Friday, February 11, 2022

Winter, Birds and Precious

 "I"m and indoor kitty, so I really don't understand winter.

Lynn keeps telling me there is something outside that is minus

degrees. I don't see them."

This has been our worst winter weather in a few years.
But my routine for feeding wild birds is always the same.
I have to take down the feeders in the late afternoon because
the raccoon will take the suet cages, as they taught me
a few years ago. 
The deer will gum the thistle bags till they tear holes in
them, as they taught me a few years ago.
And the deer will stand on their hind legs and knock the
sunflower out of the metal feeders, as they taught me 
a few years ago.
Deer only have lower teeth, like cows to browse and
chew their cuds.

The above photo is a summer photo, however this
is what Precious looks like at 6:15 AM after her
breakfast no matter the weather.  She demands an
open bathroom window every morn even if she pulls
her head in with icicles on her eyelashes.  I figure
some fresh air is always a good thing.

I probably have over 100 goldfinch in the yard
feeding at one time. However, I am sure as they
rotate during the day, I am feeding many more.
Also all the other colorful winter birds, with meal worms
out for the Blue Birds. And a lot of the birds are here
from Canada after flying over Lake Erie.

And at 6:30 AM I go out and put ten feeders up
for the day.  And I keep water out, so that has to be replaced
every couple hours as it freezes.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Kea said...

Precious, you don't want to see minus degrees, or feel them, either!

Goodness, your human is busy with the feeders! How wonderful and caring of her to do that...Ten of them too! :-O They make for great photo ops, though.

Fingers crossed the temps warm up as February progresses, we're so done with winter. We've had a "real" winter here too, at least for January and February...and we don't like it. LOL.

Take care and stay well!

Martha said...

Sounds like our beautiful Precious isn't the only one that gets spoiled around there! You two stay warm and have a nice weekend! ;)

Julie said...

How wonderful you are Lynn ... I feed the birds here too but nothing like you have to do. That is a delightful photo of Precious peering out the window - she doesn't try to jump out at all?? I hope the bad weather eases for you soon Lynn. xx

catladymac said...

What a lot of work you put in for the winter birds - good for you. Our huMom isn;t as energetic as that but we do ahev a heated water bowl near the garage door.

Katie Isabella said...

YOU are the very best bird mom there is. I thought I used to be that but I was never as good a bird mom as you are. There are reasons that I don't have the feeders holding 5# of bird seed out any longer as my deer and raccoons are also among the learned. I used to have a like number of goldfinches and use finches...they loved the millet, the others loved the sunflower hearts. The deer and raccoons and squirrels loved them ALL. Precious you look so beautiful first thing in the morning after breakfast!

John Bellen said...

What great work you do for the wildlife. As for freezing water, why not get a heated bowl, as I have for my outsider cats? It keeps the waer cold but just above freezing.

Lynn and Precious said...

At another home many years ago, I had a heated bird bath. Here I
learned the sad way, do no put any food or water closer than 25
feet to the house to stop accidental deaths. So the water is about 35 feet out. Gives me an excuse for "exercise" in the winter. And I do like my fresh air just like Precious.

Marvelous Marv said...

Happy Valentine's Day Precious! I send you loads of whisker kisses and head bonks. We LOVE all your bird feeders! I bet you have a ton of bird TV to watch! We asked Mom why we don't, and she said because Kozmo and Marv would think of them as a cat buffet! I, Jo Jo don't hunt the birds (much). Our neighbour, Ms S, not only feeds the birds, but because we had such a horrible summer, she has been feeding the deers too. Our street herd has grown from 3 to 12.
We are sorry we have not been around much. Mom has been working on the committee to stop our village's Elementary School from being closed. They have a presentation to make next week. Oh Yes, Kozmo, Marv and Cinnamon send you love too!

Jean | said...

OMGoodness, Lynn, I knew you looked after the birds, but Wow! You've taken on quite an endeavor! Love that Precious gets to enjoy the outdoors just a bit with that open window. Stay cozy, you two!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...