Friday, February 3, 2023

The Cable Guy

 "Lynn, I don't care about TV.  I just don't want strangers in the

house.  I'm 'fraid of everyone."

I know Precious.  But one or two times a year, it seems
I must call on outside help.  
This time the lovely company that provided Precious
with her most favorite and unendingly expensive
blue bag, needed to be called upon.

I pay way to much for some basic TV, so when I turn
the boob-tube on, I expect to see what I want to see.
Not a message "weak or no signal".

The good news is the man came at 9 AM when Precious
is having her 6 hour morning beauty nap under the bed.
I closed the door so she could hear less and smell less.

When he replaced a 9 year old cable with a new one
and that fixed the problem, he was gone in 45 minutes.

But Precious was so un-nerved by the smell of his shoes
on the carpet and his hands on the credenza. 
She did get her 5 PM brushing and then dinner.  But instead of
waiting until closer to 6 to get on my legs, she jumped up
at 5:20 and stayed until 8:30 that evening.

And she slept with me!  She usually sleeps in our chair all
night and I check on her at midnight.  In the hot summer,
she sleeps with me since the ceiling fan is right over the end
of the bed.  But this night, she came in at 9:30 and stayed until
5 AM.  She did seem less nervous the next day and went back
to sleeping in the living room with the TV.

"I love my blue bag but don't let anyone in again. They may
steal it and my frog."

Well, you can see the groundhog saw his shadow
Thursday morn.  I was grateful for sunshine as it
is unheard of around here most weeks at a time.
However, he did not make points with me since
he is predicting MORE winter weather as he
safely goes back to bed where he does not care
about the current conditions.

This week Precious has flash frozen eye lashes and whiskers.
Back to winter temps.  10 F at night this week and of course
at 6 AM with window time!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

I've got workmen here next week...Mon/Tues/Wed...
Installing a new boiler/heating system..Mines past
it's sell~by~date...not that l use the heating system,
the cold does'nt really bother me, and only goes on
when l have visitors...I'm quite happy as l am, but,
it has to be done..!

My TV is all o.k. l have Sky TV downstairs, been with
them for 33yrs..and still on a full package...and l have
Freeview upstairs, this time of year l go to bed at eight,
sit up in bed and watch for couple of hours..turn over
at about ten..and..zzzzzzzzzzzZ! :).

Oh! Yes! Was'nt it Groundhog day yesterday....!!! :O).
🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟 🐟

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, hope that new system doesn't set you back about a million dollars.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

No! It's not costing me anything...ssssssh! :).
Actually it's a candle in the middle of the room...
HeHe! It's called 'central' heating...! :).

Seriously it's just a favour that's being returned...! :).

Kea said...

Precious, I don't blame you for being nervous of strangers. Both Chumley and Derry were like that--you can't be too careful! I'm glad the cable issue was easily resolved, though. Plus you both got a bit of extra cuddle time with each other, which was nice. :-)

Gaahhh, this polar vortex...! I'm glad I work from home and don't have to freeze, even with thermal layers, at a bus stop. I'm also glad temps will rise again through Saturday. How long until real spring here?? It'll be later than yours!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Strangers can be pretty scary Precious. Simon is really rattled by someone in the house who doesn't belong.

Lynn and Precious said...

I don't think I'd feel any better about the length of winter even if I had been born and breed much further north. Give me blue sky and green trees. I get too down in the dumps in this darkness.

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Precious, I am sorry the man scared you! I Marv am not afraid, I like putting MY sent on them to take home to their pets! but Kozmo and Jo Jo sure pull a vanishing act when people come by. And we feel your pain with frozen whiskers! It has been super cold this week. Stay close to your Peep and you can share body heat to stay warm! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Precious...Mom swears I go and overwhelm whoever it is come to see us with my constant side rubs and headbonks all over them! I love the men visitors a lot, because of my brothers who love me but I am hospitable to the ladies as well. the's every cat and Vet for themselves. I am not friendly there at all. Ever.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad the TV problem was easily fixed. Flynn didn't like strangers either, but everybody was Eric's friend.

pilch92 said...

Sorry you took a fright Precious. You should sleep with your mom every night. I love having a cat sleeping in bed with us. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

It's crazy cold here too. I'm sorry your home was invaded sweetie, but at least he did his business and left quickly!

John Bellen said...

Some cats can be very nervous of strangers, but I don't blame them in the least. And she knew who to go to for re-assurance. Let's hope there are no more strangers to bother Precious for a long time to come.

Henny Penny said...

Precious, Smokey said tell you, he feels the same way about strangers coming in the house. He hides way back under the bed and doesn't come out until all is clear. We are tired of the cloudy cold weather too and looking forward to spring.

messymimi said...

Strangers coming in to fix things are a necessary evil sometimes but i hope it doesn't happen again for quite a long while.

It's wonderful that simply replacing an old, worn cable (probably had a short in it) solved the problem.

Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That sounds terribly stressful, Precious. We're a little strange in that we don't mind strangers, but we hope you get your wish to have as few as possible around.

The Chans of The Poupounette

The Florida Furkids said...

We don't like it when strangers come in our house. Noelle even gets scared when the lawn peeps come and they are outside.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We don't like having strangers come to the house either. But sometimes, there's no choice. No TV would be furry annoying!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Precious, your sister and brother in Idaho (who look so much like you) don't like strangers at all either, and their favorite place to hang out when strangers show up, is under our bed too! Glad to hear, Lynn that everything got fixed easily with the cable guy!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

i hate strangers in my house, that means anyone but mum

Adorapurr said...

I am also unhappy with strangers in my house. But it happens. Tell yoor meowmy about Roku. Getting a Roku plug for her teevee is really fun. Yoo get all kinds of shows and mewvees. Much better than cable. And yoo can cancel subscriptions to apps and get something different. No, I don't work for Roku, but I'm hoping to become their spokespurrson. Wish me luck! Love, Dori

Katie Isabella said...

Mommy needs to find out about Roku...she has a Roku remote so there must be a Roku hiding somewhere in the

Julie said...

Hello Precious & Lynn. I must say .. Pippi & Blackie do NOT like tradesmen here in any shape or form. I admit that I sometimes put off things that need doing due to their dislike of tradesmen. They don't even really like people who visit but at least these people don't bang around & make a big noise (we hope!!). A lovely photo of you sitting on your blue bag 💙💙

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...