Friday, April 22, 2022

Still going strong

"I'm going to do this nanner in sooner or later, Lynn. It just

can't get the better of me."

I put her 'nanner in a plastic baggie with fresh cat nip
occasionally, and it seems to still be a toy Precious
will play with for a day or 2.  I keep it up for a few
weeks at a time, as then she seems to think it is a 
completely new toy.

As I have mentioned recently, she's not impressed
with many new toys and it seems that the way
they are factory saturated with catnip is much 
stronger than me just taking one and sealing it in
a bag of dry nippy. 

"You can't fool me, this smells and tastes just
like it was new from the store."


Above is a recent photo of our catnip, wackweed,
that survived another bad winter.  I keep the hardware
fence around it to save the plant from destruction.
Once it is about 15 inches tall, the outdoor visiting cats,
how many who knows, are welcome to sniff and chew and
eat.  But I must preserve the plant for Precious year round.
She loves fresh green leaves for salad.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and comment.
It is much appreciated.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! You ought to ask Mum for an orange
or a melon Precious! No! that's to BIG..
An orange you could roll about, and chase!
You can't really roll a nanna, does'nt
really do anything, except lay there with
very little 'a'peel' HeHe! :O).

Better creep away now..don't want to wake
you..Sweet dreams..! :).
🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁

Kea said...

Precious, we're glad you play with your "new" toy so much! :-)

As for the catnip, it looks like it's doing well--lots of "whacky weed" for Precious and your visiting cats.

Katie Isabella said...

I marinate Katie's toys too. The onky ones that don't need to marinate with nip are Donkey himself!! and Floppy Mousie and Floppy Duckie. Well, Shrimpie and the rest of her sushi too. Well, Turtle as well. BUT Nanner has to marinate as do all the rest.

John Bellen said...

Precious must surely appreciate the fresh greenery from the garden. That's thoughtful of you. She's sleeping the sleep of the blessed.

Julie said...

You are so sweet little Precious ... asleep on your cushion there. Its wonderful that she loves the catnip Lynn ... I grow it but my two are not in the least bit interested. I think its good that you protect the plant from all the other furry visitors too. xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

We often like the nip nanners we already have too and that bed of yours sure looks cozy!

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Precious! We love the freash nip too! We still have a tiny bit of our hiome grown left. Mom has been supplementing it with our favorite store bought (BC Buddyz) and the occasional Yeoow Nip Nanner or the Yeow Fishies. We have a few toys we like to play with, but we are bored of most of them too! Its great to see you and Jo Jo wants you to know she is doing Caturday Art Solo! Purrs Marv

Smudge said...

Awww, that sleeping photo of Precious is, well, precious. Hmmm, says dad, he just might have to rig up something like what you've got there to keep the groundskeepers away from my plant...

Henny Penny said...

You are such a cutie there with your nanner. Maybe I should try that. Smokey doesn't care much about toys. He is a little different anyhow. Maybe he's the country cat, like the story of the country mouse and the city mouse. :) Smokey likes to lie in wait for little mice to come out of the field across the road. :)

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...