Friday, July 28, 2023

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

 "Lynn, enough already, I know I make you happy when skies are

grey.  Can anyone out there hear this caterwaulin'?  I'm back already.

"If anyone 'members,  a few weeks ago this
Pest Control pest with hands the size of baseball
mitts, pounded on the glass door and scared the
bejeebers outa me."

"I have been hiding under the bed ev-furry evening
after my many hair brushin's and my very doled out
crunchies instead of giving Lynn her 3 hours of leg time.
 Then I finally decide a couple days ago that I have 
forgotten why I am doing that and got on her legs
fur TV and book time."

"Then what does she do but call some kind of
'puter geek to come fix a problem fur her. So of
course I'm back under the bed fur days again.
Then this 'puter person comes back with a new laptop
thing a ma jig and it has Windows 11 on it.  I do not
know if it has eleven windows or not.  I went back under
the bed.  But I think I may have forgotten and forgiven
her since it has been fairly quiet again.  We did have
a short thunder boomer this week that sent me flying
off her legs, but without me clawing on the way."

Dear sweet Precious, I am so sorry that all this has occured
on your watch.  I did not want any rat poison from that 
pest control person,  I did not want a PC failure, and
I did not want a new laptop.  But humans just don't
seem to live by kitty rules.  Hopefully we will have
some peace and quiet for a long time now.

I recently drove 15 miles to bike 24 round trip.
At the end of the 12 is a fantastic botanical garden
I try to visit every summer.
I was impressed by this garden artwork and will
show a few Lego giants as a blogging friend
1/2 way around the world and down under may
enjoy.  She takes her grandson to Library Tuesday Lego day.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Precious you are so funny...but..then
all you pussy~cats are funny, the funny things
you all get up sleeping that is..! :).

Windows 11 Goodness! Mum's the first person l
know to have it..don't know anyone else, l'm
sticking with 10..until my friend Richard, who looks
after my PC, tells me to change, and he'll be doing
it for me..!

The garden artwork looks really nice..a bit different.
And certainly very colourful Love the butterfly...! :).

Well...I'm off to Poole in an hour, bigger town towards
the coast, about 45mins trip, and l'm going on the bus,
don't really use my bus pass enough, had it for 15yrs,
and used it 6 times...I do enjoy sitting on the top deck,
and enjoying all the scenery...Nice..! :O).

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry about all these scary, noisy people coming through, Precious. We hope that things will be quieter now.

The Chans

Smudge said...

Wow, Precious- those sculptures are sure beautiful. You know, you're not the only scaredy cat. I freak out over the slightest boom, bang, screech or whistle. Dad's always saying he wishes he knew about my past so he could figure out why I scare so easily and slink off to hide. Have a splendid weekend!

Kea said...

Precious, you've certainly had an upsetting time of it lately. Derry would have been able to relate, only most of the time he wedged himself under the all the bed covers. I used to worry he'd smother. Anyway, I'm glad all is quiet now and I hope that continues for you for the rest of the summer!

Those Lego sculptures are draw-dropping! Absolutely astounding and stunning. Wow! I'm so glad you shared the photos!

Zoolatry said...

It's me, June (I'm commenting, yes ... I can type a little bit) ... I so feel your pain and fear. I've spent almost the whole month of July hiding under the dresser in the walk-in closet. It's been mega-monster-madness fur sure. Our hu-moms need to get us ear-muffs or ear-pods or sumthin' to block out all this noise! I'd rather hear Pink Floyd, ha ha!

Zoolatry said...

It's me, the hu-mom (I can type a little bit, too) ... absolutely LOVE the Lego garden, it's amazing. My (adult) granddaughter has a passion for making all the Lego garden builder sets available, and has a bookcase full of her own, not as big, but still beautiful.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn & Precious,
Sorry for the disturbance in 'your safe world'!
Our kitties luckily are so at ease when the yard crew of about 6 comes in and also when the at times mother/daughter team (not every week) comes to clean 'their' home. That is soothing for both of us.
Our best friends son and three children just visited this week Legoland in Billund, Denmark!
Incredible artwork and also in your images.

Katie Isabella said...

PRECIOUS! You have been through heck and high water! How awful for you!! Is it still calm in the household now? Are you getting sufficient leg time? And I want to say that Lego garden/sculpture is amazing! I am so glad you shared that with us! I have never seen anything like it. You enjoy the calm and quiet Precious, and thank you for coming to see me in-between all the hullabaloo. XX

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sorry things have been scary at your house. The garden looks beautiful.

jabblog said...

Poor Precious - I hope you have peace and quiet now. The Lego creations are amazing - people are so creative.

CCL Wendy said...

I understand, Precious. My Dani is very highstrung, too. She doesn't stay away for days, but at least until the next day. Anything untoward and she's off. I also have to say that Lynn has appealed to my sense of humour. We punsters must stick together.
Those botanical gardens are stunning. I've never seen anything like it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope you get lots of peace and quiet now, Precious. The Lego artwork is stunning.

catladymac said...

Precious, we are glad things are settling down a bit at your place. We bet your human really wasn't too fond of all those disturbances either., but as she says, it can't always be helped. Purrs.

Julie said...

Oh dear me .... poor you Precious. I can just imagine you hiding from those awful interrupting Hoomans!! Its most inconvenient when Mum has to have trades people to the house - I mean ... how dare they come to fix things!!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
And Yes - this bloggy friend half way round the world & down under sure does think that Lego garden is AMAZING!!! I would've biked a long way to see that too. I will show Sid when he comes tomorrow for a visit. Thanks so much Lynn & Precious ... enjoy your weekend, hopefully un-interrupted. x0x

pilch92 said...

Beautiful photos. I am impressed at how far you biked. Brody said he would have protected you from the intruders. Actually, he would have hid with you. xO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Times like that are not fun sweet Precious but hopefully all will be calm and quiet for a good while now!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm sorry your routine keeps getting interrupted, Precious!

Henny Penny said...

Oh Precious, you are a mess. Smokey takes off under the bed when something scares him, just like you. Hope things are peaceful and quiet there for a while. Hard to imagine how anyone could build things like that with Legos.

messymimi said...

Precious, i'm so sorry you felt you had to be UTB so many times, it's unavoidable that people might have to come by but most of them mean no harm and just want to do a good job and leave.

I hope you get lot of peace and quiet for a long time to come.

Those Lego displays are astounding.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Let's hope all those interruptions in your routine are over, Precious. Really, humans should be more considerate. But how about those incredible Lego sculptures, Precious? Aren't they something?

Mickey's Musings said...

I also do not like strange noisy people in the house.
At least the computer works and hopefully that means more quiet time
for you two...only!
Purrs, Julie

The J-Cats said...

It IS annoying to have strangers invade your territory and interrupt your routine, Precious.
Lynn, those Lego sculptures are amazing!

Adorapurr said...

Dear Pwecious, I am twuly sorry to hear yoo've endured too many inpurruptions at yoor house. I went through this back when we first moved to FloryDa. I spent days and days hiding under the bed, right in the middle so no one could get me. I hope yoo are now recuperated and feel safe once again. Love, Dori

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....