Tuesday, June 22, 2021

In Crisis Mode

"Lynn, please make them stop. I can't take to noise. And what

about all my birdies?"

Oh, my gosh.  The 2 acres of woods directly across
the road from us is being clear cut. There will then
be a new house built.
I am devastated about wildlife. Especially the birds.
Right now the migratory birds are just feeding their 
young who have not fledged from the nest.  They will
be instantly killed.  And it is too late for the birds to try
for a second nest.  With thousands of miles to fly away for
the winter, they have no time left.

They start work at 7 am or sooner and don't stop until
6 pm.  So Precious no longer feels safe in the top of  the
clothes closet. And now she is under the bed.  I don't know
how she will make out with months of noise.

And I can no longer have open windows after they arrive
to let in bird song and cool air. No sitting on the front or 
back porch due to noise and dirt.

I understand a new home, but it is not good news for a 
lot of us.

This 100 year old tall oak loaded with a million-million acorns, which
fed the herd of deer and dozens of squirrel will soon be just a piece
of lumber.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



Kea said...

I, too, would be devastated, I have nothing good to say about developers. I'm so very sorry, on so many levels. :-(

Martha said...

That is so sad, all those poor birds and other wildlife! I always hate it when woods are cleared just for that reason. I'm sorry you and Precious are going to have this to deal with this everyday for a long time to come. :(

Katie Isabella said...

Oh this is terrible Precious and Lynn. I understand completely. Where my son is in Charlotte, developers have bought so much property all over and around Charlotte and displaced so many birds and animals, that my boy who has a large lot with some trees on it, have an 8 member herd of 8 deer who are there in his back yard every day and over night. Raptors are displaced f nt downright killed and they are trying to find food in the most unlikely of places. It brings mom almost to tears. Seeing all the huge houses built right up against one another ( mom could NOT stand that) all fancy and crammed in..like McMansions... is how it is these days.

Julie said...

Oh Lynn I felt so sad reading your post today - that is just terrible. I am sure the building noise will not be so bad once the tree felling is all done but what a dreadful shame to take those beautiful old trees out & ruin all that wildlife area. I am so sorry for you & Precious. xx

Marvelous Marv said...

The Covid has brought people like that to our wilderness area. I don't think people think. They buy property because they want wilderness and the wildlife and the nature and then they turn it into something that belongs in a city. It baffles me. They tried to insist here that the cutting not take place until after breeding season, but the tree cutters don't care. I do hope that they don't take too long on the cutting and the house does not take 2 years tom build.

John Bellen said...

There goes more irreplaceable woods. No doubt the house will be another slapped-up architectural gem that will justify the loss of two acres of woods. It’s like when they plough up fields and cut down trees, pave the ground and called the resulting sub-division ‘The Meadows’.

I read a book by Oliver Rackham in which he wrote (regarding England) that, because a cleared field, left to its own devices, will regrow its trees to the point of needing the same amount of clearing again in ten years, the only two things that cause the loss of tree-growth are agriculture and construction. Even cutting down woods for sailing ships or to feed the Industrial Revolution would not have caused de-forestation (because in most cases trees will grow back where they had grown before); the land has to be ploughed up or built over to do that.

Henny Penny said...

Lynn, I sure know how you feel. It made me sick to watch the 100 acres across from our property being clear cut. I worry too about the wildlife and like you said, especially the birds. Hug Precious for me. I've just enjoyed your last two posts too. Precious reminds me so much of my Smokey.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...