Friday, May 28, 2021

The French are coming! The French are coming!

 "Lynn, what is a french poodle?  Is it

some kind of toy for me? Or is it a relative of the german

noodle or a danish pastry?"

My husband has volunteered to drive 1,000 miles round trip to
pick up a young woman and her new 10 week old pure breed
standard Poodle and bring them here to spend at least one
night.  She and her husband are friends of my hubby, but I
have never met them in the 12 years of their friendship. That is
my choice as I enjoy staying  home when they have their 2 or 3 times a 
year get together with other like minded friends.

I have Monday and Tuesday to completely clean house and
get ready for overnight company.  Emily is a professional
house cleaner, so I really have to get things done right. 

 The worst will be for Precious. We have never had overnight
company in her 8 1/2 years here.
She has had her own private bathroom for 8 1/2 years.  I now
have to transition her into my bathroom.  Sanatize hers from top to
bottom and then close the door so she can not shed one fur in there.
This woman is a germaphobe, like me.  Then the spare bed room
has to be cleaned the same and closed.

I'll drive her and the dog to a local veterinarian for
a health check.  Now this dog cost $2,000 and will have papers
from the breeder.  Yes, you saw right, 2 thousand.  I don't know
if  Emily thinks she will have to return the dog from here if it
is not up to snuff.

But if all goes well, once the dr. visit is over, I cook them lunch
then hubby and her will drive 300 more miles to get to the
group gathering where her husband will be waiting.  Oh, by the way
Emily is flying from Jacksonville, North Carolina to Davenport,
Illinois to pick up the dog.

"It's going to take a lot of making up to me, Lynn"

PS  Blackberry winter always occurs in mid to late May
when the blackberries are budding or blooming and we 
get the killing freeze or bad frost.  

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Armoire hopping

 "I haven't been up here in awhile, Lynn.  Anything new to sniff?"

I have a few fun things I keep on top and Precious
occasionally checks them out.

I have a couple craft projects there I have fashioned
out of plastic canvas if any one has done that too.

They are houses.  Then there is a stuffed cat that
represents several of my pets.  A gray one you can
see on the left for Precious, and the calico sort of
looks like my Seney Baby,  there is also a black and
white for Suzy Q and a larger gray tabby that is
representative of wonderful Peepers. Precious is 
quite largely covering up 2 of the 4.

"Lynn, you're a bit old for toys, but I love to see
them. Don't forget, you have me to cuddle, not

Precious has a small stool that she gets onto first, then
she jumps to my vanity dresser to the left.  From the vanity
she has to leap over where the stool is to get on top.
She can be a bit of an acrobat when in the mood.

And has anyone up north way, noticed that we had
blackberry winter last week and now only 5 days
after the last frost, it is 85!  Drives me crazy that
we can't just have 70's for a while.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Drawer Napping

 "You think I'm napping on your clothes. I'm trying to iron

them for you. I know you hate ironing."

As you can see the door to the armoire is open.  That's because
Precious likes to get into the lower shelf and hide her face behind
the closed door.  She'll do this for an hour or so at a time.
But mind you, this is not a regular play feature. She's not that

"Lynn, that is a cat's prerogative to play what they want when
they want.  No human can figure us felines out."

True, Precious, I don't believe all those cat psychics have any
real idea what goes on in the kitties head.  That's OK. It gives
me a surprise every time you do something different.

I have finished one project with my finds. This is just
big enough for my cell phone and necessary plastic cards.
I never carry a full size purse anymore. I used my
$1 skein of 2 ply yarn with a silver thread through it.
The yarn would have gone for $5 at the 
big box hobby store.  Nice for me it was a donation
I could make good use with.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment. 
It is appreciated.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Here I Go Again

 "Lynn, I thought you had enough to do. Especially with

warm weather coming."

So I went overboard buying crafty things from 
the Sew Special Network again.  When will I 
learn.  I go in for one thing and spend a small
amount, $5, and come home with too much to do.

"Lynn, I'll help you stash all this embriodery
floss in your huge box."

"Just let me know when you want me to help with
the sewing and crocheting.  I know I can just
get tangled up in it all."

And, Precious, I'll let you know when I get the other projects
finished first. 

These are snow trilliums. Thank goodness that is
because them come after snow is over, usually.

Thank you stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It means a lot.

Reading time

  "Lynn and I are reading a good mystery book together." "She tells me this is number 16 of one of her furavorite writers. I ...