Friday, December 16, 2022

Town all Decorated

"Lynn says the big little city here is all decorated for Christmas.

She went for a brisk cold walk and looked at the wonderful window displays."

Our big little city has an old fashion town square.
One with no buildings,  just statues honoring all
our veterans from every war our country has been and
is currently fighting.

There is a gazebo and a multi-layer water fountain.
And live very old trees along with a living evergreen.
They had their Christmas parade Nov. 27 and the
tree lighting.  It was warm and raining that day.

I took my walk later on a weekday and it
was definitely no longer warm.

The stores here were all built in the early 1900's and
all have the old fashion inset doors with large glass
surround display windows.  You get two chances to
see the lovely Christmas scenes they have put up.

"I asked Lynn how one of our deer got inside the
book store.  We figure they put out lots of apples
and left the door open."

This is a huge Advent Tree Calendar.

"Purr-sonally Lynn, I am glad you are home and
thawing out your frozen fingers before you
try combing me.  You'll freeze off my furs!"

We wish Happy Hanukkah to our furr-iends
next week.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Tell Mum the photos are excellent Precious...
They all look wonderful..l like to see a nicely
decorated window at Christmas,,,ALL..nice
and sparkly..! :).

Just in case Mum missed the link yesterday,
on the previous post...The link to the Blog
Mum could'nt open is...
⛄ 🔥 🎄 🎁 🧦 🔔 🎄 🎅 🎁

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you Willie, Lynn did find pilch's site. Appreciate the help.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The window displays are lovely.

Kea said...

Those holiday windows are lovely, Precious, we're glad your mum has shared them with us. Take care and have a terrific weekend!

John Bellen said...

It's good to see the city decorating for the holiday, especially the shops. It gives a pleasant and cosy atmosphere to a town. And yes, warm up those fingers first!

Sandee said...

So many beautiful decorations and I know mom thawed out those fingers before touching your fur.

Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to Precious. ♥

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

Have a great last weekend before cristmas

Julie said...

Gosh that advent calendar is stunning!! I wish our town was old & had those beautiful old buildings - I just love them. Its muggy here - I've just mowed the house lawns & I'm sitting here feeling hot. Its our family Christmas tomorrow so I'll take the turkey & ham out of the freezer to thaw. I hope you keep warm dear Lynn & Precious. xx (the Mr is getting some photos of Fluffy cat to share with you).

pilch92 said...

Beautiful windows. I like the tree made out of books. :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those window displays really are pretty, that's such a nice way to celebrate with all those purrticipants!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Everything looks so cute and festive!

Marvelous Marv said...

Wowzers! What a cool little city you live in! We love all the pretty displays. Please thank your Lynn! And we know about the cold fingers! Our Peeps hands are ALWAYS cold this time of year! Keep being awesome Precious! Purrs Marv

Katie Isabella said...

I love all the things you tell us about your little town, Precious! And this is another thing Mom and I enjoyed very much! Mom grew up from the age of 7 to 15, in a little town just like that with the same old old department stores with big display windows...always decorated for Christmas, Thanksgiving and even Hallowe'en.

John Bellen said...

I read your question about the websites that you can't visit. 15 and Meowing certainly was available a week or so ago, as I visited it; it's no longer a 'secure site' for me, either. I would go to their Facebook page ( and message them there. It looks like the Eastside Cats have had the same problem and left a message about it. Repairs seems to be under way, but it might be nice for them to know others are hoping to contact them, too. Catladymac doesn't seem to have a blog; her profile doesn't list any. I think she is notified of responses to her comments, though. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a means of contacting her. I hope this helps.

Lynn and Precious said...

Thanks so much for this info. I don't do FF so I knew I couldn't find these folks that way. too old to mess with new PC stuff, lol.

Lizzie said...

Gosh, Precious, you live in a beautiful town. It's awfully nice that the business go all out with Christmas decorations. Where we are, we will set up luminaria and have carol singing, but your decorations put us to shame! Happy Christmas.

Lynn and Precious said...

We are glad you stopped by to visit and see this. I caterwaul so I think no caroling fur me. Precious

A Joyful Cottage said...

So nice to see Christmas displays in the windows. I grew up in a Victorian town with windows that were like stages. Every year in the beginning of December they had a downtown Victorian era style festival and each store had a Victorian Christmas scene with real people in character and costume playing out a particular Christmas scene. My favorite was "Getting Ready for the Christmas Ball." A gentleman bathed in a clawfoot bathtub, and his wife was in front of a vanity doing her hair, etc. She was in a velvet robe and their ball attire was displayed over to the side, ready to put on. It was grand! Merry Christmas, Lynn and Precious! Hugs.

Lynn and Precious said...

Oh how lovely fun that sounds Nancy.

Henny Penny said...

Merry Christmas dear Lynn and Precious. Sounds like you live in a neat little town. It looks so pretty. Precious, that last picture of you reminds me so much of my Smokey...he has a little extra tummy that pokes out on each side just like yours. I'm sorry. I know you are a lady and Smokey is a big old boy. You're very beautiful! Merry Christmas!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...