Friday, June 25, 2021

Holy cow!

 "Lynn, what are those black and white creatures?  Large cats?"

I really enjoy the pastures and farms I bike past. 
These young Holstein heifers are out to pasture for
the summer.  I expect they will soon be old enough
to breed and then go into the milk house with their 

I was doing a 60 mile ride on this day.  I only am able
to do this a couple times a year.  Too much work and then
I'm too tired for the next day to do much of anything.
But I do like the challenge of it.

" I have my own challenges, Lynn. Like getting you to feed
me anytime I ask and giving me a comb and a lap."

Dames' Rocket is a phlox plant that is not native
here, but in all areas around road sides and the
bike path.  So beautiful and fragrant in the late
Spring and early Summer.

You just can see great expanses of these flowers in
every direction.

"Yeah, yeah, only they are not a pretty or sweet smelling
as me, Lynn."

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! I'd like to hear one of those
large cats go..Meoooow..Precious..! :).

And Mum's 60 mile ride..she does'nt say
on what she rides it a horse,
donkey, camel, bike, etc..even so 60
miles is 60 miles..well done Mum! :).

And the Dames Rocket.. Young leaves are
high in vitamin C and can be eaten in
salads and have a slightly bitter taste...
Seeds can be sprouted and also eaten in salads! :O).
🌱 🌽 🌿 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈 🍉 🌱 🌽 🌿 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈

Kea said...

60 miles! Crikey, you must be in fantastic shape, that's awesome! The biped says her butt would give out long before her legs would. LOL.

We didn't know that Dames Rocket leaves can be eaten (Willie's comment). Derry says he'll stick with his own food and treats, though. :-)

Martha said...

Beautiful photos and those sure are some big cats lol! Of course the photo of sweet Precious is the best of all. That is one long ride Lynn - go you! Are you two adjusting to all the construction noise? Have a great weekend. :)

Julie said...

Gosh 60 miles Lynn - that is quite an achievement. I would be lucky to manage 6 I think !!!! Precious looks so sweet in that photo - have you just brushed her as her fur looks so beautiful. Happy Weekend to you both xxx

Marvelous Marv said...

Terrific shots! The young cows are getting big and 60 miles on a bike! WoW! You ROCK! And we LOVE the picture of you Precious! You are one beautiful lady cat!

Smudge said...

Ahh, the challenges of owning a human, dear girl. Those are very pretty flowers your mom gets to see on her bike rides. Mom and dad will be hiking again today up towards Mount Mitchell. There are sooooo many hiking trails around here. They're gonna do a not-too-strenuous 8 miles +/- today. Have yourselves a wonderful weekend!

John Bellen said...

A sixty mile ride! That'd be all right is the way was smooth, and the day not blisteringly hot. But the scenery would be pleasant to ride through regardless.

Katie Isabella said...

OH I love them! I wish they were here! I'd get loads to plant right here in the yard!
That is a heckuva long bike ride. I am impressed!!

Katie Isabella said... Marv said, you are BEAUTY INDEED. oops, caps lock.

Jean | said...

Oh, I thought they were tuxedo cats! :D Too fun. But 60 miles? Whew! Couldn't do it myself, but you go girl!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Thanks so much for your kind words when I left for the bridge. The family will continue to visit and I will watch from heaven
Love you Friends
Timmy Tomcat and Family

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

Unas fotos preciosas, me encantan los animales y la naturaleza

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...