Friday, June 24, 2022

A bit of this and that

"Lynn, are we just doing a picture bloggy today?"

I think that would be a nice change of pace for us, Precious

Snapping turtle who must have walked up about 1/8 mile from
the bridge you see far down the lane, to lay her eggs.

 pink iris.

"rootbeer" iris.


Pink lilies

 Butterfly Weed, in the milk weed family.
Just a few of the flowers I have around my home.

A barn I see along the highway occasionally, and from the bike
path further southwest of my usual ride.
The barns in Ohio were chosen one per county in 2002 and 
painted for 1803/2003 celebration.  This one has held up
well in the weather.  It looks more bleached out from my
angle and direct sun while on the path.

"And me, your grey kitty."

Yep, my favorite of all, Precious.

And we are back to the incredibly uncomfortable heat.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Too Hot to Tango, (or leg sit)

"Sorry Lynn.  I just can't do it.  It's too hot.

"You'll just have to look at me on the floor
during movie time this week."

I know Precious.  This 95 and more heat
we keep having each week in June is unheard of.
I'm wilting, so I'm kinda glad you chose the floor 
this evening.

We don't even get this kind of heat in July or August.
Maybe a day or 2 then of just 90.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated. 


Friday, June 10, 2022

Fat Lip

 "Lynn, I ain't comin' out and give you a sniff and a kiss til you get some kinda lip-lippo.  Whad ya run into, a Mack truck?"

No truck involved Precious, just a flying stinging
venomous insect.
I've been stung many times over my long life by
bees, wood bores, yellow jackets and ground hornets.
But never on my lip!
I was starting out on a nice quiet cool morning bike ride.
It was about 2 miles out when I collided with this insect,
at my speed of 12 mile an hour and whatever he was buzzing at.
Let me tell you, when we met he sank that stinger right into
my top lip. And started pumping venom over and over.
I wanted to scream un-lady like words, but was afraid to
open my mouth. And it was instantly starting to hurt like heck.
Here I was trying to grab the bike breaks and put my feet down
without wrecking all the while.  Seconds later I then tried
deciding if I should just slap the thing off, swipe it softly or what.
I smacked and hoped it would not sting my hand, but it was so
glad to be off me it flew off I guess.
I finished my 20 mile ride, while swelling up and hurting
too much to smile at anyone or speak.
No one got a good look at me until I got home, thank goodness.

"You can try to pull that story off with humans,
but I think you went for lip inserts gone bad."

On a more pleasant note, here are photos of Giant Angelica
along the bike path.

These plants are native and grow 3 to 4 feet tall.
And the blossoms are similar in look to the tiny
(by comparison) Queen Anne's Lace.
But you can see the difference immediately.
The bee may have been headed here if I had
not interfered with it's flight.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, June 3, 2022

What a Spring we've had

 "Lynn, did you really see these giant frogs? For sale!? I thought

you said frogs were small and fun to watch."

Early in May I had to drive to one of the large cities 50 miles from here.
Business, otherwise I try not to have to go too often.

Years ago when I lived quite close to this plant nursery, I would buy
my seeds and bulbs and plants from them.

Back then the huge 2 story barn store was mostly where they kept
the large sacks and boxes of fertilizers, seeds and insecticides.
To keep them dry.
I had not been in the barn for a few years, and it was a cold wet
(when has it not been cold and wet this Spring) day.
I was so amazed by the array of fun yard ornaments and home
decorations they now offer.

After a fun walk through here.  I then went for a quick damp run
past the thousands of blooming annuals and perennials for sale 
outside.  I contained myself and did not purchase anything.
Just enjoyed the walk about and hope for better weather.

"I am grateful you did not kiss one of those huge
frogs and turn it into a cat to bring home. 
That's how the story goes in my world.
It would have been as big as a lion."

By the way, Precious, thank you for hocking up those
2 large furballs directly onto you lovely expensive
blue bag.  Only wish I could share the process with the
cable company.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...