Friday, July 23, 2021

Now you see me, now you don't

 "I'm looking out at you Lynn. But I'll soon disappear."

She's looking out thru the patio door as I am watering
the patio flowers and filling the bird baths. 
Precious is a good supervisor. As all supervisors,
she gives the orders and over sees the work but does 
not lift a paw to help. So why do supervisors get paid more?

By the time I get away from the door, it can be difficult
for me to even see if she is still there.  If it were not for
her eyes on this particular day, she'd be literally "out of sight".

From Precious' viewing point, this Red Shoulder Hawk is taking a bath
in the small herd animal water trough. These hawks live here year
round and are our 2nd largest.  The Red Tail Hawk is the largest.
I keep this larger watering spot out for the hawk and the deer.
However, the plastic dishes I use for song birds are hit hard during
hot weather by the deer.  I find them licked dry and used for frisbees
when they get frustrated.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

You pussy~cats love playing hide and seek,
don't you Precious! :).
Never thy say..out of sight, out
of mind, don't think that's really true!
I prefer the saying..'Once seen never forgotten'.

We're just getting to the end of a weeks heatwave
30+ thunderstorms forecast for tomorrow and Sunday!
It's certainly needed!

And! did you know...Even though red-tailed hawks are
known as being a violent predator, this bird actually
has a peaceful side...
And it's favourite food is..squirrel..l'm partial to
them as well..but l cook mine first! :).

Smudge said...

Great job snoopervising, Precious. We love that picture of you barely there but for your eyes through the screen. Take care, and have yourselves an awesome weekend.

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, squirrel is a favorite of ours here in the winter. Thing of it is Precious never even pays any attention to it. Previous cats loved the smell of it.

Kea said...

Terrific job supervising, Precious. Tell your human you need a raise. More treats! :-)

Gosh, seeing hawks would be amazing. There are plenty around here, of course, but I'm not in an area where I would see them. Ditto with deer. I worry for the critters anyway, with so much development in our city. I'd love to "escape to the country," but even that's not safe from development, as you well know. :-/

Anyway, do take care and have a lovely weekend!

Martha said...

Precious sure is a great little supervisor! I'm glad you keep lots of water out for the wild animals in your area. I'm sure Precious approves too. Have a fantastic weekend! :)

Julie said...

She is a wonderful supervisor Lynn & I think she reminds me so much of Miss Pippi who likes to supervise & oversee all the work but not lift a paw either!!! Have a wonderful weekend Lynn & Precious. xx

Henny Penny said...

Precious, your are so beautiful. You remind me a lot of Smokey. Bet you two would be best friends. We have Red-tail hawks here. I love to watch them.

John Bellen said...

Precious is a good cat to supervise - doing what a cat should. And it's nice for you to leave water out for the animals, Lynn. I chuckled over the idea of the deer being frustrated, though I shouldn't: it means they're still thirsty.

A Joyful Cottage said...

It's good that you have Precious there to make sure you do a proper job of watering and taking care of things, Lynn. :) You property looks so pretty. I hope you're enjoying the season. Precious, too! Hugs.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, you do well, what we are known for doing. Snoopervising. And tell you mom for me that my mom is a raptor fan and loves that you are watering them and the rapacious deer! :-)

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...