Friday, July 2, 2021

One big sand box

 "Lynn, is that a giant cat box, for private kitty stuff?"

I ride by this sand quarry on 90% of my bike rides.
The family owned business has been here for 30 years,
digging up sand and river gravel. 

The picture does not do justice for the size of the dredge.

When I first started riding here 15 years ago, the pit and lake
it created, were 1/2 mile away.  In the past 5 years, they
have moved into a farm field and  the corn and soy have
been replaced by water from the underground aquifer. 
And the mountains of sand are growing by leaps and bounds.

This had been 1,000 acre crop field.  But I know that
the sand and gravel is needed and used for all types
of construction.  
It can be very dusty when I bike past. As the large earth
moving trucks run the private road next to the Rail-Trail
right of way, the cloud of sandy dust is really bad.

"See why I prefer to stay home and get my sunshine
without the yuck of getting dirty?  By the way,
have you cleaned my potty box?"

And lastly, this yard ornament was waiting for me when I
returned from my bike ride, at my garage.  It is a yearling
and they do have a bit of a stressful time now, as their mothers
are now nursing the new fawns. So these girls and boys feel
left out.  As soon as the does bring out the new fawns, they all
finally spend time together. However, the yearlings have not
forgotten how good mother's milk is and try to get a sip occasionally.
Mom takes care of them in a way that would put me in the hospital
with cracked ribs or skull.  But the young take it well and are
soon obedient.

These lilies grow where my sweet Seney has now
rested for 8 1/2 years. Never ever forgotten.

Her last day with me.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is appreciated.


Smudge said...

Very sweet Angel Seney photo, and the lilies are beautiful. "Hey, let's go for a bike ride!" said no cat ever. You can have the dust and exercise, I'm just gonna do like Precious and stick to soaking up the rays. Happy weekend, ladies.

Kea said...

I think I'd don a mask while riding past the quarry, just to avoid inhaling all the dust!

I love the "lawn ornament." While there are plenty of deer in our city, I'm seldom out and about at a time (or area) to see them.

Seney was beautiful. She reminds me of my Angel Chumley, also a long-haired brown and white fur baby. ♥

Lynn and Precious said...

Cleo be sure to have your dad let us know if he got to do all that hiking this week.

Lynn and Precious said...

Yeah sometimes I have to put a scarf around my face if the winds blowing the wrong way to keep the dust out of my lungs. Don't we love our long-haired kitty cats.

Katie Isabella said...

Seen was a beautiful girl. You are sure right...never ever ever forgotten and still loved.
I learned about the quarry and it's purpose. Never heard of such a thing! And I have a lot of lawn ornaments too. Made me smile at the description.

Lynn and Precious said...

Katie, I just hope your lawn ornaments aren't any more of those ground hornets. Big deer are actually easier to deal with. Have a great weekend

Martha said...

I agree with Precious, just lounge comfortably in the sunshine, none of that getting dirty stuff lol. Love the capture of the deer. The lilies are beautiful and what a sweet photo of your Angel Seney. We never ever forget our sweet babies.

Lynn and Precious said...

Showing Seney is too soon after your recent loss. Thanks for the kind words. Glad Precious is inside kitty, no washing her off!

Julie said...

What a beautiful resting spot for Seney - the lillies are beautiful. Look at you there Precious - resting in the sun. You are so special. xx

Marvelous Marv said...

We have a ton of Dusty back roads around here right now. Our "lawn ornaments" are not happy about the new babies either! Our purrsonal little herd that lives in the empty lot beside us has grown from one, 4 years ago to 11. You lilies are gorgeous. What a wonderful reminder of Seney. Sending you hugs and head bonks.

John Bellen said...

Is wildlife going to take up residence in the lake or is it a temporary feature? It looks barren right now.

Seney has a beautiful, living monument.

Lynn and Precious said...

Bald eagles feed on fish in the lake.

John Bellen said...

That must be impressive to see.

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

La fotos de las flores y de tu gato me encantan

Henny Penny said...

Oh Lynn, Seney was a beautiful cat. The lilies are so pretty growing there for her. I still miss my Bickett. I love the deer. We are seeing lots of them now too and lots of mama deer with their fawns. Precious sure has a nice sunny spot. :)

Katie Isabella said...

Lynn, your comment to me regarding my youngest was deeply appreciated and so needed. Thank you.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...