Friday, December 9, 2022

Pick a drawer, any drawer

 "I can't decide which drawer I want now. Open 'em all

and I'll play Goldie Locks."

"I'll check out your ironing.  If I see a  wrinkle or
two, I'll press them out fur you."

Sometimes we can use all the favorite drawers in
one visit together to the bedroom. 
It can be a bit aggravating to open and remove each
one Precious wants in.  But if I'm folding laundry and
need in so many anyway, well why the heck not.

"Lynn says I did a fo pa (what ever that is) and did not
put our Chrismas tree in my letter last week.
So here I am with the Fancy Feast tree."

" Angels Seney and Suzy Q have their
photos in the FF picture frames."

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Winter 'draws' on....Brrrrrr! :(.

I think the bottom draw is best Precious, it's not to far off
the ground, and, yo can step into it....
Though l can see you doing a lot of wrinkling out if Mum
does'nt do the ironing properly..HeHe! Bless!x

And that's your Christmas tree...looks lovey and the angel
on top...sets Christmas off really nice...!

It's very cold over here in the UK...Three frosty mornings,
and minus temperatures, but the suns been out, so nice
and dry at least..! :).
So l'm off to the kitchen for a Hot Chocolate...! Cheers!
🔥🌲😊🌲🔥🌲🔥🌲😊🌲🔥🌲 🔥🌲😊🌲🔥🌲🔥🌲😊🌲

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! Faux Pas...a remark or action in a
social situation that is a mistake and causes
embarrassment or offense.....!

Kea said...

Precious, of course you have to investigate all the drawers, you never know what might have snuck in. :-)

We love your tree, it's so pretty. And that photo of you in front of it is wonderful. You were posing beautifully! ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are a most thorough drawer inspector sweet Precious!

Katie Isabella said...

Precious. I have to tell you my mommy fell in love with you. This today is one of the reasons why. You are as well loved as I am, and it makes mom happy to see that. AND we both love you onesie.

Zoolatry said...

What a good girl you are, not climbing the pretty tree! You didn't, did you? My angel kitties always hid away in open drawers ... little June cannot and does not as the bureau is in a walk-in closet! Happy weekend to you both.

Julie said...

You are so sweet dear Precious & I think you might well be related to the Princess Miss Pippi as she likes every drawer open just for her perusal too. I do know what a fo pa is & it is quite okay - your tree is beautiful. Happy weekend wishes to you & your lovely Mum dear Precious. It is cold here - unusual for December but I don't really mind - the rain is watering the garden & saving me one more job! xx

catladymac said...

What a beautiful tree ! Thanks for sharing it with us !

pilch92 said...

Your tree is very pretty. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That looks like a fun game, and I adore your tree!!!

John Bellen said...

Precious looks like she fits in every drawer. And the tree looks delightful. It's heartwarming to see the photos on the tree, too...

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Precious! I LOVE seeing you in the drawers! We don't have too many in our bedroom. The tall dresser drawers are not big enough for a cat and Mom keeps her clothes in baskets in the closet...but I have been known to sleep in those. Your header is magnificent and your tree is amazing! Mom put our tree up today so we can get used to it before she and Alex put the ornaments on. I, Marv have been checking it out furry carefully...last year I climbed it (twice). Mom is thinking of putting a hook in the ceiling and wiring the tree to it! We hope you and your Peeps have a marvellously happy week!
Keep being awesome!
Purrs Marv

A Joyful Cottage said...

What a sweet tree! Precious is lucky to have a mom who encourages play and exploration. xo

The J-Cats said...

That's a pretty Chrissymouse tree!
Precious, what a lucky girl you are, to have so many drawers to play in!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...