Friday, January 21, 2022

Are you being served?

 "Lynn says she used to watch a hilariously good TV show

way back before my great-great-great-gran'ma was even thought


"She tells me Mrs. Slocum had a pussy cat."

"And the pussy cat had a clock work mousie."

"And Lynn bought one for Peepers again long before
I was ever thought of."

"And she keeps this toy in her vanity dresser drawer with
her unmentionables.  Whatever those are. My clothes are
all on my back and all are completely mentionable,  As in
quite lovely grey onesie."

"But I'm glad we can open the drawer on my command
and with her thumbs she can wind it up and turn it
loose for me.  I only play a little with it.  We want to
keep this for a long long time.  Maybe until there
would be great-great-great-granddaughters if I was
not fixed!"

I was working back when PBS aired this great BBC
show.  I can still close my eyes and just see the
Haberdashery crew and their antics.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

How strange..l've been watching from Mon~Frid
at 6.00pm over here on the Drama channel,
repeats of..'Are You Being Served' which of
course is where Mrs Slocum kept on about her
'pussy'..."I can't stay after work Capt
Peacock, l've got to go home and see to my pussy".
And there were 70 made..from 1972~85..
One of the classic sit~coms ever made..! :).

And..Here's one of them..Hope it comes out o.k.

Smudge said...

Dad says he's heard of that show but has never seen it. We got a good chuckle out of your gray onesie mentionable comment! Have yourselves a fabulous weekend, ladies!

Kea said...

I remember seeing episodes of the show on PBS; they ran it for a long, long time.

Precious, your mouse matches your lovely fur, and we hope you have fun with it for years to come.

Marvelous Marv said...

Our Mom says she remembers that TV show! She remembers Mrs Slocam's colorful hair, but not the mousie. We LOVE your mousie and your grey onesie and you smile! And our Mom loves your Peep's dresser scarf! We hope you and your Peeps have a marvellously Happy Week!

Julie said...

Oh I used to just LOVe that TV programme sweet Precious ... it was so funny & delightful. You are so sweet with your wind up mousie - look at your little face - not sure if you are impressed with it or not. And your grey onesie is just beautiful Precious. We humans sometimes wish we could just have one set of clothes that we carry with us all the time - save alot of washing for sure!!!

catladymac said...

We aren't familiar with that show but we love that the clockwork mousie is still around and that you play with it gently from time to time ! Purrs !

Henny Penny said...

That is the cutest little mouse, Precious. At first I thought you had brought Lynn a real one. Glad you get to play with the wind-up one some times. You look simply lovely in all these pictures.

John Bellen said...

I remember "Are You Being Served"...and "Fawlty Towers" and "The Good Life" and (a little later) "May to December"...

That wind-up mouse is an heirloom!

chillout said...

Cute cat! I love cats and I have also one, but mine is not interested in mice :P

Katie Isabella said...

I remember those shows too. Since I have gone to an antenna and no longer have cable, I can't watch it any longer. :-(

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, the soft gray styling of your onesie is the envy of Hollywood. No one can make a dress or suit the way we kitties can and do.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...