Friday, June 4, 2021

The Dog Days

 "Lynn, don't ever do that again."

Well, I have to say, once I spent 2 days cleaning,
grocery shopping and cooking, it all went well on the
3rd day.  Folks arrived about 1 am Wed. morn and 
left by 1 pm Wed afternoon.

This is 10 week old, 15 pound Mora.  She was as quiet as a
mouse the short time she was here. And the ride to and 
from the vet, she took it on the lap of her new mom quite
well.  The truck does not accommodate a dog crate, so
Emily had to lap hold her 20 minutes each way. 
We did stop at the local family owned small pet store
and Mora was carried in and out nicely.  I would not
have let my new pet walk on filthy parking lot either.
And the puppy was so sleepy and worn out, she really
didn't have her heart into shopping.  She's got to learn
the girl thing about the fun of shopping sooner or later.

 I understand Mora only threw up once in the van on the way here.
  Then Emily gave her motion sickness med and it did not occur again.

I did wash the doggie bed so it was ready for the trip 250 east to
meet her new dad and spend the week camping with a group of
around 40 slingshot folks.  Mora has a lot of noise and late
nights ahead of her.

Precious spent the Wednesday night from 1 am until Wed. 
afternoon under the bed.  She finally ate her breakfast there,
about 10 am out of desperation.  She usually starts breakfast at
5:30 am.
I am thankful, by the time she knew I was doing up the guest
laundry and opening windows to air out smells, Precious crawled
out from under the bed. About 3 pm.  And when she inspected
all points of the house to be sure we were completely alone,
she was back to normal.
We had hair brushing at 5:30 pm and legs by 6.
We have just girl time from Wed. afternoon until late
Sunday afternoon. Time for me to right the house back
to normal and for Precious to stop jumping at every sound.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is appreciated.


Kea said...

Moira is a lovely pup and we're glad it went well, overall. All that work for only 12 hours! You get a medal for that!

Martha said...

I'm so glad you made it through without too many problems. I agree with Precious - don't ever do that again!

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Sorry! But l think l would have
spent time under the bed, if a dog
looking like that came into my home..!
What a strange looking animal..(dog)..!
Mora? Mora? They make knives don't they?
It's sad what they've done to some breeds
of dogs over the years, the German Shepard,
aka Alsatian..and it's back legs, and sloping
back..the British Bulldog..and it's face/nose..
the Dobermann..and it's ears..and so on..! :(.
Why can't they leave animals as they are..!

Give me a pussy~cat any day..a purr sounds so
much nicer than a bark! :)

Lynn and Precious said...

You are right Willie, the dog is named after the knife maker
of Sweden, Mora. And at 10 weeks it already had it's face
shaved for the beginnings of the Standard French poodle hair

Katie Isabella said...

For certain!!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, you REALLY went through it. I hope that never has to happen again. If it seems imminent...come on over. You, me and Dai$y will go shopping in Italy.

Lynn and Precious said...

thanks, Katie, i just might do that.

John Bellen said...

Mora is a very well behaved young lady, and I imagine her people are glad of that. And as for Precious, what a good girl for doing no more than hiding. I am always afraid one of mine will go off his food over something. Precious even ate her breakfast in hiding - late, but she ate it.

El Mundo del Nail Art said...

Habia visto tu gato pero tu perro no y también me encanta

Marvelous Marv said...

Whew! We are glad that the woofie visit went well. I know the UTB works for me when anyone comes to our house. We hope that Mora enjoys her new home!

Julie said...

Your post is only just showing up on my silly blog roll now Lynn but I have been thinking of you & Precious & hoping it went well. Mora looks to be quite a placid wee girl - gosh what a relief it is all over & I am breathing a collective sigh of relief for you both Lynn. xx

Timmy Tomcat said...

We are glad that the woofie got settled in and things are always difficult when the home is changed Precious. Glad you are all doing well again

Smudge said...

I'm okay with human visitors, but we've yet to see how I'd do with other pets in MY house. Hopefully I'll never have to worry about that.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...