and hit me on the upper arm. Oh that hurt! I had to go down the street and see if a dear friend could help me out with any stinger that might be visible. My then husband would have just said get over it. :-) Precious...I would be willing dowager you supper would have been at a not-too-late time.

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, I had seen a comment of yours recently else where, that a few of your cronies have passed lately. Sorry to hear that for you.

messymimi said...

That's a most beautiful place, i'd love to visit.

Precious, your mama will never neglect you, there's no need to worry.

Those bees need to stay away! I know we need them, but we do not need them that close to us. It's good to know there's something that helps, i'll have to look into it as i get so swollen when stung by anything i always end up on steroids to get it to go away.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful photos. I am sorry about the bee sting, that sounds awful. Precious , Brody sends his love. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Bee stings are no fun even when you're close to home, that does sound mighty painful!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You need to stay away from bees! Precious needs you!

John Bellen said...

I like the buildings especially, in the children's garden. What skill the makers had. As for being stung - well, you have a knack. Right between the helmet and goggles. But it's good to know your remedy helped; it might have been better not to have had a practical demonstration, but it works!

Julie said...

That childrens garden looks a wonderful place to visit Lynn. I am so sorry to read you got another sting - how nasty those bees are ... you will soon need to ride with a full face helmet at this rate! Gosh 10 miles is a long way to bike all the way back to your vehicle Lynn. Glad you are okay now. Precious would've been so pleased to see you arrive home again safely. xx

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Yes! I lost four friends during the month
of June...Even my ex wife passed away
to...I went to a memorial service yesterday
morning in town, with links from India, S/Africa,
and Russia...Surprising what you learn 'after'
someone dies, that you did'nt know before...!
Thankyou Lynn...! ✟✟✟

The J-Cats said...

That children's garden looks lovely. Mummy says it reminds her of the oldest part of De Efteling which She visited when She was in Holland.
That bee sting sounds horrible but - how in the world did you manage to suck out a sting from your temple? Even a cat doesn't have that long a tongue!

The J-Cats said...

Oh, We forget to say how much We loved the photo of the flutterby!

CCL Wendy said...

The Children's Garden is just awesome! Too bad they don't have an enclosed one for pussycats. Your Precious is exactly that with her silky gray fur and her adorable yellow eyes, seeking out yours. I really wish I could pat her. I'll bet she's very soft.

The Approach

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