Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year Everyone

 "I won't be awake at midnight New Years Eve, unless one of

our neighbors shoots off loud fireworks.  So I thought I'd say

"Happy New Year" today and nod off to sleep."

"I'm going fur 48 hours of sleep."

"I'll see you in the funny papers 
next year."

Precious and I wish every one a very Happy New Year.
It's been a good one here in 2022 and we hope for more
of that in '23.

"We won't come back 'til Jan. 8.  
That's when I'll celebrate "The Great Escape" 
fur-om the Orphanage minus
Steve McQueen."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Very Merry Christmas

 "I want to tell ev-fur body Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I'm waiting for Santa to bring me crunchies, more crunchies and Greenies."

Precious and I wish each and everyone of you a 
very Merry Christmas. 
We found a few blog cards that we swiped and posted here.
But it is not all the lovely blogs we look for all the time.

We wanted to include the Marvelous Cat Tree on
15 and Meowing,  and Lynn found it fur a moment,
but she couldn't get back to let me stick in my paw
and grab it.  It was fun tree.

PS: Lynn and I hope we and ev-fur body else is able
to be on-line this weekend.  Weather coming means
I, Precious,  will not have the window open.

                  Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.

                            It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Town all Decorated

"Lynn says the big little city here is all decorated for Christmas.

She went for a brisk cold walk and looked at the wonderful window displays."

Our big little city has an old fashion town square.
One with no buildings,  just statues honoring all
our veterans from every war our country has been and
is currently fighting.

There is a gazebo and a multi-layer water fountain.
And live very old trees along with a living evergreen.
They had their Christmas parade Nov. 27 and the
tree lighting.  It was warm and raining that day.

I took my walk later on a weekday and it
was definitely no longer warm.

The stores here were all built in the early 1900's and
all have the old fashion inset doors with large glass
surround display windows.  You get two chances to
see the lovely Christmas scenes they have put up.

"I asked Lynn how one of our deer got inside the
book store.  We figure they put out lots of apples
and left the door open."

This is a huge Advent Tree Calendar.

"Purr-sonally Lynn, I am glad you are home and
thawing out your frozen fingers before you
try combing me.  You'll freeze off my furs!"

We wish Happy Hanukkah to our furr-iends
next week.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Collecting Christmas Cards

 "Lynn, look at the cards we found on the bloggies."

"All these folks have been so friendly and made these lovely
cards so I thought I'd show them off.
And Ann and June  made a card fur me
to give out to everyone.  Another Christmas gift!"

"If you are collecting too, please reach in a paw and take
my card.  I'm so proud of it."

"And lookie what came in the mail in time fur the tree this year.
My FF ornament Lynn ordered.  It came in it's furry own
mini green suitcase as it has traveled the globe."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Pick a drawer, any drawer

 "I can't decide which drawer I want now. Open 'em all

and I'll play Goldie Locks."

"I'll check out your ironing.  If I see a  wrinkle or
two, I'll press them out fur you."

Sometimes we can use all the favorite drawers in
one visit together to the bedroom. 
It can be a bit aggravating to open and remove each
one Precious wants in.  But if I'm folding laundry and
need in so many anyway, well why the heck not.

"Lynn says I did a fo pa (what ever that is) and did not
put our Chrismas tree in my letter last week.
So here I am with the Fancy Feast tree."

" Angels Seney and Suzy Q have their
photos in the FF picture frames."

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Not very Curious

What is this puny box, Lynn?  Doesn't look big enough for my

food or smell like anything to play with."

"It is hardly big enough for me to stick my head inside.
Where's the treats?  Where's the nippy toy?
Even a Cracker Jack box has a prize!"

Precious usually sniffs the smell of the delivery person
on the box and then off she goes.  Never a box girl.

"Since this mail did not bring news, I'll share some with you.
Lynn put up the Christmas tree and I am happy to hide
under the table it's on.  She puts a white sheet over the
table and it makes a furry good place to lay close to
the furnace output.  She put up all the Fancy Feast

"I, Precious, allowed Lynn to bike on our birthday last week.
She said she has never had such warm weather to go out
so late in November.  I was waiting fur her to git home and
FEED me.""

"Lynnsays it has gone "frigid" again, but I still git the
open window ev-furry morning after I eat breakfast."

"But my chipmunk has gone to bed fur the winter, it
seems as I, Precious, no longer see him.  Just lots of
brown leaves flying by the door."

"But please see what June and her mommy gave me fur my
birthday.  A beautiful Christmas header!  I love it and I
look good in it, too."

"And I got a bag of fresh store bought catnip!
Lynn said she found some a few weeks ago
but the store was asking too much fur it.
Then she found this bag fur 1/2 that and
believe me, it is super nippy."

"This is my Christmas letter fur everyone
who comes to see me.
With love, Precious."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...