Friday, April 8, 2022


 "Where have you been hiding this sun, Lynn?"

"I've been asking every day for you to open the

I know, Precious, I am sorry that up here they take
the sun away from us for months on end.

We lose sunshine about November first,
and the cloud cover from Lake Erie takes
over 'til warmer weather gets here.

The front door faces due West, and this time of 
year, as it gets up to the 50's in temp and the
sun is moving farther north, I can sometimes 
open the door late afternoon.

" Now I can sunbathe and get a good tan, Lynn."

Hard to see the tan on that grey fur, but go for it
while the sun lasts a couple hours, Precious.

March came in like a Lamb, so of course it
had to go out like a Lion.
The last weekend of March we had 18 degree nights
and 25 degree days and 3 days of driving snow with sleet.
Now it is easing a bit but back to dark with rain and 50's.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Early spring over here Precious..
The sun is making an appearance,
though it's still chilly in the
mornings..! Brrrr! :(.

Anyway! you get a nice tan Precious!
And..perhaps you should put your
lovely 'BIG' bottom in the sunshine,
and get that brown to..! HeHe! Bless! :).

Smudge said...

Oh Precious, dear girl- soak up them rays while they're there! Hope you get to enjoy some sun this weekend.

Kea said...

Sunshine has been in short supply here too, though luckily we missed any snow or sleet. It poured rain off and on all day yesterday, though, and oh, it's still chilly. Spring sure is taking her sweet time this year, as she has in the past several years.

Precious, we hope you get lots of sunshine to bask in this weekend!

John Bellen said...

Ah, the sun, yes. It's coming back to us in the northern hemisphere. We're having it more here, too.

Katie Isabella said...

We ave seemingly ever;asting cloud cover here too Precious and sunpuddles are impossible to come by. Today, the whole house is drenched with them. Don't know which one to lie in first!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I'm sorry about the overcast skies you deal with all winter. One of the things I do appreciate about Colorado is that almost every day throughout the winter months we get at least several hours of sunshine. Usually mid to late afternoon the sun comes out. That definitely makes a difference in my attitude. Glad Precious can finally get in some sunbathing. :) Hugs.

Julie said...

I have been reading of a few bloggers that have had late snow too Lynn. Your sunshine photos look wonderful & I can see Precious is just lapping it all up. I've been away again & just now trying to catch up on everyones posts.

Adrasteja said...

A beautiful cat.
Have a nice day.

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! Darling! We have missed you so furry much! Thanks for stopping by to see us. Mom is pretty busy but she says we will get to post 3 times a week. We can't wait! We have missed our furrends. We have had sun. The bedroom has been a favourite as the sun shines on the bed, and it is terrific, but it has been too cold to go outside much. We can't wait for the heat to come back on outside! Love you grrl furrend
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo and Mom (Cinnamon too)

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...