Friday, July 9, 2021

Always with the new bag

 "Look what came home! A crinkly bag! I love it, Lynn."

Precious loves a new large and crisp sounding plastic bag.
Why else go shopping?  I certainly wouldn't want to shop
for myself if I couldn't get the bag. And why did I waste
the money on a pretty velveteen crinkle bag from the pet
store a year ago?  Precious never even investigated it. But
this thing, we play frog on it in the evening.
 And now  while I drink my tea trying
to look out into the yard for wildlife, Precious loves to lay
on the bag. I have a laser beam to use to get her playing, 
but honestly, she prefers I wad up bits of paper and throw
them onto the bag for her to bat about and chase, momentarily.
Of course, when play time is over as it brightens up outside, I
then have to collect the paper wads and off she goes to sleep
off all that play time.

I always put the bag away at night and when I am going
to leave the house. I would never trust her with it alone.
Plastic is dangerous for her to get inside without my
supervision. And she does open it and go in and then
it is licky-licky-licky and chewy crunch-chewy crunch
on the bag. 

"Thanks, Lynn, you knew I'd love it. The bag is
the cat's meow."

By the way, I have removed all other of her bags
off the floor for now. She has way too many to 
keep her interest.
Her new bed is now just a large toy box.  We will
see what winter brings.

This is Butterfly Weed. An Ohio native plant in the milkweed
family.  The Monarch butterflies eat this to the ground, but thankfully,
the 4 or 5 I have come back every year. I've only recently seen
the arriving Monarchs back in the yard.

"I'm glad too, Lynn.  I love watching out front for the 
butterflies in the sunshine."

Not sure when we can expect the trees across the road to be clear cut.
The owner found me working in my garden last week and introduced
himself.  He said the builder can start in 2 months if the lot is cleared
by then.  The builder suggests a "clean slate" to work with. In my
opinion, that makes it easier for him to store his equipment and building
supplies.  The owner said he'd like to keep a few trees.  So for now,
Precious and I enjoy having windows open but listen for the sound
of heavy equipment constantly.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

You should'nt let a cat near a
plastic bag..let alone play with
it...! :(.

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, I understand how you feel about plastic bags. Believe me this is a toy that is only used with supervision. I appreciate the thoughts though thank you

Martha said...

That is a great bag you have there Precious, have fun with it! The butterfly weed is very pretty, I love having things that attract butterflies in the garden. I know you dread having that heavy equipment come in. I hope precious will adjust to all the noise quickly. Have a great weekend! :)

John Bellen said...

I had a foster-cat who would wet on a plastic bag if she found it lying about. I think Precious has the better idea.

Smudge said...

From one bag lady to another, that's one a fine plastic bag you have there, dear Precious. I just love a nice crinkly shopping bag!

Lynn and Precious said...

Funny about wetting on the plastic, no absorption for the clean up, and of course the probable run off. Litter is better, huh

Rajani Rehana said...

Fabulous blog

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

Ayyy, que wapo es! Me encanta!!

Julie said...

Precious reminds me of little Poppy Q with her bag love! So sweet ... funny how they love a good old plastic bag & it keeps them entertained for ages. xx

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Precious! I love a crinkly bag too. And those from the pet store are too heavy for me to enjoy! I'll be back soon. I am making mommy make it up to me for making me go get my nails done!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...