Friday, March 18, 2022

Movie Star

 "All the other kitty blogs have movies out and won Oscars!

Finally one of me!"

Well, I took this a year ago, just to let you know it is
on one of the fake fur beds I made for the orphans.
I did let Precious try out her tootsies on it, though.

Don't feel you need to watch the whole 11 seconds of
it.  I wasn't even sure the phone video would do a 
descent job and I forgot to hit the stop button after
just a few seconds.

"I don't often have my tootsies working so hard 
except up in my high altitude beds, Lynn."

A little Renior artwork I did of Precious.
Thanks to Picture to People website. 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! The video could have been
a bit longer..Bless!x

Kea said...

Ditto, we could have watched Precious longer too! Obviously the beds were a hit! :-)

We like that artwork too, now the biped will have to check out the website!

catladymac said...

That looks very soft and comfy Prcious. It is great to see you in action. Tell your Mom that "movie"shots should be at leat 10 seconds long so people can grasp what they are seeing. Our Mom aims for 15 seconds.

Lynn and Precious said...

I always enjoy your lovely comments, but do you have a blog
to view. I don't get anything from this comment page. Lynn and Precious

Julie said...

Oh how lovely to see Precious trying out the new bed ... I hope she gave it her stamp of approval. I shan't be telling Pippi or Blackie that she has a video released on the www or they will be wanting one done of them!! Wishing you both a lovely weekend. xx

John Bellen said...

I love watching kneading cats. Precious obviously enjoyed that bed.

Smudge said...

What a wonderful video, Precious. Dad says he could sit and watch cats kneading for hours and hours. I'm not a kneader, by the way. 11 seconds of a fabulous cat video is too quick if you ask me. Dad says he uses Picture to People once in a while, too.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...