Friday, February 18, 2022

Greenies and Yogurt

 "Lynn, I love my new treats.  Too bad you think one tastes

bad and one stinks. More for me!"

I am surprised and pleased Precious has lost weight since having
her teeth cleaned in November.
She has been a constant 15.6 pounds,  much improved over
her 17.1 in 2019.

I bought her Chicken Greenies in December and really do
not know if they will help keep her teeth clean. And I do not
know how many she should have. I give her 3 a day, and 
she swallows the first one and crunches the other 2.
If anyone knows just how many are good for keeping
her teeth clean, I'd appreciate the info.
And they taste awful to me.  I always try my cats food,
because I am a bit kooky that way.

Then my husband wanted some yogurt for awhile this winter.
We are dairy free here, so I can tell you this stuff stinks to me.

He was eating Okos Vanilla Triple Zero. It is sweetened
with stevia and a bit of sea salt.  Who knows why, not me.
But Precious decided it smelled good and tastes good.
So she got less than a measuring teaspoon a day.  I saw
no problem from the dairy in her litter box, so I let her

Then when his supply ran out and he decided he'd had enough,
I now buy the small individual container for Precious.

"Yummy yummy. I love my new treats. Yogurt for breakfast
and Greenies for brunch." 

Thank you for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Yogurt is 'very' good for you...

It's Rich in Important Nutrients..
It's High in Protein..
Some Varieties May Benefit Digestive
It Strengthens Your Immune System..
And so on...
In raising my daughter on my own for
14yrs, l always used to buy plain yogurt..
The flavoured yogurt cost much more than
the plain..then you can use jam, honey,
fruit to flavour the yogurt..!

AND..The best time for yogurt is breakfast,
when tummy is empty... This is because good
bacteria or probiotics in yogurt must arrive
at the large intestine in a live condition
to effectively maintain digestion and health...

HeHe! So there you have it Presious..Must get
back to my surgery..! HeHe! Bless! :o)x

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, we used to eat yogurt like that every morning for years. I finally got so but I'm actually allergic to it. Or I should say allergic to all Dairy unfortunately.

Kea said...

I didn't know you could get yogurt sweetened with stevia. I'm not lactose intolerant, but apparently I have an intolerance to a specific milk protein, so I've been off all dairy for almost a year. I'm NOT enjoying that, I miss my coffee cream and I SO miss cheese! Love, love, love almost any good cheese, especially a sharp cheddar, brie, cambembert....oh yum. Sigh.

As for the Greenies, I started giving Derry the hairball ones a couple of years ago in the hopes they would help in that department, but I think I'd have to feed him far more than I do (and that likely would cause him diarrhea).

I'm glad Precious has treats that she enjoys, we all need an extra something special, food-wise!

Martha said...

I'm so glad Precious is enjoying her special treats! Have a great weekend! :)

Katie Isabella said...

Hm. I wonder if Katie would like it. BTW..Katie and I both loved your comment to get the super glue and stick those claws back on! Since she got her fang pulled and her teeth cleaned too...she has been using Greenies for that. She uses the chicken oven baked ones. They may actually help. I give her about 5 a day. She and I weigh the same. 15 pounds.

Henny Penny said...

Precious, you are so cute. I think you have your Lynn trained just right. But she sure loves you. Maybe I should let Smokey try a bite of yogurt. I love seeing pictures of you and especially love the one of you looking out the open window.

Smudge said...

Mom's gotten dad to love plain, unsweetened yogurt over the years, and lately they've been stirring a little into my canned stinky goodness. Dad was always heavy, but mom worked hard and got him to eat better and enjoy things like yogurt in place of sour cream, mayo, butter, etc. Me, I can take it or leave it. Happy weekend, ladies.

Julie said...

Just catching up on posts (again) Lynn - had to do another fast trip down to my Mums. I am glad Precious likes her treats - I don't think the yoghurt will do her any harm .. there are often good bacterias in yoghurt which helps their digestive system. Blackie likes dairy products but not Madam Pip. Hope you are both well xx

John Bellen said...

How nice for Precious to have those treats. I never worry about the taste, as my cats will like or dislike something regardless of me. Or maybe in spite of me...

Katie Isabella said...

My mommy said that would take a LOT of work to get her to like yogurt and sour cream. Not her thang.

Klaudia Zuberska said...

Lovely post :) I really like yoghurts and my cats too :) They always sit by my side when I eat, so we eat them together :)
All the best, dear to you and your loved ones!
Greetings from Poland!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...