Friday, January 27, 2023

Hot Seat

 "I'm just trying to stay warm. Make the furnace keep blowing

hot air."

Dark and dreary winter mornings. 
After her belly rubbin's, breakfast and
then frigid fresh air, Precious likes a bit
of heat.

If you recollect some of the words from a song in
"The Sound of Music" that go like this:
"snow flakes on my nose and eyelashes",
this has been Precious every morning this week.
We have 15 inches of snow since Sunday morning
with 3 more expected on Friday.

This folding camp chair just fits in the nook of
the wall and dresser in the bedroom.

"Lynn, you know I'll jump down the second the
warm air stops.  I'll get under the bed on my
blankie next.  See you at brunch time."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

To~day is the first day for a week, that there's no
frost or minus temp. It's plus 6~7 to~day, so l'm
going to be able to jump in the motor, and go
straight up to the supermarket...without scrapping
the windscreen..! :).
Usually go on a Sunday, but, l'm desperate for eggs,
mushrooms, bread and a few other things..! Can't
wait till Sunday...! :).

I like the songs from the Sound of Music...My favourite
is..'So Long Farewell' and on that note l'm off to the
Supermarket....! God Bless! Keep Warm...! :O)x

The Florida Furkids said...

Yikes, that's a lot of snow! Stay warm and cozy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

If we had that much snow we'd be closed for a week. Keep those whiskers warm sweet Precious!

Kea said...

S-n-o-w is a four-letter word and I'm sick of it. I don't think we got 15 inches, but we probably got around 10 inches/25 cm. I'm guessing, based on how much I had to shovel yesterday!

Stay warm, safe and cosy, both you. We're one day closer to spring, hold that thought. ♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lot of snow! I hope you don't get too much more. You don't need me to tell you, but keep warm Precious!

pilch92 said...

You got a lot of snow. We were lucky only get 2 inches one day and all rain the next. Keep warm.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Camping out by the furnace vent is the best place to be when it snows!

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Precious! You are having frigid weather! Not fun! We are supposed to get COLD over the next few days and there is a possibility of loads of snow. We have our claws crossed that does not happen (but we have a feeling it will). We are hoping it is the last of the rotten weather for us. And our Mom is hoping she does NOT have to shovel as she has worn this one out. We told her to quit whining and buy a new one at the end of the winter sales at the hardware store. Precious, you look marvelous! Have you lost weight? Mom says I am looking like a chunky Monkey...I am not amused! Keep on being awesome! Marvelous Marv

messymimi said...

It sounds like a wonderful kitty routine, it has everything in it, especially comfort.

Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Ha! Precious is no fool: she knows where and how the heat comes. I used to do the same thing as a child, and probably would still, if I lived with a forced-air furnace. Very cosy...

Katie Isabella said...

Sweetheart, you are more brave than me. I hug the hot air vent all the time.

The J-Cats said...

We are shivering just at the thought of the weather you are having. The best place to be is under the duvet!

Adorapurr said...

Dear Precious, I am feeling guilty because I'm hogging the sunshine at my house in FloryDa. I would gladly share it with yoo. I love to sleep in sunpuddles and smell fresh air in my catio. However, sometimes the air smells like owls and bobby cats, so I'm not allowed to explore. So sad. Enjoy your warm heat. Love, Dori

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...