Saturday, June 18, 2022

Too Hot to Tango, (or leg sit)

"Sorry Lynn.  I just can't do it.  It's too hot.

"You'll just have to look at me on the floor
during movie time this week."

I know Precious.  This 95 and more heat
we keep having each week in June is unheard of.
I'm wilting, so I'm kinda glad you chose the floor 
this evening.

We don't even get this kind of heat in July or August.
Maybe a day or 2 then of just 90.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated. 



catladymac said...

Thank goodness it has cooled off a bit this weekend - we hope y our end of the state is getting better weather too.

Kea said...

We're glad to see you post, we were getting concerned. Sorry about the hot temps, we hope it cools down soon. We also hope you have air conditioning, it's a must now in our opinion.

It's actually freezing here today, if you call 50s and 60-ish F freezing in June, which we do. The biped could have worn light gloves this morning, wishes she had!

Take care!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yes, it sure is hot. Brian keeps getting up to sit with the Mom but only stays about 5 mintues.

pilch92 said...

Sorry you are so hot. I got lucky, it cooled off where I live.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

It's a bit hot over here to...The last three days have
been the hottest ever..though a bit cooler to~day...
Though the sun is just begging to peek through!
Watering the plants twice a day, and the washing
on the line dries in a few minutes..! Phew! :(

Stay in the shade Precious..!x

The J-Cats said...

Hot summers are par for the course here but we have air conditioning indoors, of course. We are indoor kitties.
Precious, your pose is just like Trixie's favourite pose. You must be astral twins (mol).

Julie said...

Oh I don't enjoy those hot, hot days where you don't know where to put yourself. Its cold here at the moment but at least I can light the fire & keep warm. I hope you both find some relief from the heat soon. xx

John Bellen said...

Wow, that's hot, and it's not even summer yet. I think Precious is doing you a favour by not lying on your lap this evening.

Mickey's Musings said...

Yikes! That IS hot!!
I would be laying on the floor too!
Hope yo get some relief soon.
Purrs, Julie

A Joyful Cottage said...

Save for the cloud cover we've been experiencing the last few days, our temps would be much higher than they are. 89 degrees is hot enough for me. Stay cool, Lynn and Precious! xx

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...