Friday, February 4, 2022


 "Lynn, there's nothing to talk about today but me."

So I think I will entertain anyone who is taking valuable time
out of their day to look here with a store story, Precious.

I showed the outside of this big little city store front
of ours back in the Spring. 

I thought I would show some of the fun things they have
inside for sale.

It is a mix of new and vintage, hand made and imported fun

Wood floors and pressed tin ceiling from the early 1920's
when this was the Rexall Drug Store. Their name is in the
mosaic tiles at the front entrance still.

A couple years ago I bought a miniature grey cat figurine to
represent Precious in my curio cabinet.

"Well, it's a good thing something about this story includes
me, Lynn!"

And this Thursday morn we are having a serious ice storm.
It is to be followed with 8 inches of snow by Friday afternoon.
Hip hip hoorah for winter!

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

What a lovely different and unique
shop Precious..just the sort of shop
l like to spend an hour or so in..! :).
I'd certainly like to have a sneaky
ride on that horse..When l was a boy there
used to be a ladies cloths shop in town,
at the far end was a cafe..and in the cafe
was a 'Muffin the Mule' ride..! Us kids
used to love it..! :O).

I'm off up the supermarket, need a few bits
and pieces..but first l have to get in touch
with Mrs Slocombe..she's still having problems
with her 'pussy'..HeHe! Bless! Have fun..! :O).
🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁

Kea said...

What a lovely store to browse through, to find little (or big!) treasures.

We have similar stores in the more touristy areas in the region, such as in Prince Edward County, east of us in Brockville, etc. In the downtown of my city there are quaint shops too, but they tend to be targeted (kitchen, clothing, gifts, etc.) rather than a mixture of goods. We do have a "farmers market," though, three days a week spring through fall, set up behind City Hall in the old market square. Lots of interesting items to be found there, plus fresh produce, baked goods, etc. (Pretty pricey these days, as is the antique market that sets up in the same spot every Sunday in the warmer weather.)

BTW, we, too, are having a snowstorm. We had freezing rain the night before last, then the storm took its sweet time getting here. I'll have a fair bit of shoveling to do later, out in the minus 22C windchill weather. "Hip hip hoorah" wouldn't be my choice of expression, even though I know you're being sarcastic. My choice would involve some very, very inappropriate words! :-D

Lynn and Precious said...

This little store is the only one of 3 shops and a bookstore to
shop in. The other 2 are "antique" shops, too pricey for old

Martha said...

I love it! I could wander around in there for hours. I'm glad something in the story included Precious too because Precious is the best thing to see and talk about. You two stay warm and safe in the storm!

Lynn and Precious said...

Our worst storm yet. Started out with an inch of rain on Wed.
Then switched to 1/2 inch of ice by Thurs. morn. With 3 inches
of sleet on top and now about 8 inches of snow with some still
coming down, then zero degrees the next 2 nights. Can't feed
the 100 or more goldfinch fast enough. But the power wasn't
off any yet up here.

Julie said...

Ohhh I think I would be in heaven in that Store there Lynn & Precious. Some wonderful trinkets & treasures I can spy just from your photos.
I have the air con on full as I type this - we are so dry - a very bad drought but some rain forecast this coming week .... cross your fingers & Precious you cross everything!! Enjoy your weekend xx

Klaudia Zuberska said...

Hello dear!
A beautiful shop, like from a movie! Delightful photos! I love such things, each of them different, each with character and history. In Poland, when winter is over, you can buy such things in every city from people who gather in one place and sell their treasures :) I love your entries, they are really wonderful! Much health for you, dear, all good!
Greetings from Poland!

Smudge said...

Oh goodness, dad would have a field day in that place, but mom would freak out and get so overwhelmed she'd leave as soon as she walked in.

John Bellen said...

I love shops that have a lot to look at, even if I don't buy anything.

John Bellen said...

I saw your comment on Kim and Derry's blog (but was refused permission to reply to it, or even to leave my own comment! Why?!) I have to say that thinking of me with that last cartoon is a dubious honour! (Though I thought of myself, too, darn it!)

Katie Isabella said...

OH OH OH! I would L-O-V-E to go through there Precious. I LOVE shops like that and spend too much time and sometimes money in them. WOW!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh this is terrible. We don't have an over abundance of that weather type but we do have it every few years. I feel for you and your Mom, Precious. And the goldfinches everyone out there with them...poor babies.

Inspiration and Fashion said...

Great blog dear! I follow you, do you want to follow me?

Marianela Beauty Tips said...

Interesting post and very nice cat!
I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...