Friday, January 28, 2022

Magazine day

 "Lynn there's not a human in this magazine. Just us wonderful


I know Precious.  It is the 1996 edition of Good Mousekeeping.
Just like the human version of Good Housekeeping.
It was meant for the homemaker cat who wanted to be up to
date on recipes, high profile interviews, test products and
short stories.

I received this one only for Christmas 1996. It is a hoot
to read.  Realistic right down to the Revelon cosmetics ads
for the glamour cats.  
I think for the back cover, the lady wrote more, but I 
never saw one again.
The cat photos are fantastic and the cat artwork is 
remarkable to see.  Wish I could photo all 70 pages
for you to see.

"I guess they'll just have to look at me."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Are you being served?

 "Lynn says she used to watch a hilariously good TV show

way back before my great-great-great-gran'ma was even thought


"She tells me Mrs. Slocum had a pussy cat."

"And the pussy cat had a clock work mousie."

"And Lynn bought one for Peepers again long before
I was ever thought of."

"And she keeps this toy in her vanity dresser drawer with
her unmentionables.  Whatever those are. My clothes are
all on my back and all are completely mentionable,  As in
quite lovely grey onesie."

"But I'm glad we can open the drawer on my command
and with her thumbs she can wind it up and turn it
loose for me.  I only play a little with it.  We want to
keep this for a long long time.  Maybe until there
would be great-great-great-granddaughters if I was
not fixed!"

I was working back when PBS aired this great BBC
show.  I can still close my eyes and just see the
Haberdashery crew and their antics.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

9th Anniversary

"Hey Lynn,  I'm so glad you took me out of the orphanage."

I am too, Precious. No matter how quirky you may be,
you are my girl always.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 7, 2022

After nearly 3 months

 "I'm still not over the trauma, Lynn."

Precious has yet to forget about her trip to the vet
Oct. 11 when they attacked her with 3 different needles.
 Or her trip on Nov. 3 when she had her teeth cleaned.
She and I had 5 days home alone starting the day after she
had her teeth cleaned. And by day 2 she had relaxed with me
and started finally eating her food.

Then she and I had another 5 days alone from Dec. 12 until
Dec. 17.  Once again, she knew instantly that we were alone
and I saw much more of her all day long.

She has always run from my husband if he was too sudden
moving or too noisy.  However Precious seldom minded my
movements.  I am shorter and quieter and more aware of where
she is when I move around.

I am so sorry for her and us that she feels the need to
run to safety of under the bed and stay there for hours every day.
She comes out for her brunch, which is some of her 
breakfast,and then runs to hide even as
I move around. There are a few times when she
finishes the food, and looks at me with great expectation.
So I will walk slowly past her and she follows me.
We then visit the 2 spare room closets for a lookie see
and a visit before she ducks under the bed. And I
can get her to go in the bed tent occasionally, or even
tempt her up to the closet shelf.

Thankfully, Precious still demands hair brushing at 5 PM.
And then part of her dinner.
And by 5:30 PM I must be in my chair with a book in my
hand and she immediately jumps up for the next 2 1/2 hours
or more.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...